Class F Part 2


Sorry for the inconvenience but I might add romance to the story, also if Romance would be added to this story. It would be Yuri once again, but I will mostly focus on the Main Plot than the Romance Plot.


"Lead the way then…" Mio said as she waited for Alice to lead her the way, moments later Alice finally moved, and beside her was Martin who was still quivering in fear after what he just experienced.

As the three of them were walking towards Class F, Alice was already beginning to teach and point out every place that she needed to remember. Alice also teaches Mio about all of the rules that she needs to understand as she stays and teaches the aspiring heroes.

There were quite a lot of rules, but Mio didn't listen to all of them after hearing the first 5 of them. Alice was still talking but Mio was not already listening to all of them as she was too lazy. But she did remember some of them, she even found them unusual.

"Teachers cannot give any student any private teaching, but if the student or the teachers wishes to have private teaching. They must inform either me or the Vice Principal so that I can know it. There is also a rule that you need to know, it is also one of the most important. Every teacher must update every week so that we can know those students are doing good and bad." Alice looks at Mio for a second before continuing.

"Also, you might want to teach your Students seriously as your Salary would depend on how well they do on the Monthly Test. If only half of your students pass, your Salary would get cut, but if 60% of your students passed then you will get a bonus of 10%. 20% for 70% and so on. Lastly, even though you are a new teacher here. I think you should know about this." Alice thought about what she was going to say, but she ultimately decided to tell Mio so that it would be fair.

"Every Year, our Academy… Actually no, every Academy will hold a National Tournament, every Teacher for Class would need to choose 5 students that would represent their Class for the Battle. If your Class wins, you and your students would receive 1,000,000 Million Points that they can use to spend in the Academy's Vault." Alice said, after thinking for a while she found that there was nothing left to say to Mio.

It was perfect timing as the three of them had already arrived in Class F's Classroom. Class F was located at the very edge of the Academy, this was their punishment for being the worst class, and for being troublesome kids. When they arrived, Mio could already hear loud noises inside before they could even open the door. Alice who was already hearing the noises got embarrassed, she opened the door, and when all of the Students set eyes on her.

All of them shut up and quickly tidied up the room in a few seconds before going back to their respective seats.

"Why are all of you so noisy? It's just morning and all of you are already so loud?" Alice looked at all of them with her cold eyes, the Students shivered when they met Alice's cold eyes.

"We are very sorry Miss Principal. Because our Class Advisor has left recently, we don't have any teachers." A student mustered up her courage and answered Alice's question. Her name was Liao Xi, she was the Class President of Class F.

Mio sizes her up as she found that she was different from the rest. She has a meek, and shy look on her face, and she looks like she was about to cry when she was face to face with Alice. She was fidgeting with her hands and was looking at the ground refusing to look Alice in the eyes.

But what causes Mio to raise an eyebrow at Xixi was her Stats.