Introducing Somi Part 2

Mio didn't know what to say as she wasn't expecting this kind of outcome, even though she had already cast a spell on Somi that would make her invisible to everyone's eyes, so she didn't know what to do when Alice somehow still managed to see through her Spell and look at Somi whose still hiding behind her. Mio sighed lightly, at first she felt that there was no need to do it, but since Alice already knew her existence, she now needed to erase that memory because no one was allowed to know who Somi was.

"Are you going to remove her memory?" Somi asked curiously as if she already knew what Mio was planning. Mio choked as she was seen through so easily by a little girl, but she was not ashamed of this fact, though she couldn't contain her shock as Somi was blind and there was no way she could tell what she was thinking of doing.

"Don't be alarmed, I just guessed what you would do. I guess I was right, but I think erasing her memory isn't really going to help you in the long term. Some memories still can come back, though if you can control the Laws of Time, then maybe you can erase them. I'm assuming that's not your power though, so I advise you not to do it. Just lie to her about my existence, I think she is the only one who can see me because all the other people around are quiet." Somi explained logically to which Mio laughed to herself because she didn't even think of such a way, she was so caught up in trying to fix her problem which she thought was an easy fix but wasn't as it may bite back.

But what Somi suggested was just right, plus she could trust her to some extent as she was the daughter of her best friend to whom she was going, to tell the truth about Somi's existence.

"I… she's a human that I found inside the Gate. When I found her she was imprisoned inside, so I helped her get out. Now she wants to follow me around to repay me for saving her. Also… Principal Alice, can you not tell her existence to anyone? I think you know the reason also why, this is the first time that a Human was found inside of those Gate before someone even conquered it." Mio lied without batting an eye, she even sounded concerned which caused a chuckle from Somi who was listening from behind her confusing Mio.

'She's like Mother… someone who can lie without a care. It's like second nature to them.'

"What… Oh, I see. Then I shall do as you wish, I'll act like I have never seen her." Alice just smiled as she completely understood Mio's intention, after all, she also knew how the world was going to act if they knew that someone actually found a Human inside one of those dangerous Gates. But even so, she was still concerned so she couldn't help but ask for some information about the mysterious little girl.

"I know this may be rude to ask… but isn't this dangerous? She came out of a dungeon, so for sure she has some strange power that we might not even know." Alice asked with uncertainty in her voice as she was not sure if it would be alright for her to ask such a sensitive question, especially when the person she was questioning about was just in front of her.

"I don't know about that, but I'm fairly sure that she is not dangerous. I'm you've felt it too right? She doesn't have any Magica Power, which should be just impossible in this age of time. Plus, she is also blind, so that's less dangerous, right?" Mio explained as she then moved aside a little so that Alice could get a good look at Somi.

And when she did, she realized that what Mio explained to her was real. There were no Magical Powers inside of Somi and the most bizarre thing is that when she tried to pry through her Status Window, she didn't see anything. What she just saw was a single sentence.


[No information. The person that the host is trying to read doesn't have any Magical Powers or a Status Window.]

Of course, all of this was just fake, Mio's Master had already prepared everything when she left Somi to her care. She made it look this way so that it would look more bizarre, she already knows that people would be shocked to see her because she came out of a Gate, but the most bizarre thing is that she doesn't have a System, much less Magical Powers.

"What… is this even possible? Even the Beast and Monsters that come out of the Gates have a System for themselves… but she doesn't have one." Alice didn't know what to say as she was completely dumbfounded.

"Now do you understand why I don't want people to know about her existence?" Mio simply asked, Alice was a smart woman so of course she already knew the answer to her question. What she simply wants is confirmation from her and when she saw her nodding quietly she showed a little smile before thanking her for her understanding and cooperation.

"But how are you going to take care of her? Almost every transaction in this World requires our System, so how will she be able to live normally?" Alice asked with a curious tone.

"About that… I already planned a thing or two. Since she would be staying at my house most of the time, I thought that it wouldn't matter. I mean she would just stay inside to do chores and that doesn't require any System or Magic Powers, right?" Mio explained, but before she could continue explaining, Alice's hands came down on her shoulders before.

"You can't do that! She's still a child! Even though she wanted to be your servant don't do that! You're restraining her freedom with that, as a kid she still needs to go out and make some friends!" Alice yelled as if she was a concerned Mother shocking Yuki and the other teacher who were near. None of the other teachers were expecting the Principal to suddenly scream and because of it, they didn't clearly hear what she said so they remained clueless about it. But none of them dared to come close because it seemed there was an invisible barrier that was holding them off.