Removing the Blindfold Once Again Part 4

"Never doubt yourself, ignore the words of other people. Whatever rumors you are hearing, don't believe them, but what you can believe in are our words. We will never lie to you just for our own sake, we might lie to you in the future, but I can guarantee that nothing benefits us just you because of course there are still some things that you can't just know." Aika said calmly and gently while caressing Somi's head slowly.

After Aika said all those words, it became entirely quiet. The only thing they could hear was the rushed breathing of Somi, but none of them tried to break the atmosphere as they knew that she was trying to compress and understand all of the information that was just given to her. Any normal being would not be able to accept all of those words in just a span of a few minutes, much less since she is just a child, it would be much harder. But their Family is special, all of them are blessed as soon as they are born, and they are naturally smarter, stronger, and better than anyone.

But as for the little girl who was trying to comprehend everything that had been given to her, it was hard for her to accept all of them because, in all her life, she had always been regarded as the cursed child of the Family. She brought bad luck to her family as soon as she was born, and from the moment she realized this she became extremely sad as it now explained why she lives alone with no contact with people at all.

"Somi, my little girl… Don't try to blame yourself if you are thinking that you are the reason why our Family went down, it's not your fault, it's actually my-" Yuki wasn't able to finish her words when Somi suddenly burst out into tears once more. This made her panic and she immediately went to her side to calm her down, she didn't expect that her saying those words would actually backfire on her.

"No! Mom, I know that you are trying to ease me, but please don't lie to me. I know that because of me you sacrificed almost all of the assets of our Family, you tried to create machines, medicines, and just everything that made me better. But it failed and lost so much money because of it. But not only that… it's also because of me that you have to give up half of your lifespan to cure me, even for a little." Her words were like a bomb to Yuki's ears as well as to everyone because it was the first time that they had heard of such a thing.

Meanwhile, Yuki's mind and heart started to race while she thought of the person who could have told her daughter that, because no one knew it other than her. It also couldn't be possibly her System since it doesn't have any connection with her daughter. No one can tell what happened other than her.

"How… how did you know that?" Yuki asked in a deep and solemn voice as she just couldn't understand how Somi knew such information that had already been washed away for 5 years now.

"I can see it… when I was 2 years old, I saw that your lifespan was still at 100 Million, but when I saw you again after 5 years… it became half. Now, you only have less than 50 Million. I know this because, I remember that you used to avoid me all the time, you didn't want to see me, and I think it's because you were afraid of something, so you did something in exchange for your life to make you or me see your properly." Somi explained what she knew and how she got to know.

Her words left Yuki speechless because she didn't think that it had already escalated to this much, she at least thought that it would take some time before her powers would soar higher, but now it has just proven her wrong. Somi's power was already something that Yuki didn't anticipate to happen.

"Well… since you know it already, there's no use hiding it anymore. This will be also some new news for you guys, so listen well, but don't freak out." Yuki took a deep breath before explaining to all of them what exactly happened all those years ago.

"Your eyes are not Cursed…in fact, I just made it seem that it is Cursed because I don't want people hunting you down for your eyes," Yuki said before taking a quick pause after seeing all of them widen their eyes in shock except for Somi who still hid her head in her chest, but she also knew that she was just as shocked as everyone else.

"Yes, you heard me right. You're not Cursed, you inherited those Eyes from me. It's called the "Crimson Draconic Eyes". See?" Yuki said as she gently lifted up Somi's head and out of instinct, her daughter looked at her in the eyes, and what she saw made her breathless. Her Mom had the same eyes as her.

At first, the only resemblance that she had from her eyes to her Mother was their color, which was red. But their Iris were different from each other, hers was just a normal round shape Iris, but her Mother's was like a Fox's eyes, sharp and cold.

But now when she looked at it again, it was very different from what she was used to seeing. It no longer had that shape, it took the shake of a small sphere, but it was black, black like the blackhole where it seems that it can devour anything in its surroundings.

"I'll explain this very shortly. I got these Eyes as a reward for helping someone and this is the part that I can't tell you, I won't tell you guys her name just yet, just know that she is very powerful. Normally, in the Laws of the Heavens, there is only one person who is allowed to have these eyes, and that is me. But never in my life, I would expect that you would inherit it from me because I thought it was impossible, because if there is someone who has the same Eyes as you, both of you will die when they reach the 100-year mark of the eyes." Yuki stopped again for a few seconds before continuing.

"But you got them, I don't know if it is an accident or not. But you got them and because of that Law, you were feeling an uncomfortable feeling when you look at me right? That is the result of the two powers fighting." Yuki now explained why she was avoiding her daughter at all costs because she didn't want her to feel any pain when they were together.

"As for the reason for that, it's because my Eyes are stronger since they are more developed. But it was still not enough, not until I got full control over them and made them stronger than before, Heaven's Law finally allowed you to live. But it took me over 50 Million years until I Mastered it, now does that explain everything to you?"