A New world


I reallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly don't care much for finishing the plot of this story. It's just smut anyway. It's time to move onto the next world, damn I barley remember the powers of the peeps to begin with. Well whatever! If you're reading this, I doubt you actually care for much outside of smut anyway.

Before they could even enter the last labyrinth thousands of apostles rained down on them from the heavens. A voice boomed over all of them coming from the sky, declaring their demise. A legendary battle saw its start unexpectedly.

Ehit had gotten tired of their unpredictability and set about laying waist to their entire party. Demons and dragons aided him, determined to serve their lord and irradicate the heretics.

So how did this legendary battle end? Completely one sided. Ehit was intangible, he existed as nothing but a soul. That didn't mean that their magic couldn't reach him.

In just a single conjoined attack from Yue and Yogiri, the entire sanctuary and every ally Ehit had crammed into it had been obliterated without a trace. Ringo had succeeded in the production of a power plant. They had energy to use for literal years.

Ehit's main mistake was targeting Yogiri first. He tired enforcing his will upon the sex God. Unfortunately, there was no controlling non existence. His powers failed on him, and while he questioned his very existence, he met his end to an attack that shattered the soul in its entirety.

So how did Tortus' initial inhabitants react to this?

Well for starters, Yue celebrated by locking the man in the room and damn near putting herself back into a coma.

Tio. Well she had a unique reaction. She had cried and sobbed in Yogiris arms for hours. Even the sex after that was strangely innocent.

Shea didn't have much of a history with the mad god and didn't react much.

Miledi had been… well she was hanging in their. On top of the extremely anticlimactic ending, she had prior agreed to do anything for the man had he completed in the quest to kill Ehit.

So, with a fine tuned use of soul magic, the body she had left and put on ice all those years ago had been unthawed and housed her once again. She barely got to admire her reclaimed beauty before she was promptly bent over and fucked. Her pounding lasted for days upon days.

She compared to the others had a lot more resistance, but even that was smashed through as the guilt she felt for betraying Orcus was pounded out of her and she cried Yogiris name instead.

The quest had been completed and along with it a good amount of points, and more importantly the power wheel. The gacha had been VERY disappointing as of recent. None of them had seen anything above B-rank for months now and they suspected being scammed. Now though, they had a guaranteed power.

From Telekensis to heat vision, around a hundred different abilities littered the board. Some were clearly more useful than others, but luckily it lacked any joke abilities like being blue.

Nemesis was the first to roll.

{Nemesis rolled a power: [Body storage]}

Upon testing, the girl found that she had turned into her own inventory space able to pull stuff out of herself. This did include both living and non living.

A certain immortal magikarp had been used to test that. Though by its depleting HP, it clearly wasn't a very habitable environment.

{Darkness rolled a power: [Weight manipulation]}

This one was simpiler, she could control her weight to be lighter or heavier.

{Tsukasa rolled a power: [Cloning]}

{Yue rolled a power: [Intangibility]}

Oh how overpowered that would be if it wasn't so straining on the girl. For now the best she could do is hold it for five seconds before it deactivated.

{Yogiri rolled a power: {Vibrokenesis}]

Put frankly, he could control vibrations, similar to the Gura Gura no mi.

With these influx of new powers, the group had to explain the group chat and deal with all the complaining from jealous listeners.

After all that banter, it was time to complete the last labyrinth and finally put an end to their adventure in this world.

Shea had a field day in the final labyrinth. The frost caverns was to her delight one thats challenges were more physical then the past few.

Every obstacle was brute forced through until they reached a room that attempted to make a copy of each of their party.

The problem with that was, they had powers that didn't originate of this world so the copies they did summon were vastly weaker than they themselves.

In the end, they received Metamorphosis magic, along with Concept magic. The latter wouldn't see much use unless someone really^10 wanted something.

Reading through the fandom, they also made sure to snag the normal looking compass. It's function: pointing the user in the direction of their desired 'thing'.

They were all but ready to leave, unfortunately he had made a promise to send the heros back to their own world.

Yogiri and co unfortunately had no idea what their world even looked like so opening a portal there was a bit hard. They did though, have the ability to teleport and enough magic power to fund the trip to the alternate world that was Earth.

