Quest Final Day

Nemesis despite waking up around 30 minutes later remained still and pretended as if she was still sleeping.

It was not at all related to the fact that there were two people beside her on the same bed acting like the word shame wasn't in their vocabulary.

No, if anything she'd happily take the opportunity to join in, and show them 'true pleasure'.

Unfortunately, she was simply too embarrassed to meet that man face to face. Never had she been so abused before. Never had someone looked at her the way he did.

Normally, she would be the one, in such a position. It was in her nature. Hell, it was probably one of the only things she could truly consider 'real'.

She had never viewed herself as anything other than a weapon made for killing. She was artificial and had no other purpose besides the one she was made for. That was a belief she had not just for herself but for her 'sisters', who were weapons just like her.

When she had first been introduced to the group chat and learned of her fate and future, she felt nothing. Such was the fate of a killer, in the end, that was all she seemed to amount to.

Her goal didn't change, even with events changing and her knowing the future she planned to follow the same path. Self-preservation was not something she cared much for, well that was until now.

It was only now that she had started to understand herself. How even though she was artificial, she wasn't immune to emotions.

Perhaps it had been the years of isolation she spent after the organization's collapse or the feeling of loss she felt at being abandoned. But the sense of fullness she had felt in the past two days had been hard to ignore.

It was something especially made clear to her during that 5-hour-a-long period of humiliation she had been forced to endure.

As much as she hated to admit beyond the pain, pleasure, and humiliation she was happy at that moment.

Even to herself, the feeling was indescribable. Not once during that 5-hour long period had she thought of Golden Darkness, nor her identity as a weapon.

All she could think about was torturing the man in front of her for making her experience such a thing. It was only when she had finally regained her consciousness that it finally sunk in.

At that moment she had genuinely wanted to act on that humiliation. As obvious as such a thing should sound, for her that wasn't normal.

A plan of her's not going the way she wanted? Mea doing something outside her orders? Something delaying her plans? It was simply how things were, she was never bothered by it.

What she was, was best summed up by the wiki page she had spent literally hours re-reading over and over, 'A truly depressed and lonely being'.

It was funny honestly how much she was learning about herself, and how she actually wanted to do something about it.

'Tch, me being a masochist though? No way in hell.' Nemesis internally gritted her teeth in refusal, almost forgetting about the all-black anal beads currently lodged in her ass.

As she plotted a way to come back from her defeat earlier Yue and Yogiri finally separated from each other and both landed on the bed with a thump.

Breathing roughly they both stared up at the ceiling coming down from their highs.

"That new form of yours is perfect." Yogiri while huffing and puffing gave a thumbs-up in approval at Yue.

"Nn." Yue nodded before suddenly her body began to shrink and soon enough the original Yue lay next to him.

"This form is good too though, you're easier to hold." Yogiri's thumbs-up never returned as he brought the girl closer for a quick kiss.

All the while with his other arm being empty he easily scooped up the naked tan-skinned girl and carelessly dropped her on his chest, and using her as a body pillow.

Even with Nemesis suddenly being groped and treated as a toy, she simply held back her rage and the tiny bit of excitement she was feeling and remained motionless.

"Still haven't had your fill of fun with her?" Yue who clung like a koala on his arm asked motioning her head at Nemesis.

"Hmph, my fun won't be over till she's on her knees calling me master." Yogiri grinned as he delivered a slap on the fake sleeping girl's ass causing her to jolt.

"You're a sadist, even more than her." Yue deadpanned poking at his cheek.

"I won't deny that completely. Still, I guarantee if I didn't show her who the real bitch breaker was, she would have tried to get one of those collars on me by now."

"It's like a game, whoever conquers the other first wins, though I guarantee there is absolutely no way I'm losing." Yogiri confidently boasted as he idly played with the girl's body.

Afterward, the room devolved into silence as they enjoyed the aftermath of their mating session. It only ended when Tsukasa called them down for lunch.




The rest of the week passed by fairly quickly. The group continued their daily gacha rolls with no one really spinning anything of note besides a few million yen.

The group had gotten to know each other fairly well, in this time. Yogiri had even held back his insatiable libido to improve his relationship with Yue.

Apart of being human was the feeling of guilt, something he couldn't help but feel when he just plain used the girl for sex, even if she herself said it was ok.

