Still Not Having a Permanent Schedule

"I… I see. Then I have to thank you once again and you… Carol, say thank you to Mio also." After seeing Mio smile at her, her heart skipped a beat as she quickly looked away and turned towards Carol and reprimanded her so that she wouldn't have to look at Yuki's beautiful and alluring smile. The longer that she looked at it, the more she felt that she was getting sucked inside of it, and for some reason, she felt that it would be dangerous if she really went inside of it.

"No, don't worry about such things. Teacher Carol doesn't need to apologize, though I do hope that you guys just call me by my name. You don't have to add Miss or Teacher because I find it uncomfortable, is that alright with everyone?" Mio shrugged and asked everyone a request that none of them expected, though they easily accepted it since that was what they had already been doing. They don't really like adding the Miss/Sir or Teacher in everyone's names, it was simply too tiring for them, so Mio making this request was a sigh of relief for them since they can just call her by her name directly even though they are not that close yet.

"It's not a problem Mio! In fact, I even meant to ask you if I could just call you by your name since you have such a pretty name! It's actually rare for us to have a Teacher with a Japanese heritage and having one like you is like a blessing since it would mean that we would have a lot more influence in other parts of the world, especially in Japan where it is closed off right now." Carol immediately called Mio by her first name and she even thanked her for joining the Academy since it means a lot to them.

Mio was not surprised by what Carol just said since it was basically the truth that Japan was closed off to everyone because of some particular circumstances. No one knows why other than her, Solar, and her husband because it was very confidential news that shouldn't be leaked to anyone.

"Fufufu… I can't say anything to refute that though. But… I do hope that you understand that I'm also limited since I'm just a teacher right now." Mio just chuckled in response as she casually took a sip of the juice in her hands.

And even though it was the truth, it was still bitter to hear. Mio was right, even though they now have a Japanese person under them, her influence isn't going to be that impactful, it was even a miracle if she could say something that the Japanese government would actually do. Though if they only knew who she was then that miracle isn't really a miracle anymore since just one word from her, was enough to make the people of Japan kneel and obey. That's how heavy her words were.

"Let's not talk about this for now. This is such a happy occasion so we should just have fun! Plus we still have an hour before each of us have a Class again." A male teacher said as he tried to lift up the spirits of everyone he began to cheer once again and his actions made everyone forget their thoughts and just begin to enjoy the moment.

Just like that, the party finished and everyone had their fill and was happy, but not everyone since they hated the sight of Mio, but because the Principal was there, they had to put up at least a show that they were showing their sincerity in their actions and words. So they didn't blatantly ignore Mio. In fact, they even talked to her, though while talking with their, they just couldn't hide the disdain on their faces that made Alice sigh. It was such a big disappointment for her to see how the teachers reacted to Mio, but she understands why they are doing that. But she is not going to make a move since it was Pentil's fault that he got kicked out and if they want to follow his steps, it is easy, just make another trouble, and she is not going to hesitate to fire all of them within a heartbeat.

All of them were now taking their things and said goodbye to everyone and got to their respective classes, and all that was left was Mio and Alice since the two didn't really teach just yet. If Mio has now a permanent schedule, she would have already left to begin teaching but since she doesn't have one yet, she can still chill and relax for now. But her relaxing was not in Alice's plan, she's got another plan set for her. In fact, she has already come up with a schedule for Mio, it's just that she hasn't released that yet so no one knows it except for her, and the reason for that is because she wants all of the students to know who she was. Though it was just right since she is going to be the head of the Magic Theory Faculty, in reality, she is just the only member of that.

"Actually Miss Mio-,"

"Principal, you can just call me Mio. You don't have to be so tense you know? I'm not a bad person." Mio laughed after seeing the nervous gaze of Alice towards her and she couldn't help but tease her again which made her embarrassed again.

"Right… I forgot. Sorry about that Mis- Mio. Since I can call you Mio now, I hope you do the same with me. Please call me Alice from now on." Alice took a deep breath as she also asked for Mio to call her by her first name since it would be awkward for her if Mio still referred to her as Principal Alice. She gets uncomfortable about it.

"Alright then, I hope we get along more in the future. Alice~" Mio smiled as she raised her hand and waited for Alice to shake her hand.