
"Wow, this place is huge!"

"No kidding, I thought the castle rooms were big."

"Am I the only one who thinks the room is like half the size of the entire building, looking from the outside?"

One by one voices expressed their awe as they loomed over one of the rooms Yogiri had shown them.

The room was a part of the large dormitory his group had built.

As they expected, a lot of the hero party had stayed behind, all of them believing that their precious hero would find a light in the darkness.

They had seemingly prepared for his encounter, as they all tried to attack him as soon as he teleported to Aiko's room.

It's safe to say, that humans hope, would be out of commission for a while.

This of course also meant the church would definitely actively hunt them out. Not like it mattered much though, they'd need to be exterminated pretty soon anyhow. After all, the reign of Ehit was soon to fall.

Turning his attention back to the group scanning every part of the room, Yogiri did his best to recall all their names.

Suzu Taniguchi, Kentarou Nomura, Ayako Tsuji, Mao Yoshino, Shinji Nakano, Nana Miyazaki, Taeko Sugawara.

And last but certainly not least, were Kaori Shirasaki and Shizuku Yaegashi.

The female-to-male ratio was tilted in the girl's favor, with most of the male students being suicidal brain-dead followers.

As for the last two, Shizuku seemed to be pulling away from the fight with her friend being in a coma.

Said friend was laid out on one of the two beds in the room as Shizuku had claimed the room for themselves.

The tour continued with Shizuku staying behind with Kaori, saying she'd see for herself later. By the end, the students were told to do as they liked.

Yogiri had established that his group's private facilities were to remain that way.

They had plenty of luxuries and space to be happy, no need to invade his privacy.

As for Aiko, she had officially moved into the group's side, though she'd move between the dorm and their place. She was still a teacher after all.



"Yes, a project like this isn't cheap." Ringo shrugged as she handed Yogiri another huge list.

Ringo had already apparently made some progress with her work, if the 4 metallic hands that came from her waist were any indication.

Her study had gone past just the materials he gave her but the applications of magic that could be of use to her.

In the end, even without any real known magic of her own, she used some canisters of magic Yorgiri filled for her to create what were essentially magic artifacts.

It was mostly just stuff to help with the workload.

Looking around the absolutely humongous space Yogiri had left the girl, a semblance of progress could be seen.

"Whatever, I'll get it." Yogiri shrugged as he waved bye to the girl who began using two of the metallic limbs to walk.


While Yogiri went back out for even more materials, the hero party got used to their new dormitory.

"Do you guys think this was the right thing to do?" Mao asked, slight unease in her tone.

"It was as either this... Or more fighting!" Shinji said with a bit more intensity than he meant.

"I-I know. It's just..."

"Would you rather we die?!" Shinji shot back.

"Stop. We all feel a bit guilty, there's no need to take that out on each other." Shizuku who until now had been in her room spoke up. There were bags under her eyes and her lips were morphed into a permanent frown.

"Shizuku..." Suzu spoke up. Even she who was known for always smiling and cheerful wasn't being herself.

"Just get some rest guys, we can talk about this later." Shizuku sighed as she herself went back to her room looking more tired than ever before.


'Idiot, you stupid idiot.' Shizuku internally cursed. Between Kaori's comatose state and Kouki's fanatical resolve to save everyone, she was stressed beyond belief.

She more than anyone else cursed herself, she, after all, had not at all gone against Kouki's vow to help this world's humans, on the contrary, she supported it.

"Kaori please... We need you." Shizuku practically collapsed on the bed and crawled up to the 'sleeping' girl. She buried her face between the girl's face and pillow. Her body balled up sucking up every bit of warmth she could from the girl.

With her best friend out of commission, Shizuku was struggling to hang on. Even she was surprised by the dependence she had on




The demon woman sat.


The demon woman stood.

"Who is your enemy."

"My Masters' enemies."

"Who are your Masters'?"

"Yogiri-sama and Nemesis-sama."

