Bringing Somi in Class Part 2

The morning finally came, Mio didn't have any sleep because she was thinking about the things that she needed to do after the morning came and there was a lot that she needed to do. But all of the things that took her focus and plans revolved around Somi, she didn't even have any problems with the lessons that she needed to discuss today as that was very easy. She still hasn't decided if she really wants to bring Somi with her to the Academy because she still hasn't gotten her consent and Alice's.

But she was already sure that Alice was going to let her bring Somi with her since she already saw and even pitied her for having to stay at her house all the time, but she was more worried about what would Somi think if she were to tell that she is going to take her to some Academy while she teaches there because no one is going to take care of her while she was away. After finally getting the courage to walk up to Somi and ask her if she was willing to come with her.

"Lady Somi… I'm sorry to ask this, but will you mind if you come with me to the Academy? Because I will feel even worse if I let you stay here in my apartment all alone if you come with me you can chat with some of the students there if you want to, plus I will be able to take care of you more there." Mio said as she listed all of the good things that would come if Somi would really come with her to the Academy which earned a light chuckle from her.

"Fufufu… you don't have to worry about that. I was already planning on going with you anyway because I'm still rather curious about this world. Seeing and feeling it for myself is very different from reading it from a book." Somi smiled casually as she expressed that she also wanted to come with her which just eased Mio's nerves.

Without wasting any more time, Mio tidied up herself before finally leaving her apartment, but as she got out, Somi said something to her that made her embarrassed.

"Aren't we going to have breakfast before we leave?" Somi asked casually, she was used to having her breakfast every single day back at her home, so she was rather confused about why they didn't have any breakfast before their leave. She thought that it was just normal, but for Mio, it wasn't as she no longer needed to eat as she had a Skill that made her body no longer need food and water.

"Ah, right! I apologized for this again, but I was so used to not having any because of my condition. That is why I don't have any food in my house, so why don't we just eat outside? I'll buy you any food that you want." Somi smiled awkwardly as she then offered Somi to eat outside to which she didn't complain as long as she could eat good food.

With this in mind, Mio didn't dare to bring Somi inside a fast food restaurant because of that reason. But she also knows that she doesn't have any choice because all other fancy restaurants are closed at this time of hour, there is only fast food who are open 24 hours. So she gritted her teeth and brought Somi to what she thought would be the best out of all of them.

When they finally arrived, there were only a few people there, only students at most. When they arrived at the cashier, she let Somi choose what she wanted to eat, and while browsing through it, Somi was fascinated by all of the food since she hadn't seen anything like that in her life.

There were all sorts of food there, but even though she wanted to eat almost all of it, she still held herself back and chose what she thinks is the most delicious one. She then ordered a set of burgers and large fries as well as a soft drink. When Mio heard that Somi had finished ordering, she just ordered fries for herself before paying for the food that they ordered.

"Teacher Mio, is that you?" Suddenly as Mio was paying for their meal, she heard a very familiar voice from behind that made her stand still for a few seconds. But that didn't make her lose her composure, she just paid for the food with her card before looking behind her with her usual cold and indifferent look.

"Oh, do you guys eat at this place too?" Mio asked curiously as she looked at the very familiar students who really made an impression on her. This made her think that their family was definitely close to being one of the most noble families on Earth.

"Yeah, it is very close to the Academy, so we go here at least three times a week to eat breakfast. But I didn't think that Teacher Mio would also eat in this kind of place." Xian'er said with a smile as she politely greeted Mio and beside her, the two other girls also bowed their heads at her.

"No need to be so formal, we aren't on school grounds. Just treat me like normal, it's weird if you do that." Mio waved her hand making them stop acting so formal towards her just because she was their Teacher, and she hates that because it just makes things weird for her and them.

"Is that really alright with you?" Irene asked not sure if them acting so normal towards her would really be fine because for other Teachers it was a sign of disrespect, but what they didn't know was that Mio didn't care for any of that. They can look at her in any way they want, as long as they have good grades, they can act however they like.

"Yeah, like I said, it's going to be weird, especially if you call me Teacher out in public. Just call me by my name." Mio shrugged as she even asked them to call her by her name directly and all of them looked at each other before nodding their heads as they knew that Mio would probably get mad at them if they tried to act formally again.

"Teach-, Ms. Mio. Who is the little girl beside you and why does she wear a blindfold?" Lucy asked curiously as well as Sana who expressed her curiosity over Somi who was just hiding behind Mio.

"Ah… her…. She is my distant little sister. My parents both live very far away, so they asked me to take care of her for the time being because of certain reasons and to answer your question about the blindfold, she is blind, and she is very sensitive about it. So please don't mention it when you see her again." Mio explained and whispered her last sentence so that Somi wouldn't be able to hear her.