Being Called Old

After 5 minutes had passed, every teacher that was assigned to the attack team for the Gate finally arrived in front of it, some of them couldn't help but marvel at the sight of the Gate because it was a beautiful sight but also ominous at the same time as they don't know if they are even going to survive this battle, but even with that kind of thought. It didn't stop the adrenaline from going through their blood as they were pumping with excitement because this was going to be the first time they were going to fight a Gate after becoming a teacher.

Alice saw all of their expressions and couldn't help but feel the same, even though there were a lot of dangers that they were going to face, it wasn't enough to scare all of them. But if there was something that scared Alice, it was the sight of some of her students coming onto the battlefield with the excuse of getting experience from this. But she knows that wasn't the case, they were just here to get some reputation because their names would be definitely pasted as one of many people who tried to fend off the Gate. Alice couldn't help but feel terrified for them because they were still her responsibility and it only put them in more danger because they now had to take care of other people while trying not to get killed themselves.

"This is going to be the only time where I'm going to let you students do this, since this is a special case, I will let you do what you want. But please do mind that your life is still in your hands, so if you get injured back away immediately, we don't want any of you dying right?" Alice warns all of them in a stern voice to which all of them nod their heads, even though they want fame, it would be useless if they die.

"Now… since everything that has to be said is already done, we should now go. Remember, once we go out of our Gate Walls here, there are going to be heard of Beast outside that would want to eat you alive, so be very careful." Alice looked at everyone and reprimanded them once more and with a deep breath, she opened the gates and paved the way for the rest of the Teachers by massacring everything that was in her way.

"Oh? She's actually pretty good, probably one of the best Assassins I have ever seen. Her moves are swift but nimble which makes her a great Assassin, but not only that, she knows where to strike the enemy down. She's not simply killing them by slashing their bodies, Alice is hitting their vital points which makes it cleaner and faster… very interesting. Good thing she didn't inherit the genes of her Mother or Father who just obliterated everything in their paths." Mio chuckled lightly as she followed Alice's path by walking leisurely, not minding that there were dozens of corpses around her.

Some of the people who saw her couldn't help but stare at her because she was like the light in the darkness, she was so beautiful that it didn't matter if she was walking in a path of blood.

"She is so calm… it looks like even with this kind of scene, it doesn't bother her. She must have a lot of experience in fighting the Gate…" Lucy muttered but it was heard by all of the students who were around her, but it wasn't a surprise to them considering how strong she was. She must be an experienced fighter just because of that.

But of course, not everyone believes that she was a great fighter simply because they think that Mio was a person who contributed to the world through the work of her Magic Theory, so some people were concerned for her. But little did they know that she was about to turn their thoughts around.

"Listen Noir, limit yourself to the strength of a Peak Black Tier Weapon," Mio said and without wasting any more time, she pulled out the hairpin that was keeping her long hair tied which made her beautiful jet black hair drops, and just the people who were watching were about to be mesmerized by her including Alice who already stopped what she was doing to look at her, the hairpin turned into a black Scythe. It made them all stop breathing for a second as no one was expecting such an outcome, but it was more shocking to see how Mio fought.

All of her moves were elegant, swift, and clean to look at. One would think that she was dancing around not killing those who tried to get close to her. Mio knows this fact and couldn't help but smile inside as it looks like her moves were still enough to impress this generation of heroes. And to show off even more, she snapped her fingers and the dozens of Beasts that had surrounded her exploded into a bloody mist causing another wave of shock to all of the teachers and students.

"That's ridiculous… I have never seen a Space Manipulation this strong. She was making the Space around those Beast to collapse which caused their own body to explode since there wasn't any Space around them anymore." Irene muttered to herself while looking at how easy it was for Mio to kill her opponents even though she knew that it was only grade B Gate, it was still fairly strong but in front of Mio, it seemed more like she was just taking a stroll on the park because of how easy it was for her.

'She… she is really strong. I wonder… this may be the reason why Mio knows my Mother personally because she is such a strong person. Her Magic Circles alone can bring a lot to the world, that alone is enough to shake the world, and adding the fact that she is so skilled in fighting. It's not surprising at all why she knows my Mother, but then… doesn't that mean that she is also very old? I mean… My mother is already past 500 years old and I know that there is a Skill where you can hide your real Stats.' Alice who was thinking all to herself suddenly felt a shiver down to her bone which alerted her, but when she saw nothing she was confused because she just felt like a Monster was staring down at her ready to kill her.

"This woman has the guts to think that I am old? What the fuck!" Mio cursed inside her as she killed every Beast that was in her surroundings out of anger.

The people who were watching everything fold felt that something was wrong as they felt that it was now a few degrees lower around them, it was so cold that they were shivering.