So to mend that, he had started spoiling the girl rotten, while also taking note of what she needed to actually truly move from her trauma and past.

The problem with dependency was that she as of now would not make a single action that even had a chance to upset him, as to not yet again be abandoned.

It would have been better if she had been certain that her abandonment was out of love and her uncle wanting to protect her, but with Hajime Nagumo being so drastically different from his original counterpart there was no certainty that that was true.

So for now, until the current quest was completed he worked to give the girl a new purpose, even if in the end it would remain to stand by his side, at least then it would be out of her own desire and not out of fear at being abandoned.

Part of his 'Traumatized Vampire Restoration Plan' or 'TVRP' was separating Yue from himself and having her interact more with Tsukasa.

The two shared the common curse of being immortal and slowly but surely they opened up to each other.

As for Nemesis and Darkness, the two also got along quite well. After Nemesis's humiliation at Yogiri's hands, her open sadism wasn't as apparent.

Her sadistic smile looked a lot more cheerful and she could actually hold a conversation with Darkness without trying to put a collar on her.

A lot of the time instead of being the tease she was, she was mostly just lost in thought something everyone noticed.

They had all seen her character wiki, and knew of her story, so seeing her differ quite drastically from her original was surprising.

Unlike Yue though, she seemed to be able to figure herself out and didn't really require assistance.

Yogiri while commencing the 'TVRP' had found a new hobby in mercilessly bullying Darkness to death.

Knowing she was simply a huge masochist without really any emotional baggage Yogiri didn't show any regret when he would treat the girl like shit.

Aside from that though, even with his teasing, the two had gotten along well.

Knowing that their adventures would soon start they had even begun training together.

Darkness proved to be quite the extremist doing the absolute most she could before her body gave out.

Yogiri wasn't much different. His ability to grind something until he had the absolute best result did not only apply to video games.

He has even begun training his devil fruit and part of that was using it to increase the gravity weighing down on him.

Unfortunately unlike some fictitious works would have you believe training with gravity is a lot more complicated.

For one your internal organs and blood flow are also being subjected to the same pressure. If the gravity was to be turned up high enough blood would stop being transported as it should and you would faint.

Aside from that though your body was in tune with normal gravity. It knew just how much force you needed to exert if you were to say want to reach out and touch something. When the tune is thrown off, however, your body needs to retrain itself to fit the new pressure.

So for the time that Yogiri could use his ability, he increased his gravity to around twice the norm and simply tried to do regular actions, like eating and the like.

He was only able to continue using his devil fruit for around 10 minutes on the first day before he collapsed from fatigue, he had only just received it after all.

Though when he did recover he found that the time he could continue using it had increased noticeably. Perhaps something due to his new healing factor




On the last day, the group had decided to go have dinner to celebrate their partnership.

Watching Yue who wore a bright smile while conversing with the other girls, Yogiri couldn't help but nod in approval.

It was worth the 4 days he had gone without sex.

Nemesis as well wasn't as lost in thought as she was before and her teasing nature had returned. Specifically, she had begun trying her luck again with 'teaching Yogiri the pleasures of serving her.'

When dinner was over however she learned the hard way that the punishment from the system did not at all apply to Yogiri.

When they got back at night, they had what amounted to a domination war, in which Nemesis sucked on his cock while he in turn explored the depths of her cave.

The war turned into an all-out massacre however when Yogiri began spanking her. Taking that as a sign of the punishment not applying in such a situation she had tried to squeeze his balls.

A sense of instant regret came over her however as she yet again found herself floating in midair with no control over herself.

At first, Yogiri just used the girl's mouth as an onahole making her swallow two streams of his seamen. After that though, the edging returned as he played with her body to his liking.

She managed to stay strong up until the point when Yogiri began sliding his manhood up and down on her glistening cave.

At the thought of finally being penetrated, she couldn't help but show an obscene smile that turned into a frown when she felt that he wasn't going to start unless she begged for it.

For a whole hour, he kept teasing the girl, until she finally broke and slowly whispered "Please, just put it in."

At that point Yogiri who was also equally has impatient jammed himself into her virgin cunt. As he plowed into her, her moans echoed out, and her short tan thighs wrapped around his back as he fucked her mid-air.

Upon hearing a thump against the wall, a giant smirk made its way to his lips as he walked up to that same wall, with Nemesis still dangling from his dick.

