Founder and Owner

Once the two were finally at the counter to pay for the Panda Plushie, they met the same woman who helped them find what they were looking for. Mio just smiled at her before saying thank you to her silently to which the store clerk merely smiled before nodding her head at her as if she was saying that it was nothing.

"I'll get this, how much is it?" Mio said as she placed the plushie on the counter, but before she could even pay for it someone knocked the Panda over, luckily Mio caught it in time before it hit the ground. Just as she was about to explode in anger, she was met with the look of an arrogant man in front of her.

"Excuse me, ma'am. But if you will just ask how much our Toys are, you can leave. Because from the looks of it, you can't even buy the cheapest Toy in our store." The man sneered at Mio while he looked at her with disgust in his eyes, the reason for this remark is that he simply doesn't think that Mio would have the money to buy the Plushie because of the way she dresses.

"I don't even know what the guards of this Mall doing letting these two beggars inside of our grandiose Mall. So while I'm still being kind, could you please go away?" The man said as he didn't spare them any more glances.

The woman who helped Mio couldn't say anything because the man in front of them was the manager of the Toy Store, so she could only look at Mio with an apologetic look on her face. But Mio wasn't as cruel as people would think she was, she just nodded at her before turning her eyes towards the arrogant man.

"Money? That is funny… So this is how this establishment treats their customers, if I remember clearly, this Mall doesn't allow such behaviors. They do not allow discrimination and if they ever find discrimination, they will immediately kick that person out of their premises, no matter who they are." Mio said with a chuckle, but her chuckle was like a devil's laughter in everyone's ear. Every worker inside the Store was immediately tense because they of course knew about this rule.

It was a rule that the Mall had, this Mall which has been standing for more than a hundred years already was famous for this beautiful building, but also because they did not allow discrimination. They are very free and kind to everyone, to the point where they even have a whole floor that was for the poor and homeless.

Because of that, they have set a rule, that every establishment inside of their Mall will accommodate every single person. But of course to not take advantage of the people that go in and out.

"And what are you even gonna do? Do you really think that a beggar like you can do something to us? Let me tell you this… the owner of our Store is one of the Funder of this Mall, so let me ask you again, can you really do something about that?" The man looked at Mio even more arrogantly this time, Mio was now piqued with curiosity because this was the first time she had ever heard this.

But Mio didn't open her mouth to say anything more, she merely smiled as she picked up her phone and called someone and it didn't take long for the other side to pick up the call.

"Drag your ass down here, I have heard some interesting things. I know that you're here, and if you don't arrive within five minutes, I'll deduct your salary by half." Mio said as she then dropped the call before waiting for exactly one minute.

"Did you call your Mother to call for help? HAHAHAHAH! Like that will help you, but I'll entertain you, let's see who will have the last laugh at this." The man said as he even took a chair and sat down before taking out his phone to play. When Mio saw this she just smiled before looking at the store clerk and eased her by saying that everything is fine and that she doesn't have to worry about her.

But it wasn't even two minutes in when a man came rushing into the store. The man was panting, but that didn't hinder his handsome look, and when the manager finally looked up he froze in a spot because he didn't expect the person to arrive was him, the owner of the Mall.

"Lady Mio… I'm sorry for being late… why did you call me here" The man said between pants as he bowed his head towards Mio and when all of the people inside saw this scene, all of them only had one thought in their mind, the manager is fucked.

"Well… when I was shopping in this store. I was called out for being poor and this man wouldn't let me buy this Plushie that I was hoping to buy for my little sister. So… what do you think I should do, John?" Mio simply asked, but when the man heard her question, his whole body began to shake in fear as he could already see what was about to happen. So he bit the bullet and kneeled on the ground and started to apologize for his mistakes.

"You did what? ARE YOU FUCKING STUPID! You dare to call the true owner and FOUNDER of Mall of Serenity, do you have a death wish?" John, couldn't contain his anger any longer as he yelled in anger towards the stupid manager that almost made him lose his job too.

What he said brought everyone to silence because no one would ever think that the most famous Mall in the whole World was owned by the woman in front of them, none of them would expect that she would dressed like this. But when they think about how the Mall runs, it finally clicked in their minds, the owner doesn't care about wealth or anything like that, she was merely a kind person who didn't let wealth blind her.

"She's the founder and owner?"