Students List

"Ho- how!? How did the paper dagger become such a strong weapon?" Saying that they are shocked is an understatement, they were shocked beyond belief when they saw how powerful the Paper Dagger is.

Enchantment was already a thing, but the difference is that they are not permanent and have a limited time. But that is not the only difference, Enchantment is only available in a rune that they can get, and each of those runes is very expensive and powerful. The more powerful the effects of the Enhancing Rune the more expensive it would be, so seeing the enhancement of the Paper Dagger made them pale.

Not only are the Effects it gives insanely strong, but the given effects are permanent. If this was known to the world, it can cause huge chaos all over the world.

"So, I take it as my win? None of you guess what kind of Magic Circle I did, and according to our bet. All of you will now listen to my lessons." Mio said with a sly smile on her face. Andrew's face was red with embarrassment, if he, no, all of them knew how capable Mio is. Maybe they won't act all mighty and arrogant in front of her, but it was too late.

"Yes, you win. According to our bet, we will know to listen to you…" Andrew said as he walked back to his seat, soon after all of the class went back to their respective seats and waited for Mio to have her lesson. Now that all of them knew how powerful Mio is, they were excited to listen to Mio to get better.

"All right, then I would like to know all of you first. Liao Xi, get me a list of everyone in your Class and their Stats so that I can know every single one of you better." Mio looked at the timid girl in front of her. Liao Xi had already expected this, so she grabbed something out of her bag and walked in front before placing it on the teacher's desk where Mio was already sitting.

Mio glanced at the notebook in front of her before opening it, inside the notebook were 21 names. Mio raised an eyebrow when she looked at how the name was listed as it was neat and arranged by their strength and class. The names were separated into 4, with 5 names for each column.

Heavy Damage Mage:

Liao Xi - Wind Manipulation [Female]

Wu Li - Dual Element Manipulation (Fire, and Water) [Female]

Jiang Li - Thunder Manipulation [Female]

Yin Chua - Space Manipulation [Female]

Fen Xiu - Ice Manipulation [Female]

Support Class Mage:

Nakamura Chitose - Light Element [Female]

Shirakami Kaori - Nature Element [Female]

Shirogane Mayumi - Wind Element [Female]

Tanaka Kosei - Dark Element [Male]

Suzuki Nagisa - Buff Mage [Female]

Versatile Mage (A Mage that can deal good damage while having good support or defense):

Ji-Woo - Summoner Class Mage [Female]

Min-JI - Dual Element Mage (Light, and Space Manipulation) [Female]

Ha-Joon - Earth Element [Male]

Jun-Seo - Necromancer Class Mage [Male]

Min-Ho - Hell Flame Element [Male]

Hybrid Mage:

Martin - Tank Mage (Metal) [Male]

Bryan - Assassin Mage (Poison) [Male]

Maria - Marksman Mage (Lighting) [Female]

Dave - Lancer Mage - (Dark) [Male]

Liam - Halberd Mage - (Gravity Manipulation) [Male]


Hiroshima Sana - Swordswoman [Female]

When Mio saw Sana's name, she raised an eyebrow for a second, she then darted her eyes to look for the woman who was aiming to be a Swordswoman in the future. But when she looked at the woman who wanted to become with the Sword, she let out a sigh.

The woman didn't exclude any pride at all, she was meek, quiet, and timid. From the looks of it, she was also bullied inside the classroom because she was constantly erasing her presence so that she would not catch any attention. But as their eyes met, Sana turned her head away from Mio quickly.