
"What you first need to know is to have a strong bond with your Element. I know that it might seem confusing, but it is the truth. Every Element that exists in this World has a mind of its own, they even have an emotion of its own. The stronger your bond with your Element the better the outcome would be. To do this you can start by releasing a wisp of your Soul Realm out since that's where your Element reside." Mio said, she then began to show them how it is done, they just need to have a calm mind and slowly begin to think their Soul Realm slowly leaving their body. Though, Mio doesn't need to show them how it is done as that is the few things that they need to learn early on.

Once everyone's Soul Realm was out, Mio finally saw what it looks like. Her eyebrows raised a bit when she saw the Soul Realm of Wu Li, Liao Xi, and Sana. Their Soul Realm was different from the rest.

"All of the person that I will call, come up to the front. Wu Li, Liao Xi, and lastly Sana. Come up here at the front." Yuki ordered. The rest of the class was confused especially the students who were called out, but they still followed Mio and slowly went forward and stood beside Yuki. Mio took a sigh before asking them a very important question.

"Tell me honestly, were you people born with this kind of Soul Realm?" Mio asked the three women in front of her. When she first set her eyes on their Soul Realm, she found something weird, she then speculated something, but didn't say anything just yet. But looking closely at their Soul Realm, she was 100% sure that what they have is an Ascendant Soul Realm, and Sana was even more special, the Element that was residing in her Soul Realm was abnormal.

"Yes, we are born with this Soul Realm, we are abnormal, right? We have a much lighter-colored Soul Realm than the rest, our past teacher said that we are abnormal and weak because of this. But teacher are you also going to look down on us because of our Soul Realm?" Wu Li asked coldly, and just as she was expecting the same answer to be said by Mio, she was wrong.

"Look down? What the hell happened to this World after more than 900 Years? Let me tell you this, you are not abnormal. Don't listen to your past teacher's words, the Soul Realm that you have is a special one." Mio sighed. She was quite shocked when she heard what Wu Li just said to her, a teacher said that they are abnormal and weak because they have an Ascendant Soul Realm, what a joke.

"What do you mean by special Teacher Mio?" Liao Xi asked in curiosity, she was also sad because she was not the same as her Classmates who has a darker-colored Soul Realm.

"Let me put it in Simpler Words. The Soul Realm that you have has an opposite effect, instead of making you weaker it will make you stronger. You three can be called a Genius of Millenia because of how special it is. For a person born with that kind of Soul Realm is not something you can see because of how rare it is. Even if Billions of children were born, perhaps only one of them could be born with that kind of Soul Realm." Mio explained to them as she closed her eyes and began to remember the Manual Guide that she has received from the Goddess. Everything that she needs to know was written in there, even how the Soul Realm works.

"What do you mean by that? But we have always been discriminated against because of our Soul Realm. Do you think we can easily believe you?" Wu Li said in response, behind her words, Mio could feel the pain and bitterness in them. She then suddenly pitied them and began to think that they were also the same. When she was born and grew up she was often bullied because of her abnormal height.

"Will this make you believe me?" Mio released a portion of her true Soul Realm for all of them to see. What she brought out earlier was a fake one that she took out from a Monster that came out of a Portal a few centuries ago. All of them were shocked to see the color of their Teacher Soul Realm, instead of releasing a dark cloud all around it. It was white, and at the center, they could see the Blue colored Soul Realm which represented the color of a Human Soul Realm.

"It is so bright…" Liao Xi muttered as she gazes at Mio's Soul Realm.