They had to reverse engineer the mechanism behind the memory reading function of the ancient magic giving magic circles, then use that to extract memories of the world.

It was an annoying process but it was done. Yogiri made it clear they would not be going along with them and didn't elborate further. He only said that he would come and go as he pleased.

The arifureta world would always be open to go back to, and after that he'd just teleport to Earth if he so chose.

Now then, for who exactly was staying in the arifureta world vs who was leaving. That wasn't for them to decide. The portal that teleported them throughout the omniverse was only accessible by chatroom members.

This could be overcome though by Yogiri's summoning skill. He'd just have to fufill the conditions for each of them and then bring them over. This of course came with the cooldown between each summon but besides that it was basically free. This would be done with Ringo, Tsubaki, Noint, and Cattleya as well.

Shizuku, already having a taste of Yogiri was VERY reluctant to part with him. Unfortunately, unlike Shea and Tio, she couldn't leave her family like that. She made Yogiri promise to visit her regularly though before she while everyone else was sleeping met him outside the base where they fucked until the morning sun came up atop a giant rock.

Aiko was much the same, and made him make a similar promise. She of course was stuffed full as well.

Last was Miledi. The woman quite frankly had nothing. She had long since grown tired of life. So what was she to do, when even another world didn't entice her much?

She decided to spend a while visiting her dead friends labyrinths. She'd decide her course after that.

Tio and Shea went back to their homes and they would remain there until they were summoned. Tsubaki and Ringo went along with Shea until they'd be resummoned. The heros were sent back to their world.

Finally, Yogiri and co were all sent back to their home worlds. They all met back at Tsukasas place almost instantly after making sure their really was a time dialation in effect. No time had passed since their dissaperance.

"So it's either my world, this world, or Nemesis'." Darkness said aloud reading through the next quest.

"Any preferences?" Yogiri asked lazily as he sat in the corner with Yue leaning deep into him.

"Mine is not so urgent…" Tsukasa replied, staring up into the sky.

"Do you know how many hot slices of ass are in my world?! We're saving the best for last!" Nemesis laughed boisterously from the side as she said so.

"Then I guess it's decided. We're off to kill the bimbos demon king." Yogiri shrugged looking to the nervous looking Darkness.

"Ah, I see. My world then huh."

"Theres at least a few maidens there in need of some good fucking but I really don't think it will take long to complete the quest." Nemesis thought aloud.

"Yes the world is weak, but to be fair we have yet to see the quest description." Yogiri tapped through the system selecting the quest and sending a notification to every chat member.

{Quest: Demon King's Demise}

{Quest Description: Defeat or tame the Demon King's generals before slaying the Demon king.}

A/N: AU warning. Some characters will be aged up and overall the original plot will be thrown to hell. Some details may change as well.

"Let's not forget the arch demons, apart of their army." Tsukasa scrolled through a wiki page bringing up the abilities of two people in question.

"This world is annoying imbalanced…"

"Hey!" Darkness retorted blushing slightly.

"Well whatever, I say we enjoy modern conviences for a while before we jump right back into another world." Yogiri said standing up with a yawn as he kicked Yue off his lap.

"I couldn't agree more." Tsukasa sighed already deep into some fighting game.

A relaxing mood had settled amongst the group as they enjoyed their downtime.

Everyone gathered around the living room still warm and fresh from the bath they had just minutes ago.

Tsukasa sat on the floor leaning on the centered coffee table as she searched through a streaming service for a good movie.

Nemesis lacking any decency lounged out on a loveseet off to the side, utterly devoid of even a towel as she shoveled popcorn into her mouth. The lack of reaction from the group established well how used to it they were.

Darkness sat opposite of the television on a large couch as she interesting watched the titles pass by. She wore a white night gown that was just a little too small on her, barely covering her ass when she stood.

To her side Yogiri sat still in a towel as he brushed through Yue's golden hair. He was gentle, careful not to rip out any potentially tangled parts.

Yue calmy let her head nod along with the strokes of the brush. She sat on the floor between his legs. She wore a singular extra large t-shirt that draped over her entire body. Though better than Nemesis she still lacked and under garments.

"How's this?" Tsukasa asked and the group looked over at the title.

