Chapter 01: Restart

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my original characters and works, if you recognise it from somewhere else, surprise it isn't mine.

Betad by morde24, Atrius, Hermes, Priapus, Marethyu, Old man of the mountain and TheDonFluffles


Priapus' note: The same reasons why he started the last fics. The same reasons why he will start the next fics.

Old man of the mountain Note: GODDAMIT WHY?!

The Guild of Gamers: The Tamer

Chapter 01: Restart

Some people are born blessed, despite some ridiculous claims that everyone is born equal.

Some are born into wealthy, powerful families and have advantages from the moment they were brought into their world. Some are born with powerful mana, able to warp the fabric of reality as they please. Some are simply born with a natural affinity for the athletic arts, strong and fast, with powerful bodies they don't even have to really work for.

And a small few are like me, who were born with all three.

It isn't really surprising considering just who my parents are. All the Guild members have powerful kids, but I excel even among the other guild kids.

My mother is probably the most powerful of all the Guild members, not including the founders, of course, who are on their own level.

The Glutton, one of the very first people the guild selected to be given a system, and also the reason a lot of the Guild rules existed, after she devoured the Dragon and absorbed his system.

The Dragon had apparently started it, and the founders had decided that she could keep the second system as she hadn't broken any rules (since the Guild didn't have any rules at the time), but they limited her system so she couldn't repeat her little trick, and then made a set of rules for Guild members to stop it from happening again.

Still, having two different systems made her insanely powerful even amongst her fellow Guild members. The only reason I say she is probably the most powerful is because Noire scares me.

My half-sister is very, very powerful and while my mother calls her 'soft' for her reliance on her magic and love of fancy comfortable castles, nobody could call her weak.

Which leads me to my father, Kuro Tepes. The Founder who came up with the Guild in the first place.

My mother is obsessed with 'might makes right', and she only wanted to bear the children of people who were at least as strong as her, if not stronger, which left her with a very small selection of potential baby daddies.

Which led to her getting dicked down by Kuro, resulting in me, the child of two of the strongest beings in existence.

Even without a system, I am stronger than most Guild members, and I never had to work for a damn thing.

I live a blessed life, in the cluster of worlds my mother rules, primal worlds that possess immense danger to weed out the weak.

My mother scorns the safety of civilisation, leading her 'tribe' as they fight for survival in death worlds that could kill even the stronger gamers.

For someone like me, it should be paradise, as powerful as I am. In a multiverse where 'might makes right' is the global law, being one of the strongest should have made me happy. There is nothing and no one I can't take after all, as only my mother is stronger than me, and she lets me do as I please thanks to my power.

So why am I so damn bored?

"You are sure about this, then?" My mother asks, grey eyes staring down at me from her throne.

Queen Olympia, in all her glory.

Her throne was carved from the skull of a creature that could apparently devour universes, a symbol to remind everyone of her power.

Anyone who saw her would immediately realise that she isn't some soft Queen who only rules because of her bloodline.

Her spear rests against her throne inplace of a crown and instead of any fancy robes, she simply wears a leather bra and loincloth, made from the hide of some immensely powerful being, with a fur-trimmed cape.

Her revealing outfit exposes her toned, muscled body, littered with small scars she kept from enemies that had impressed her.

With her flaming red hair and near permanent scowl, she truly represents the barbarian queen stereotype.

"I am. I'm about to head out to speak with Father," I agree, making her pause as she stares at me intensely, before her scowl briefly relents and she gives me a proud smile.

"Very well, if this is what you wish then so be it. Do not return until you are strong enough to pass the trials. You might be my favourite son but if you return to me weak you'll die like the rest," Olympia warns, making me nod.

I know how this world works, and I know what I'm giving up.

"I will, mother," I say confidently, making her give me a warm smile.

"I will miss you, as will the girls of this world, I suspect," Olympia says with a knowing chuckle. "But perhaps this is for the best, and you'll return to the tribe stronger than you left. We shall see. Goodbye, Kaito."

"I will miss you as well, farewell Mother," I say with a slight bow, even if she's my mother she's still the ruler of this world and deserves the respect she's due.

Mostly because if I don't show it to her, she'll take it as a challenge and that's not a fight I can win.

Taking one last look around, I give her a final nod as I teleport out of the world I grew up in, appearing in front of a massive black tower.

It's not that I'll never see that world again, but I suspect it will be a long time before I'll be able to return. That's fine, this is basically a training journey.

Heading into the tower, the massive doors open without me needing to touch them as I walk towards a different throne room, one that looks far more traditional, even with the dark lord vibes given by the chains, cages and spikes.

My dad is a bit of a drama queen, lounging in his throne with dozens of women around him, staring down at me with amused red eyes.

I inherited his jet black hair and red eyes, though my active outdoors lifestyle has left me with a more tanned body than his pale white skin. I'm also bigger than him, with much larger muscles than him but there's no doubt he's laughably stronger than me. My hair is far more unruly than his as well, going down past my shoulders.

He just likes the noble vampire look, which is odd because grandpa Drac is pretty damn muscular as well.

