Alice's Investigation

"I wonder about that little kid, who do you think the Principal will expel from this school, you or me? I'm going to give you two choices right now. 1, wear the same bracelets that my Class is wearing and have a fair and square fight, with the Principal watching your fight, I don't trust any of you, especially you dirty perverted old man. But that is not all, if all of Class A were to get defeated by my students, you will be their servant for one week. 2, ignore my warning to you, and I will upload this video recording to the public so that everyone can see what the students of "Dynasty of Death Academy" are really like. Not only the School's Popularity will plummet because of you, but you will also lose everything you ever own, and because of your stupidity, your family's reputation will go down. Who do you think will be held accountable for that? That's right it's you, you can only imagine what the Academy will do to you and your Family." Mio said in a calm and gentle tone, but behind that tone, it was like a whisper of the Grim Reaper in their ears, making each of them shiver in fear. She even scared her students because of how terrifying she was, none of them would even think of such an outcome, but now that they think of it, what Mio said was true and was bound to happen if the recordings were to get released.

If this video gets released, the one that will take all the blame is going to be the Suratin Family because they would still try to protect the child of the Suratin Family, but worse come worse, they would probably disown him. But that is not just everything that would happen, the Academy would most try to destroy their family for destroying their reputation of being the most famous and prestigious School on Earth. All of it would only cause the downfall of the Suratin Family they will fall until they are nonexistent anymore.

"You- are you blackmailing me!?" The child of the Suratin Family whose name is Daniel Suratin yelled at Mio in anger, but no matter how hard he tries to hide it, it was impossible. Everyone could hear the fear in his tone, and his shaking legs only made it more obvious that he was afraid of the video leaking into the whole World. He was not afraid of getting shit talked about by people, but he cared about his family the most. He was worried and fearful that the Suratin Family might disown him, especially his grandfather who graduated from the Academy before, he always says that always be rational in what you do because how you act, will also reflect on the School and the Family. And worst part is that his Grandfather was a righteous Hero who doesn't care about wealth, fame, and power, what he cares about the most is the pride and respect of the people. Daniel doesn't dare to imagine what his grandfather going to do with him when he learns how he behaves at the Academy, he might be even killed by him.

"I would never, I mean you are a part of the Suratin Family who is one of the Great Family of Earth for a few centuries now. How can I a mere commoner blackmail someone as great as you? I won't dare to blackmail a stupid, crippling little bitch like you, I mean it would be considered bullying at that point, right Sana?" Mio said with a slight smile as she looks at Sana who was quiet the entire time. But everyone could hear the mockery in her tone, especially in her last sentence, they couldn't believe that she just called Daniel who is a part of the Suratin Family a stupid and crippling little bitch without any fear. But before anyone could respond, Liao Xi arrived with the Principal by her side with a frustrated look on her face.

"What is happening here, and why did you call me here, Miss Mio?" Alice asked in a slightly irritated tone, but when she asked Mio, her tone changed and it was not missed by everyone who was on the grounds. All of them then began to wonder why is it like that, because it seems that the Principal was respectful to the new teacher who just started teaching today, that alone was enough to put all of them in a confused state.

"Nothing much, I was just wondering, about this. Is this normal for this Academy where-," Mio wasn't able to finish her words when Daniel stopped her midway by yelling at her using telepathy, as he didn't want Alice to have any suspicions about him that could ultimately lead to the fall of his Family.

"STOP! Alright, I will listen to you, just reveal it to anyone!" Daniel said in a rushed tone full of panic. He thought that no matter what happened, what happened today must never be revealed to the public. As for the other Students who heard it, he would just pay them so that no one would be able to spread what happened.

"Great Choice, remember our bet. All of you will become my Class's Servant if you lose to them, and don't expect to have anything if you win which I highly doubt will happen. Also… don't even try to have any ideas of getting revenge, with just one click of my fingers, I can destroy your Family." Mio said in a playful tone, but her last words were filled with endless murderous intent that made Daniel's legs went weak and almost made him lose his balance. He doesn't even know how he can still stand up after hearing such a warning.

"No, forget about that. I was just wondering if it's normal for this kind of setup when the Students are having a practice using Magic. Because Class A has some normal jewelry as a bracelet, and my Class F has bracelets that weaken their Magic Power. So, is it Normal?" Mio asked as she licked her lips playfully while looking at the male teacher with pity, but somehow instead of pity, the teacher only felt pity from Mio's stare at her which made him uncomfortable. But when he finally understood what Mio's question was, he shivered in fear because instead of blaming Daniel for using her Family Powers, he was the one being blamed for being unfair.

"What? This is the first time of me hearing this. Is what Miss Mio just said true, Teacher Pentil? No never mind. Martin can you hold Teacher Pentil to make sure he doesn't get away, and the Class President of both Classes, come forward here and give me your bracelets, I will check them myself." Hearing Alice's question, was like a death sentence in the ears of Pentil that made him lose his balance thus he fell to the ground.