
It wasn't long before the sun finally set over the canyon…

Reyes was fast asleep laying back on the boulder that he was on top of while Grim sat on the flattened bone pile meditating peacefully.

Seeing that the sun had set, Leezy walked over to Reyes and shook him awake.

"It's time…"

With a yawn and a slight stretch, Reyes jumped off the boulder and began taking his gear off. Leaning down, Leezy whispered in his brothers ear.

"If I were you, I wouldn't take this guy lightly. He is pretty good. I fought him when I first ran into him and that didn't last very long. Whatever you do, don't get yourself killed out there…"

Not even bothering to reply, Reyes just briefly looked at his brother while putting his katanas and pack on the boulder.

In silence, he began walking over toward Grim without any hint of fear.

Stopping before him, Reyes readied himself while Grim just folded his arms and stared.

Two layers of aura quickly enveloped Reyes like a savage flame as he began forming orbs of Ki within his palms.

The outside layer of his aura was now golden, glowing yellow like the sun with the inside layer pulsing with a denser version of his natural red aura.

The Ki Orbs within his hands glowed the same way.

Reyes noticed that something had changed within his Ki but had no choice but cast the thought to the side.

His focus needed to be entirely on the battle at hand.

His muscles tensed as he broke off into a full speed sprint toward Grim who just stood there unmoving.

As fast as the distance was closed, Grim took his weapon of his waist and swung it's chain through the air in a flash of movement.

Reyes didn't even bother to dodge and instead brought his hand up to block it with his Ki.

Anticipating this, Grim flicked his wrist and changed the trajectory of the chain midair.

The air itself became visible around the chain as it sharply snapped through the air, wrapping around Reyes's arm faster then he could react.

Veins pulsed in Grim's arms as he tried to pull Reyes to ground. To his surprise, he didn't budge a single step.

The two stood there struggling for the upper hand in a battle of brute strength, causing the ground underneath both of their feet to crack.

Growing tired of this, Grim launched himself forward with his sickle pointed at Reyes's neck.

Seeing Grim coming toward him, Reyes threw the Ki Orb in his free hand. Thinking Grim wouldn't be able to dodge as a result of the distance, he grinned.

The grin he wore quickly fell from his face as Grim spun his body and dodged it while still maintaining his forward momentum.

With the distance between them closed, Grim swung his sickle but a sudden explosion sent him skidding backward along the ground in a pillar of smoke.

His vision obscured, pure instinct told him to duck. As he did, Reyes's leg soared directly over his head. Using the chance, he reached out and grabbed it but was struck directly in the face with another Ki Orb.

A large dome of Red and Gold Ki spread across the ground before violently exploding, dispersing the smoke from the area with a powerful shockwave of air.

As the smoke cleared, steam could be seen rising from Grim's body. To Reyes's disappointment, he had barely injured his opponent. There were tiny cuts, but besides that he had come out unscathed from his attack.

"My turn…"

As Grim spoke, he immediately swung and caught Reyes off guard with a punch directly to the face which sent him bouncing off of the canyon wall.

Before he could hit the ground, Grim was there. Not letting up, he threw a 6 piece slash at Reyes. Moving his body with the use of aura platforms, he barely managed to dodge most slashes. He ended up getting caught by the ending of Grim's combo though, opening up deep wounds along his torso.

Spinning in midair, Grim wrapped the chain of his weapon around Reyes's neck and threw him back to the ground kicking up a cloud of dirt.

Landing hard in the same place he threw Reyes, Grim was disappointed to find that he had vanished.

'Hunters Gaze'

Looking around, Grim couldn't sense Reyes's Ki but the blood he was leaking shone bright red along with his footprints. Without looking, he reached his hand out directly behind him and caught a punch Reyes had tried to catch him off guard with.

Turning his head toward him, Grim was surprised to find Reyes grinning at him. Suddenly, a box made fully of red Ki enveloped the both of them, trapping them.

Four dense orbs of res and gold Ki rose out from behind Reyes, floating just above his head.


With a fiendish smile, he detonated them all at the same time.

His box made of Ki shattered like glass trying to contain the raw energy within it. A large stream of golden red Ki shot high into the sky, dissipating as the wind scattered it through the air.

In the aftermath of his attack, Reyes smiled as the sound of blood striking the ground reached his ears.

Before him, Grim clutched his weapon as blood slowly dripped from his hand. A substantial wound had opened up on his arm. It didn't look very serious which disappointed Reyes but nonetheless he had managed to wound his opponent just like he had been wounded himself.

In the next moment, his joy faded as Grim appeared directly in front of him and snatched him up by the neck.

"You think you are a match for me just because you gave me a little flesh wound? Kid…YOU HAVE A LOT TO LEARN!"

With that, he slammed Reyes into the ground face first so hard his teeth chattered.

"Pathetic really, I thought you would be stronger than that."

Upon hearing what Grim said and despite having his face planted against the ground, he became furious.

Ki began spilling from his body in such large amounts, it was as if a dam had broken. Clenching his fist, he poured all of his remaining Ki directly into it and swung his fist toward Grim's face.

As he leaned back to dodge, he was surprised when Reyes changed his target mid attack and punched him hard in the stomach instead.

The punch scattered the very air behind Grim as he coughed up a good amount of blood, stumbling back while clutching his stomach. His legs trembled and shook while trying to keep his body upright.

"Not going to lie kid, that attack was impressive."

Grim coughed those words out to Reyes while gritting his teeth in pain.

Silence was the only thing that answered him. In annoyance, Grim walked over to Reyes and was about to kick him in the face when he noticed he had completely lost consciousness.

"Well, i guess that is all the kid had in hi-"

As he was about to finish what he was saying, Reyes suddenly appeared behind him with a violent black aura pulsing from his body…