The Raid Boss Came Out

As soon as the Magic Circle was placed, the tide of the fight completely turned around. Before everyone was struggling as the Dragons were proven too much for all of them, but now they were no longer struggling and they could keep up, they even felt that they could kill one of them on their own.

"What just happened?" Saito asked as this was also his first time seeing this happen, he stopped for a moment to look at his wife whose face was completely filled with worry as she supported Mio who was now having trouble standing up because she used too much power.

"Shut your mouth, Solar," Mio said with difficulty as she asked her to not say anything she knew that Solar explaining things would only cause more trouble in the future for her but she already knew that it was useless because this time Solar was clearly mad at her and she is going to use this chance to make everyone persuade her to never use that Skill ever again.

"It's a Magic Circle of some sort that she developed all those years ago when it was just the two of us Adventuring, but in reality, it is just a Domain. As you can see, it takes away 60% of the original powers of the Beast or Monsters and makes everyone inside of it take that 60%. That is why all of you felt so much power and felt that the enemies have weakened by a lot, all of this is because of what she did…" Solar took a quick pause as her hold on Mio's body tightened, she gritted her teeth as she continued.

"But she needs to sacrifice more than 50% of her Blood Essence and if she doesn't have enough… she can trade in her lifespan for it. That is exactly what she did just now, her Blood Essence wasn't even nearly enough to activate this horrible Domain, she traded 50 years of her lifespan or possibly even more just to defeat this Gate." As soon as she said those words, she could no longer contain her tears.

But it wasn't just her who was beginning to cry now, it was nearly everyone who was watching as none of them expected such a Spell to cost so much. Maybe if it was just the Blood Essence they could still accept it somehow, but taking away the lifespan was just too much because it only means that their Goddess has just been taken away 50 years or more of her lifespan.

"It's not a big deal. If you want to help me, defeat all of them and join me inside the Gate to kill the Raid Boss. If you are wondering… the whole area is my Domain now. Even inside of that Gate, meaning every single Dragon there is extremely weakened now."

"You're still planning to go inside? Are you fucking insane!? You can't even stand up properly and you still want to fight! Why are you just so reckless." Solar yelled as she almost couldn't help but knock on Mio's head because of how absurd her idea was. But just as she was about to continue, she was stopped when Mio opened her mouth.

"Is there a reason for me to save Humanity? Isn't that what we all Heroes strive for? At least for the real Heroes. Even if I have to sacrifice my life I would do it if I can save Humanity from this dreaded reality. At this point, I see everyone as my children and seeing them suffer makes me feel broken inside and that is the last thing I want to see, so if I still have power inside of me, I will stand and fight." Mio said as she used all of her powers to gently push Solar away.

After pushing Solar away, she grabbed multiple Potions and Pills from her storage before devouring all of them, and after that, she felt rejuvenated once again as all her Mana came back to her as when she used that Skill, it used every single one of it. But she still felt exhausted as the toll of her Blood Essence getting collected was proven too much for her.

"It's been such a long time since I felt this way… It sure brings back memories~" Mio sighed as she got up again and began killing every single Dragon that was left and when she was finally done, she stopped and supported herself with her Scythe. But she masked it carefully so that it wouldn't look like she was tired at all, but it didn't escape the eyes of Solar.

"Now that everything has been killed… let's go insi-," Before Mio could finish her words she was almost sent flying by a giant Dragon's attack if not for Ijin blocking the attack with his shield, she would have been badly injured by now.

"The Raid Boss actually left the Gate!? This is the first time that this has happened, what is going on Lucifer?" Solar asked as she quickly took away Mio before asking for Iris to heal her she still took some force as she helped Ijin take the blow.

Iris simply nodded her head and wasted no time as she healed Mio's wounds if there were any and also healed Ijin along the way.

"I don't know… this is my first time seeing something like this. But this movement… this scene. I have seen it before. If I'm not wrong… the World is trying to Evolve, and that is why the Mana has been so rampant, I noticed it earlier, but now I can feel it clearly. Plus these Dragons are not even level 350 yet they have the strength of a level 400 Flood Dragon. But that Raid Boss… it's level 700." Mio said her thoughts and her words silenced everyone.

But Mio simply ignored all of them and stood up to face the Raid Dragon Boss as there was simply to time to think all of that when they were in the middle of a Battle.

"Don't think too much about it. If the World is truly evolving… think of it as a dual-edged sword. We get stronger, but the enemies also get stronger, if there is something we need to do, we cannot let them get ahead of us. Never." As soon as Mio said those words, she heard her Master's voice in her head.

"You have already completed your Mission and I guess you didn't hear it because of the backlash, but I decided to add another one which just as you expected, I made your world even stronger so that your people can get stronger faster. But you know what it means, I mean you explained it already. However, I did add something more, think of it as a buff for you Humans, since you showed me so much determination to save Humanity, I'll help you as your Master. I have asked my Spirit or rather the Empress of your World to strengthen your Magic Circle that you made for the Milky Way. All of the Mana that flows in your Universe will now be centered in the Milky way, specifically on Earth. But she only wants one thing, after you're done with this she wants to see your weapon and if she can upgrade it too. That is all, good luck my little Disciple."