Besides that, he enjoys making people underestimate him and has remained young, right now I'd say he looks like he's in his mid-teens, maybe even younger than me, instead of the ancient immortal he actually is.

"Hey, old man," I say, watching as he dismisses his girls with a wave of his hand, except the girl sitting in his lap with the same black hair and red eyes.

Dad must be pretty narcissistic because Isis claimed she picked her form based on Kuro's preferences, and she looks like his twin.

"Decided to go through with it after all, huh?" Kuro asks with a lazy smile, making me nod. "I've set everything up like you asked, and this is your last chance to back out. Are you really sure you want to go through with this? If you do, I won't accept any second guessing."

"You mean Isis set it up?" I ask, making him grin and squeeze his System's hips, making her smile.

"Of course, you know I don't do anything I don't have to," Kuro admits with no shame.

"But yeah, I'm sure, old timer," I say, making him shake his head with a grin. "This is what I want."

"You definitely got your personality from your mother, I don't get it myself but whatever, if this is what you want then so be it. You sure you don't want to pick your own system and world? That's not something you should leave to chance," Kuro asks, making me chuckle.

"I'm sure you'll pick something entertaining enough for me," I say simply, making him shrug.

"You're not wrong, the system I picked for you has some pretty good potential, plus I modified the world to make it a better fit," Kuro agrees. "I even actually did the work myself this time, feel honoured."

"Well, now I can't ask for a different system, you'd cry if you had to put in work for once and it got wasted," I say, making him shrug.

Dads pretty laid back, he doesn't overly care if people disrespect him and being his son gets me a lot of leeway. He's actually a pretty good dad, even if he avoids responsibility like the plague.

He's also the ultimate enabler for his kids, willing to let them do damn near anything they want regardless of whether it's a good idea or not.

"Well then, I'm ready when you are. Just a heads up, this is going to suck," Kuro says easily.

"I figured as much, but I'm ready," I say, getting a fond but amused smile.,

"In that case, have fun, brat, and try not to take things too seriously. I'll see you when you finish your first world," Kuro says, clicking his fingers as he attaches a Gamer System to me and my vision darkens.

For anyone else, gaining a system would make them much stronger immediately, as it's normally regular humans being granted power and immense potential.

In my case, I feel my power being stripped away, my inherited divine body being reduced to that of a regular human and my magic fading away.

It's as unpleasant as dad said it would be, but I figured it would be. This is what I asked for, after all.

Being born so powerful was frankly boring. Sure, it was fun growing up and being the big fish in my small pond but that grew dull soon enough and worse still, I found that I plateaued far too quickly.

Gamers start weak, but they have a much higher power ceiling than me, but most of them are just too lazy to actually reach it and don't train once they've reached a level they deem 'strong enough'.

In my case, I was practically born at the top of my power ceiling, sure I could get more talented but no amount of working out will make me stronger, no amount of practice will improve my magic.

So I decided to approach dad and ask him for a system. He said I could have kept my current power level going into the guild, but frankly that felt cheap to me.

I will reach my old strength again, surpass it even, and it'll be because I earned it not because I was born with it.

It's just to satisfy my own pride, I know that, but that's just how I want to live.

It does mean I won't be able to return home until I'm strong enough, I wouldn't survive in the primal worlds my mother rules as I am.

But I'm immortal, so what's a few years to me?

The change happens quickly, leaving me feeling incredibly weak as I land in my new world, gasping as I look around the forest clearing I've arrived in.

It's not a jungle, which is what I'm more used to, but I'm perfectly at home in the wilderness. I've inherited my mother's distaste for being too comfortable, so I'm used to roughing it and surviving in the wilds.

Sure, I don't have my power anymore but I still have my knowledge.

In addition, despite losing my divine strength, I'm still in very good shape because my muscles are the product of my hard work and training.

Dad always said there was no point in me working out so much since it wasn't making me any stronger, but who's laughing now old man?

…it's probably still him. Trying to claim the last laugh against him is a lost cause.

[The Tamer System initialising]


Not what I expected to be honest but I can see the benefits.

My mother actually has plenty of tamed creatures herself, usually strong enough to be classed as apocalypse beasts, so I definitely know how powerful it can be, and she doesn't even have a system based around it.

It's just a simple fact that someone who has a system that focuses on a particular aspect is going to be better at it than one who is just subclassing into it.

Skills Added

[Monster Taming - Rank E]

Allows you to tame weaker monsters by forming a bond with them, allowing you to summon them to your side and preventing them from being permanently slain as long as you live.

[Inspect Monster]

Allows you to examine weaker monsters and learn their abilities, strengths and weaknesses.

[Beast Bond]

Allows you to form a bond with regular beasts, allowing you to control and summon them.

[Tamer's Sense]

Allows you to share your tamed creatures' senses, at the cost of your own senses.

[Martial Arts - Rank B]

Your former knowledge of the martial arts transferred into the game, wouldn't want your effort to go to waste after all.

[Whip Mastery - Rank E]

Grants you mastery of the traditional tamers weapon, the whip. Totally only supposed to be used in combat, I promise.