The demon woman spoke emotionlessly. Her eyes lacked any light as she stood naked in front of the shadows.

"Noint, give it to her." An amused voice spoke from the shadows and shortly after Noint wearing nothing walked obediently to Cattleya.

She held a dagger in her hand and without shame for her exposed backside placed it in front of the demon, before returning back to the shadows.

"Now then, prove your loyalty. Kill your past and embrace your future." Just as that voice reverberated throughout the space two figures suddenly appeared next to Cattleya.

One was another demon with blonde hair and green eyes, and the other...Yogiri.

"C-Cattleya is that you?! I heard you had fallen!" The blonde-haired man stepped up to the girl.

"Cattleya... Why don't you speak? It's me... Mikhail." The man who revealed himself to be Cattleya's fiance shook the woman who didn't even seem to register his existence.

"Cat-UGH!" The man attempted to call her once more but before he could she jabbed the dagger into his gut.

"Cattleya- how could you?" The man fell backward onto the floor. Blood poured out of his stomach.

Cattleya stared at the man, her cold eyes gaining the slightest bit of light before they moved away from him and onto the other figure.

Leaving the dagger in the man's gut she walked over to Yogiri before lowering herself onto her knees.

Without a word nor a change in expression, she undid the zipper of his pants, and quickly freed his hardening member.

Mikhail was forced to watch as Cattleya worked her hands and mouth pleasuring the man. He cried out to her begging her to stop, but his pleas fell on deaf ears as Cattleya only seemed to become more active as Yogiri became closer to climax.

When he finally did reach his peak, and exploded in her mouth she drank it all.

"Good job, Cattleya," Yogiri said patting the girl's head and finally prompting a change in expression from her.

The woman's mouth opened in a deformed smile as tears simultaneously fell from her eyes. "Thank you, Master."

After that, before her eyes both beings disappeared, the illusion Nemesis set fading into nothing.

"Good, I believe both of you are ready," Nemesis spoke but didn't receive an answer from Noint. Instead, the girl was on the floor her fluids spewing out of her cunt as she worked three fingers in and out of herself.

"Very ready indeed." Nemesis grinned a sinister grin as she called for both girls. "You two, stand side by side... It is time to begin your life anew under the service of your Master's.


It's been about a week since we arrived at this place. I still after all this time wonder if I am dreaming.

I along with 4 others were suddenly added to this weird group chat, with all these bizarre and supernatural functions.

Hell, I didn't even believe it until I was given a gacha roll and skimpy underwear fell from the sky and on my face.

When everyone was talking about their worlds and different abilities, I lied and said I was just an ordinary girl with no abilities.

How could I trust these random people? I know firsthand what happens when you admit to having supernatural powers.

The admin, Mio, in particular, was extremely untrustworthy. She refused to give us any details regarding herself not even fake ones.

Our first quest had been to survive in a zombie-apocalyptic world, which just so happened to be the world Saeko was in.

With the new abilities, we got from the gacha, this was an easy task. The only annoyance was the fodder that somehow found themselves following us.

Seriously, that bitch Rei and dumbass Takagi, they were perfect for each other honestly. And don't even get me started on the absolute annoyance that is Saya, seriously how could someone be so arrogant?

Whatever the case, we somehow ended up in that pink annoyance's house. Somewhere during our stay, Mio got into a bit of a disagreement with Saya's father.

No one knew what happened, but the next day the dude was a yes man bending to her every whim.

This chick was scary. What ability did she get from the gacha again? Teleportation and pyrokinesis I believe. Did she burn that poor man?

Well, we were all also given something called origin energy, or well the deformed version of it. Maybe she used that on him.

Truly a monster, her and Saeko... No one should be that happy cutting through flesh.

That marks the end of my experience so far, I will write again in another week.

Nao, out.

Nao Tomori drops her pen and looks out the window. Her thoughts filled with her brother and her world. A small part of her hoped that this sudden development came with no backlashes because if it didn't she may have been just found a way to save all the victims of her world.