Toy Store Part 1


"I know that this letter is too sudden, but like I said before. I'm going to be always watching the two of you, and coincidentally, Kurokami is also here with me. When she saw Somi smiling so happily and began to act like a child, she got so happy that she practically begged me to reward you for it. She also has some words for you, so I'll let her write it now."


"Hello! This is Kurokami, there are so many things that I want to say to you right now, but I want to make it short and really heartfelt. So thank you! Thank you for being the first one to bring Somi out of her little shell, it is actually a problem for me and your Master. Just like what Yuki always says, she would hate it if any of her children turns to be like her, but luckily out of every child that she had, only one managed to really walk behind her footsteps. I'm not gonna go into any more details than that and I know that I'm going off track, but I do have to thank you for your work. You made my daughter feel like she is the child that she should be, I always kept telling her that it was fine to be a little childish as it didn't matter even in the eyes of her Mother whom she truly aspires. But she won't listen because she always feels burdened and I think you already know the reason behind that. That is all I want to say, but also once you step foot into the Immortal Realm, I want to personally thank you, so I hope that you visit us first before you set your adventure in the Immortal Realm. This letter was very long, so I hope that the rewards that you get are pleasing to your eyes!"

'Holy shit… I- I would have never expected the Master's wife to actually thank me, she even wanted to thank me in person because of the little thing that I did.' Mio said to herself as she didn't expect to get such a reward for just helping Somi to be more herself and not act like her Master. But she soon was glad about what she did, but not because of the reward that she got, because for her it was more of like a side quest reward for her, because she felt that the true reward in her deed was seeing Somi be herself.

She will admit that she became extremely attached to Somi after the day that she got kidnapped, at first she only sees this part of her life as a quest, nothing more nothing less. But the longer she accompanies and takes care of Somi reminds her what it was like to have the warmth of a family and she begins to cherish every moment of it. Now she fully and truly sees Somi as the little sister that she admires the most and she wouldn't want any harm coming from her, that is why she is going to do her best to take care of her.

That feeling only strengthened when she read the letter of her Master and her Wife. She made a commitment to herself, she would no longer treat Somi as a Lady, but she would treat her as a family, as a little sister. She will no longer hide the feeling of just wanting to pamper her, she will do what she wants.

"Come on, little Somi. let's go buy you the things that you want." Mio built up the courage to call her like that and even though it seemed so natural, she was actually very nervous because she didn't know how she was going to act once she called her that.

To her knowledge, the only one who called her that was her big sister, so she didn't know how she was going to act if she suddenly began to also call her like that as in a way, she was just a stranger to her. So she was nervous because of that reason, it made her even more nervous when she felt Somi's body shake in her arms. Just as she was getting ready to apologize assuming that she made a mistake, she felt Somi clutch her hoodie tightly in her arms.

"You finally called me that, thank you…" Somi said between through sobs because just like Mio, she also begins to see her as a big sister. She had a special place in her heart, she was the one who filled the gap in her heart, and she was the one who opened her heart once again. Mio was the reason why she became this happy in her life, she owed it all to her.

"No… please don't cry. I didn't think that you would cry." Mio said that she didn't know what to do because she would have never expected her to cry like that after being called like that, but she still felt happy that she cried because of happiness and not sadness. She was still glad about that.

"I'm just very happy… Let's go, big sister Mio!" When Mio heard those words, she felt nothing but warmth. It was probably the most excited and happiest tone that she had ever heard that came out from her.

"Yeah. Let's do that." Mio smiled as she walked now with a more confident aura around her. She was just too happy at this moment that she felt like she would even happily buy every Panda merchandise that they had in this Mall just for Somi.

As the two walked their way, there were stares at them. Stare of curiosity but as well as smile hanging down their faces, just the look of two sisters having fun as they talk together brought smiles to everyone who saw them. But some also felt pity for the little girl in the arms of the beautiful woman, it was sad to think that she was blind.

When the two finally arrived the the Toy Store, Mio suddenly felt awkward because being alive for more than a thousand years already, she simply thinks of herself as too old for toys that she doesn't even know what to buy for Somi. The only thing that she knows is that she likes Panda, other than that she doesn't know anything more.