"A thriller? Cool with me." Yogiri shrugged, laying down a few loose hairs.

"Mmm." Yue nodded dazedly.

"We need more popcorn." Nemesis noted the evidence of her gluttony surrounding her.

"Go get it yourself you glutton." Yogiri shook his head watching as the naked girl groaned and walked to the kitchen.

Darkness, having undoubtedly the best thighs was not foreign to Yogiri using them like a pillow. Such is what he did now after telekenitically hitting the light switch.

Yue stretched out as she stood up. Her porcelain ass peaked through as she did so before she laid them across Yogiri's legs.

Tsukasa seemed content lying on the floor the blue silk night gown she wore amolying her ass just a little.

"What did I miss!" Nemesis came back with an entire new bowl of popocorn.

"It just started Yogiri lazily replied.

Nemesis jumped atop him using him as her hug pillow as she got comfortable. Yogiri instantly reach around, grabbing a handful of her ample ass and playing with it in his grip. Nemesis lovingly kissed his cheek and purred into his touch.

Yogiri sighed as he felt his towel loosen and a warm wet sensation engulf his member. Not a sound was made as Yue sucked him off.

"Fiends." Tsukasa noted not turning away from the TV. She smiled though when she felt a hand roam down her chest and grab one of her c-cups.

"Shea is sad." A blonde vampire spoke aloud as she looked into the clear blue sky.

She sat on the wooden porch of the gated backyard.

"I didn't know you two were so connected as to be able to feel anything from her in a completely different world." A pink haired girl said astonished.

"Or maybe her horniness just transcends all distance." Yogiri chuckled. "I'm surprised I can't feel it." He said that all while he hammered his cock into a twitching Darkness. The hypocrite.

"Summon her first." Yue said staring into his soul.

"Will do." Yogiri grunted backing out of the writhing Darkness and shooting ropes of cum on her ass and backside.

"I think Tio might even enjoy the abandonment play." He chuckled letting go of the girls ass as she fell to the ground below. He then walked over a few feet to Nemesis who was surprisingly quiet reading a book.

That didn't stop her though from switching her attention, similing as a freshly glazed penis popped into her lign of sight.

"Thanks for the meal." She said before grabbing it by the base and licking the tip. She happily looked right into his eyes as she sucked him off not spilling a drop.

From beind he felt someone wrap their arms around him as a voice whispered into his ear. "Me next." Tsukasa licked his neck, giving kisses along it as she touched his naked form.

She slowly thrust her hips moving Yogiris along with her as he thrust into Nemesis' mouth.

Eventually he took his dick out of the girls mouth with an audible pop. Nemesis swirled the cum around in her mouth before it disappeared down her throat.

Tsukasa was quick to turn him around draping her arms over his shoulders as she locked him in a kiss.

Their tongues swirled as Tsukasa reached below and grabbed his dick with a reverse grip. She stroked it in her hand before lifting herself on her tippy toes and taking a step forward. She lifted the ends of her bathrobe exposing her cock loving cunt to the morning air.

She rubbed herself against its hardness coating it with her juices.

Eventually she got too impatient as she pull strength into her arms and wrapped her legs around his waist. Yogiri taking the hint held her by her ass as he aligned himself with her pussy.

"Welcome home~." She squealed as he invaded her. She bounced in the air with every thrust. "I'm so wet~." She moaned out hearing the squelch whenever their hips reunited.

Yogiri, getting a brilliant idea suddenly did something that caused the girl to spasm immediately. His dick vibrated within her narrow walls.

He smiled as he watched all her composure fade away. "You liked that?" He asked biting her ear as she tightened her legs around his waist.

"Do it more…" She sighed in his ear.

"Is that how you ask." The dick jammed up her vagina didn't move.

"Please.. make your slut writhe under your touch." Determining it was good enough Yogiri did it again. Within three mintues Tsukasa was a drooling mess as she flooded the floor below them with her juices.

When she was done Yogiri tossed her on a nearby chair before looking up just in time to see two very pleasent things.

Yue and Nemesis sat on their knees facing away from him as they spread apart their cheeks revealing their pink pussies and wrinkled hole.

Thus concluded their final day before they departed for their new world.