Class A's Defeat

When Martin saw the disappointed look on Alice face, he paled slightly. His back which was just previously standing up in arrogance slowly slumped back, he felt so much disappointment today because firstly he lost to some random swordswoman, and the worse thing is that he disappointed Alice. That is the last thing he wanted as an outcome, he would rather lose to Mio than disappoint the woman that he admires, that is the sole reason why he even stays at the Dynasty of Death Academy, she is his only goal and reason why he stays here. Alice knows this fact, that Martin has feelings for her, but she has already rejected him twice even if he was rejected he was persistent and stayed by her side.

Mio who saw the expression of Martin could only chuckle at how stupid Martin is. She already knows that there is something between the two, even if they had only met today, she can already tell that Martin has feelings for Alice but was already rejected. Mio has already experienced a lot in her life, no matter what kind of it, you can bet that she has already done it and have experience with it. Even love, but she can't say that she was good at it. Thus she just gave Martin a silent pity before walking up towards her students to say a few words before she finally leaves and go back home and rest.

"Next time I don't want to see something like this happen again, I don't want my students to be bullied by some stupid spoiled brats… So for that to happen, I will be the one who is going to teach you in your Practical Magic Lesson. Don't worry about the details, just know that you'll be stuck with me for more than a year~" Mio said to them as she now planned to go home. Still, before she goes home she went to visit Alice and say about her plan on becoming the new teacher for Class F's Magic Lesson, plus she has every right to do so anyway now that she is going to be their homeroom teacher.

The Class Session in the Dynasty Academy is different from other Schools. Usually, Schools would have designated teachers to teach different Lessons but it is different in the Dynasty of Death Academy because only one teacher would be teaching everything to them, and that is their homeroom teacher. The Job of the other teacher is that they are the ones who would be grading them each week to see if they improve or not, but these results can also affect the teacher's rating in the academy and if it ever gets low, they would lose their job. This is also the reason why Pentil today, he was here to grade both Class A and F to see if they improved or not, but that was not the case this time.

"As for you Class A… all of you can go back to your room now since your Class is over now. And remember this… if you ever try getting revenge on me, you'll know the consequences, right Daniel?" Mio said with a slight smile and after getting a glare from each student of Class A, she finally took her leave. As she finally exited the gate of the School, she took a final look at the entrance and took a disappointed sigh before she finally disappeared like a bubble popping in thin air.

Meanwhile, back inside the School grounds, Class A was fuming with anger, and just as all of them were about to vent tier anger on the other Class. They saw that all of them had already left the scene which made them angrier, especially Daniel. He was the one who lost a lot this time, not only he lost his face in front of all of his classmates, Mio managed to get something that can ruin not only him but his entire family and to avoid it he must get that recorder from Mio's hands no matter what it takes. He cannot risk anything, because at any time Mio can just post the recorder and he wouldn't be able to do anything about it and just watch as his entire family goes to ruins.

"FUCK! Just wait, I will make you kneel under me. I will make you beg for forgiveness…" Daniel cursed loudly in a dark tone as he left and soon all of his lackeys also followed after him. As for the other esteemed students of Class A, they only snickered at Daniel's stupidity for making such a mistake.

"Stupid little monkey, always spitting out your family like it is nothing. That's what you get, I can't believe I am engaged to this stupid man…" A young woman sighed in regret as she finally turned away as the more he looks at Daniel the more he finds him disgusting despite his handsome figure. Her name is Irene from the great Stella family who is far stronger than the Saratin Family, their marriage was only for a promise that the previous Duke from each Family had signed. It was decided that both of them would marry once they graduate from the Academy, but Irene doesn't want to marry such a useless guy who can only boast about the greatness of his family.

"Anyway… Mona, can you gather some information about the new homeroom teacher of Class F. It's quite interesting to see a commoner not afraid of messing with people like us, plus the arrogance and confidence she has is not normal. I think she came from a high Family, maybe even higher than us." Irene chuckled as she ordered her maid who suddenly appeared beside her, but her words soon gathered a lot of ears from her classmates.

"Do you think so, Irene? I can't see anything special about that teacher other than the fact that she seems quite close with the Principal and that she has high strength when it comes to Swords." Lucy who is one of her close friends asked as she tugged at Irene's sleeves and asked with a curious gaze. Lucy too belonged to a high-ranking family in the new age of Earth, but her family can't be quite said to be on par with Irene's family, at most her family is only one tier lower than the Saratin Family. But even with their big difference, both of them are childhood friends and their families are quite close too which is why they have such a good relationship.

"Well… I'm not quite sure yet. But I'm sure for one thing though, that person shouldn't be underestimated. And… her beauty is simply too shocking, and I refuse to believe that such a person with that level of beauty is simply a commoner. Also, her Sword Skills isn't just a show-off, I have once read some ancient books from our library stating something about the powers of a Sword Master. If they can make anything out of Swords and put their Sword Qi inside of it, they are unmatchable because… in that book, it is stated that if a person can do such a thing, they can manifest their Swords with their own Mana and Sword Qi." Irene explained seriously as she also wants to warn her friends not to mess with Mio until they get to know who Mio truly was, whether she was an ally or an enemy. Because if she might be a potential ally, they can always reel her into their family.