
A girl with pink hair and red eyes sits in a relatively empty room as she watches light form in front of her.

Her hands rest atop her pink and purple yukata as she prepares to welcome her new guest.

Ever since she first grew to know about the group chat one thought had been plaguing her mind.

'This is my chance.'

She had, as soon as she confirmed that what she was told was true, gone into the store function and looked for various methods to finally achieve what she had long since desired. To meet Kaguya on the moon.

To say she found what she wanted was an understatement. The ability to breathe in space, a rocket ship, instant teleportation, etc. There were an infinite number of ways for her to finally achieve her goal. Unfortunately, while she had methods she lacked the points to buy any of them.

As for what she had learned about her supposed world, she couldn't care less. She had been alive for so many unwanted year's. More than once had she tried to take her mind off that fact by acting like a normal human.

She had fallen in love 4 times in her life. When her immortal suffering first began, when she was 90 after her first love died, when she was 150 and lastly when she was 480. After seeing them die one by one she was unable to fall in love again.

What's infinite cannot live with what is finite without problems. It simply is not possible.

The boy the future her should have 'fallen for' would have been just another attempt at normalcy. Not like she would need that anymore as finally, FINALLY…she had found a way.

The entire group-chat was a mystery, and even more so the so-called admin. She wanted to question him but the rules failed to explain the power he had over them.

No matter what she could not loose this chance she was given.




When the first light died down Tsukasa was greeted with the sight of a blonde-haired girl who was wearing a pure white dress. The fabric failed to hide her G cups that protruded from her chest. She stood at a height of 168 cm.

Her blue eyes and smiling face completed her angelic face. If Tsukasa wasn't already well aware of her true personality she might have actually believed that.

The next to come from the light was a tan girl of a small stature that made her look like a child. Her black hair with red highlights flowed down to her ass. The girl wore no shoes and only a black dress that was clearly too big for her. One strap had fallen from her shoulder moving the dress just down enough that you could almost see her nipple.

She had a large smile on her face that reached her golden eyes with a vertical slit.

The last to leave the light was a pair of a man and a woman. The man had spiky black hair, beige eyes, and a handsome face. He was around 2 inches taller than the blonde-haired girl and wore simple black jeans and a t-shirt.

In his arms was a girl of a noticeably smaller height. Her eyes were blood red and when mixed with her long golden hair, really confirmed her identity as a vampire. Even worse than Nemesis, all she wore was a single white button-down.

"So we finally meet." The first to speak was Nemesis who had instantly turned her attention to the blonde-haired girl."

"H-hello." Darkness responded with a red face. She knew she had been thoroughly seen through by every person here, so putting on her usual prideful mask wasn't going to work.

For a few seconds, Nemesis just stared at the girl, her gaze penetrating deep into the masochist's soul like a predator stalking prey. Her grin only helped to increase that image as Darkness couldn't help but to wiggle in arousal.

This girl was hopeless.

*cough* *cough*

Off to the side, Yogiri coughed to get their attention.

"Good to meet you guys. As admin, I guess I should lead right?" He spoke while going over to one of the cushions that Tsukasa had laid out for them.

Yue paid close attention to the new faces as she remained with her arms wrapped around his neck. Even when he sat down she refused to move from that spot.

"Thanks for allowing us to use your home." He nodded to Tsukasa who sat next to him.

"Not a problem, would you like some tea Admin-sama?" Tsukasa with the most respectful tone possible held out a teacup to him.

Nodding Yogiri took the teacup, he didn't miss the way in which she referred to him.

"And you, um sorry I never caught your name?" Tsukasa held out another teacup to the girl who sat in his lap. Of all the members she was the second one she had the most interest in, mainly because of the immortal Loli nickname.

"Nn, call me Yue." The blonde-haired girl spoke as she took the tea from the girl.

At the same time, the other two finally took their seat with Nemesis closest to Yogiri. Tsukasa too gave them a teacup each.

"So you're the damsel in distress, has this man already conquered you?" Nemesis teased the line, haired girl with that same grin never leaving her face.

In response, Yogiri just rolled his eyes, while Yue tilted her a head a bit before nodding.

"You sure work fast..." Nemesis dumbfounded at the girl's response stared amazingly at Yogiri.

"Anyway, as I'm sure you all know by now. I am Yogiri Takatou. The admin of the group chat we have all recently joined. Pleasure." Yogiri started as he then rubbed the head of the girl below him prompting her to speak.

"Yue. Recently conquered by Yogiri." Yue spoke proudly as if what Nemesis said was a title for her now.

"Truly fascinating. I am known as Nemesis, the first transforming weapon. Can't wait to enslave- I mean work with you all." The tan girl followed up with a particular fascination with Yogiri.

"Um, I'm Darkness. I guess you all know me from that ridiculous thing you call a website. I'm pleased to meet you." Darkness shyly spoke her face still as red as before.

"It's a pleasure to meet you all. I am Tsukasa Tsukuyomi, you can call me Tsukasa. From what I can tell none of you care much for honorifics. As long as you are here feel free to use this place as if it were your own home."

Right after Tsukasa spoke a cacophony of rings echoed throughout the room as everyone received a notification.




{Quest has been completed. All group members have gained 100 TWD points. This world has been established as the meeting ground. Members can freely travel to this world and back as long as a quest does not forbid it.}

{The next beginning quest has been issued.}

{Quest: Explore the gacha function of the group chat.}

{Quest description: Roll your daily free gacha and learn about the pull rates.}

{Reward: 5x limited-time rolls (C rank or higher guarantee)}