Yuki's Test to All of Them

"Master… can I ask why will you be gone for so long?" Mio asked as she looked up at Yuki with clear nervousness she didn't know if it was appropriate for her to ask such questions as she was just a disciple of her, and yet she was asking her that kind of questions that were a little private.

"No need to be so nervous, I don't bite you know. But, we're actually in a state of war right now because some stupid people are trying to test my patience with them. So I'm just going to teach them a little lesson by bringing war on all of them." Yuki said as she gently patted her head easing all of Mio's worries with that, she now knew that she could be more informal with her, but of course, she was not going to take it too much and she showed respect to her Master just as she deserves it.

"Acually… before I go…. Let's do another test for all of you, but don't worry I'm going to reward any of you if you manage to do it. So is anyone up for it?" Just as Yuki was about to leave with Chisato she stopped and looked at them with pure interest in her eyes.

When everyone saw this, they had a look of uncertainty on their faces as they didn't know if they should accept it. One side of them wanted to because it was the chance of a lifetime to be given such an opportunity, but on the other side, they were also afraid that they might just embarrass themselves in front of their Goddess which was something they could not afford to do.

"Fufufu… Don't worry too much all of you, I don't really care about pride at all. It doesn't matter to me if you embarrass yourself as long as you actually learn from it because… You can't make someone learn by just praising them, you need to beat them up and trash them to the ground. You will see… how fast they're going to grow" Yuki said casually as she looked at them as if she was challenging them.

Mio didn't even hesitate as she walked forward and bowed her head slightly and her answer was clear from that, and that she will participate in what Test is what her Master is thinking. A few just passed and everyone soon followed now feeling even more determined after hearing what their Goddess just said. It brings them hope because they can feel that it came from her heart and that she was also the same, she didn't just learn from straight praise alone, she worked hard and got thrown a lot before achieving what she has right now.

"You won't regret that decision. Now… all you need to do is to make me move from my spot. All of you will have an equal chance as I'll test all of you, if you did manage to make me move even just like by a few centimeters, I'll count that as a win. Your reward for making it will be… I'll give your weapon an upgrade by giving it a Soul." Yuki smiled and none of them understand what she meant other than Mio, Chisato, and Asami as they all clearly understood how big her reward really is.

"I know that you have a Soul Weapon already Mio, so I'll just make the Soul Stronger, and don't worry it would still be very beneficial for you because when it gets strong enough, it can turn to someone like Chisato. Yes… Chisato is a Spirit Weapon." Yuki said as she glanced at Chisato to which she just nodded her head as she then transformed back to her original form.

"See?" Yuki said as she caught the flying Katana that went straight towards her but just as everyone was about to open their mouths to say something, they immediately stopped when they saw how she split it into two.

"It's a Dual Katana, not a single weapon. Chisato is a Spirit Weapon that I acquired for a long time already and it has stayed like that ever since." Yuki said as she twirled the Dual Katana in her hands mesmerizing those who were watching as it all looked so beautiful and elegant, yet it had the presence of danger around them even though she was just playing with them in her hands.

Yuki casually answered as she then let go of her Dual Katana again and let Chisato transform back to her human form, everyone who watched this was simply too shocked to say anything. Even Mio who knows what a Soul Weapon is didn't expect that they would be able to do something like this, she then took out her Scythe and looked at it with deep eyes.

She begins to imagine what it would happen when Inari, the Soul inside of her Scythe would look like if she gets out of her Scythe, and just that thought alone makes her pumped up to make it happen. Inari had been her best friend ever since she first got her, she can even say that she is closer to Inari than Solar whom she has been friends for a long time, but Inari for her is different because she is the only one who can talk to her without any problems.

"Oh, you can do it shortly. You just need to cultivate her further and if you can manage to win this Test of mine, you will be even closer to what you want, Mio." Yuki said after she saw Mio looking so intently at her Scythe, determination was burning in her eyes.

"Now… to give a better description about the Soul Weapons. It's the kind that gets stronger as long as the User or you gets stronger because it is directly linked to your own Soul Realm. But with mine, it's quite different because she can get stronger on her own and is not totally reliant on me. But Mio's on the other hand is completely reliant on her power, that is why it is weaker than most Soul Weapons." Yuki explained to all of them and when she saw that they nodded their head in understanding, she smiled as she then continued.

"That is not all the chances that I'm going to give you though… For your last Test today… I'll give you a chance to work together and make me bleed with the weapon that I'll be giving you, you'll be getting a Planet of your choice in this Galaxy with a teleporter that I'll be giving to each of you. That is not all… what makes it special for a reward because I'll make all the Mana go here and even place Equipments that I made on my own for all of you to train. So in short, I'll be giving you a Planet solely for training."