
"Your grade is 70, you failed the Test and you have to take it again next time. Next student, come up now." Mio said in a nonchalant voice as she advised the next student to hurry up, but none of them was responding to any of her words, the only thing on their mind was how could Liao Xi get such a low grade. That was something none of them was expecting and because of that, they couldn't help but question Mio's judgment.

"Teacher! How could Xian'er get such a low grade? She has done everything properly and she still got a low grade? Can we kindly ask for Teacher Mio to evaluate Xian'er grade again?" Min-Ho questioned because in his eyes and heart, the grade that Liao Xi got was just too low. There was no way she could have gotten such a grade even after being the fastest one to complete the Runes in the Magic Circle, though he didn't do this out of spite. He just simply found it unfair for Liao Xi who tried so hard to get such a low grade.

"Low Grade? That is already considered high considering how she performed her task. And if you are still asking the reason, then answer me this. What's the difference between Xianer's Fire and Chitose's Fire?" Mio asked in a cold tone as she stared at all of them, making them feel fearful. But after seeing that no one is willing to answer her question, she sighed before answering her own question.

"Either you are just too scared to answer me or you just don't know the answer to my question… But oh well, it is what it is. Xian'er Fire is smaller compared to Chitose but that isn't the only difference, their color is also not the same because her Fire is burning in orange color while Chitose were pale blue. And in Science, what is the color of the hottest flame?" Mio simply asked as she already ignored all of them since all of them already knew the answer to that question.

"Now you seem to understand, Xian'er might have been faster than Chitose, but she didn't have a good foundation in her Rune Building. That is why her Fire is extremely weak compared to hers. Now do you doubt my grading again?" Mio asked in a slightly colder tone this time, she was quite displeased when she was questioned about her grading. She was the one who made the Test so of course no one else could question what kind of grade she will give you.

"Since this little matter is done, continue. Don't waste any more time or else I will fail all of you." Mio warned and just like that, none of them dared to say anything more and just continued without saying too much. They were afraid that Mio would keep her word and actually fail all of them if they wasted any more time.

And just like that, an entire hour has passed and all of them were finally done, and because of Xian'er example, none of them dare to hasten the process of activating the Runes any longer and do it with precision. Not all of them passed, 10 of them failed as Mio's passing grade was an 80 which was very tough to achieve. Sana was among them who failed, she scored 78 and just needed two more to get a passing grade, but sadly she still failed and all of it was because of her limited knowledge in the Magic World, this also drove her to learn more about Magic. Especially after hearing Mio's words of encouragement to her.

"Better than what I expected, then all of you who fail. You better prepare for our next meeting, I will make another Test for you, but don't expect it to be the same. I will change it so that you can't ask for any advice for those who passed and since Chitose got the highest marks, you can have one request from me~" Mio said with a light smile on her face as her mood slowly gets better after she finds that more than half of them have succeeded and what made things better is that most of them have more than the grade of 85.

"Request? Can I really request anything from the teacher?" Chitose asked with uncertainty, but in her eyes, Mio could see a glimmer of hope and sadness at the same time which confused her quite a bit. The hope was just natural since any student would be happy and hopeful if their teacher really said such a thing, but seeing sadness in her eyes was something she didn't expect.

"Yeah, don't worry. Even if you say to kill the President of the Gravanium, I'll gladly kill him for you~" Mio said without changing her tone which made the other students chuckle after hearing such a joke. Of course they thought of it as a mere joke, after all, the Gravanium was the Great Pillar of Earth, it's one of the sole reasons why Humanity can still stand today. The President was one of the oldest people who have lived since the beginning times of the System, he was in the same generation as the "Primordial Goddess of Death", there were even some rumors that say that he personally knew her.

"ACHOO! Who the fuck is talking behind my back?" On the complete opposite side of the Earth, a handsome tall man can be seen sitting in a chair while he scratches his nose in annoyance.

"If only the person talking behind my back is her… How great would that be?" The man muttered as he glanced at a picture on his desk before picking it up to take a closer look at it. In the picture, a beautiful tall woman with jet black hair and a beautiful pair of blue eyes, and hair that falls back down past her waist.

"I wonder where are you now? I hope I can see you again…" The man whispered to himself as his grip on the picture tightened.