In order to give his perverted watcher he made Nemesis hold on to the nearby desk.

The girl in her daze hadn't realized that the punishment was over and she could already freely move her body as she wished.

Instead, she just held onto the desk, her breast pushed into the wooden structure as she held up her entire body weight by her arms.

Her lower body was drooping to the floor as she found it hard to keep herself standing. Her ass was bruised from the numerous backhands she received from the man who proclaimed her his bitch.

Testament to that was the lumps of white liquid that repeatably fell from between her legs. Her whole body trembled from the rough fucking she had just received and anticipated she would continue to receive.

Her whole body twitched as she suddenly felt a pair of hands grab onto her trembling thighs. Her dripping cunt couldn't help but to become even more so as she felt Yogiri's fingers pry open her pussy lips before a thick hard and warm object yet again began advancing inside.

The feeling of yet again being penetrated made her toes curl and her legs stiffen as the impatient organ began sheathing itself inside her walls.

The tightening of her walls made Yogiri grit his teeth in response to the pressure.

Soon enough though he had reached the end of her vagina, but instead of stopping he thrust further.

Nemesis's cervix was penetrated and with a bestial roar, she creamed herself hard.

Her eyes rolled up to the back of her head as her tongue comically fell from her mouth. A completely perverted smile made its way to her lips as she threatened to faint from the pleasure.

A bulge appeared on the outside of her stomach almost as if to show the mysterious person watching them how far Yogiri was reaching inside her.

Slow at first Yogiri began his piston yet again. His hands roughly gripped the girl's hips as his fingers dug into her back.

"Ahhhh~". Nemesis screamed in ecstasy. "FUCK.- FUCK ME, YOU BASTARD.~" Nemesis with her mind far gone could only instinctually ask for more.

Yogiri wanted to slow down and force her to beg for it, but he too was too far gone to think about any of that.

He complied with her words and increased his speed as his dick repeatedly entered and left her in a blur.

"YESHHHHHH~." Nemesis roared as her toes curled, she has for the nth teenth time today reaches a mind-shattering orgasm, this time in particular though drove her over the edge, and she passed out still impaled on his cock.

Yogiri to wasn't much different as with a loud grunt he dispensed another load of cum into the girl's womb.

When he was done he finally removed himself from the girl, and an audible pop followed. Steam came out of where the two were once connected as without Yogiri's support Nemesis's knees buckled and she fell backward onto the floor.

Her head hit the ground with a thump and her first jiggled from the movement. The fall however wasn't enough to disturb the girl's sleep as the same perverted smile remained on her lips along with the drool that escaped her mouth.

His seamen poured endlessly out of her still wide-open pussy.

Looking back at the wall Yogiri mouthed the words 'Next this will be you,' before he heard a thump followed by heavy footsteps that seemed to run away from the wall.

With a chuckle, Yogiri stumbled to turn around, his knees as well wanting to give out thanks to the soreness he had before the fuck session combined with the workout he just had.

He surveyed the mess he had made of the room and with a sigh wished Yue would come.

Almost as if granting his wish, the blonde vampire who was currently in her normal form and wore a pink and red yukata with flower designs on it walked in through the door and while looking around the room sighed before her eyes landed on Yogiri.

"Horndog." She rolled her eyes before with a wave of her hand began using her magic to clean the place to its original state.

This also included Yogiri and Nemesis who were covered in each other's fluids.

"You're the best Yue." Yogiri walked up to her and hugged her tight.

"Nn, I'm the greatest." Yue boasted as she also wrapped her arms around his waist.

"You left me out." Yue pouted while taking a hold of his now soft member.

"Yeah, I got a bit carried away." Yogiri scratched his head looking at Nemesis who was passed out on the floor. "I can still go on if you want."

Yue feeling the soft penis beginning to harden again could only smile before shaking her head. "No, save your energy. You're gonna need it when we go back."

"So you still wanna stay with me?" Yogiri asked moving to the bed with her still in his arms.

"Nn, my home is wherever you are." Yue nodded rolling onto his chest.

"Mhm, then I'll make sure to rock your world tomorrow." Yogiri smiled before he felt two sharp fangs poke into his neck.

Feeling the sudden sharp pleasure he held the girl's head in place before reaching over and turning off the lamp on the nightstand.

Like that the two fell asleep forgetting about the tan girl who remained on the floor.