Kaito Sasaki (I decided Tepes would attract too much attention)

Race - Human

Strength: B

Dexterity: B-

Constitution: B+

Intelligence: C

Wisdom: C+

Charisma: B-

Luck: B

Hm, not a bad start. It's nice to know my former training wasn't completely wasted.

Perks Added

[Barbarian Queen's Blessing]

As the heir of the Barbarian Queen, you are an apex predator and people will instinctively know this. Those who want children will instinctively know that your genes are the strongest, and your lovers will understand that you cannot be satisfied by a single woman.

Huh, I'm guessing mother insisted on this, it definitely sounds like her.

Moving towards a tree, I take a deep breath and punch the thick trunk, wincing at the pain as the tree is utterly unaffected.

I could have shattered a world tree with my own strength, now a simple oak is beyond my power.

Climbing the tree instead, I quickly reach the top and break through the roof of the forest, looking around as I see miles upon miles of forest in every direction.

So, I'm in the middle of the wilderness with only my clothes, a bullwhip (which is probably dad's idea of a joke) and a dagger.

To make things more annoying, all I have for clothing is a pair of black pants and some bandages around my fists.

That's not what I was wearing when I went to see dad, but it is similar to what I train in. Another little joke on his part, I guess.

Hopping back down, I scratch my chin as I look around, seeing nothing but wilderness with no signs of life.

Spinning in a circle, I come to a stop and start walking in that direction. It'd be nice to find civilisation and take stock of where the old man has sent me, but I'm more at home in the wilds anyway so I'm in no real rush.

First things first, I should find something to tame and learn how my new powers work.

Fortunately, it doesn't take me long to find something I can use as practice while I wander the forest.

The first other living being I see in my new world?

A slime.

The small blue blob just kinda slides towards me at a rather unthreatening pace, making me blink as I stare at it.

Blue Slime, Rank E

My power tells me that while it's one of the weaker monsters, it has impressive physical resistances.

Deciding to attack, the slime shoots forwards with a sudden burst of speed as it slams into me, making me hiss in pain as it leaves both a bruise and some of its acidic secretions on my chest, but before it can fall to the floor, I slam my fist into the beast, sending it bouncing away.

This is a bad matchup for me, and my power tells me that when it comes to monsters that can't communicate, I'll need to weaken them before I can force them to bond with me.

I can roughly estimate a monster's health with my Inspect skill, and that punch didn't really do much to the slime. I should use magic or an enchanted weapon, but I have neither.

Before I could have just imbued my fists with an element and crushed the slime in a single blow, but that's not an option anymore.

Still, this isn't exactly a threat as it tries to slam me again, flying past and hitting a tree as I calmly sidestep its attack.

Sticking to the tree for a moment, it seems almost surprised I moved despite its lack of expressive features.

"Did you think I'd just sit there and let you hit me?" I ask with a scoff, brushing the remnants of the secretion of my chest.

I have no idea if it can understand me, but it seems to respond as it rears up and sprays more of the secretion at me, missing as I dodge to the side.

The problem is that any time I hit it, it's just going to give off more of that acidic slime and burn my hands. I don't want to risk it melting my whip or dagger either, so I make do by simply grabbing a fairly thick stick from one of the trees.

It's not perfect but it's a viable weapon, and if it breaks? Well, I'm surrounded by trees.

Despite its best efforts, the slime proves to be little challenge for me as I whittle away at its health, until it starts to try and flee.

It's smart enough to understand the need to flee from a stronger opponent then?

Again, it's not exactly fast, and I catch up with it and get in front of it with a light jog, making it flinch back as I stare down at it.

I could just kill it and look for something stronger, but as it rears back again, I chuckle.

"Consider yourself fortunate, slime. You have the honour of being my first monster," I say, making it pause as I reach my hand out towards it, a red symbol forming on the back of my hand as I start the contract.

I doubt it'd be this easy with anything more threatening, but the slime isn't in a position to resist as the bond forms between us.

"You serve me now," I say simply, feeling it's confusion through our bond. It can't send complete thoughts through the bond, it's mind is too simple for that, but I can sense what it is feeling and it can 'understand' me.

Perhaps not my exact words, but it understands the meaning behind them and I feel its acceptance. Whether due to the bond or the power difference between us, it understands its place in the pecking order.

[Blue Slime, Rank E - Tamed]

"That was a poor showing, for both of us. I expect you to train hard, little slime," I say, getting a sense of confusion from it as I pick it up with both hands.

It doesn't secrete its acidic slime this time, simply sitting in my hands as I squish it slightly. It seems to have some natural regeneration, given that the damage I dealt is already starting to heal up.

I don't want to be slowed down because I have to wait for the little guy, so I just place him on my back and order him to stick to me as I set off deeper into the forest.

As a Tamer, I instinctively know how to help my monsters become more powerful. It varies from monster to monster, and a slime just needs to eat and eat.

Better materials will have more of an effect, but slimes can eat damn near anything.

Speaking of eating, I need food as well, and while I've found berries that seem edible enough, I'd like some meat.

Which means it's time to do some hunting.

— Later —

This forest is massive, but its bounty could not evade me, as I quickly found a rather monstrous boar.

A more dangerous prey, but it seems like the creatures of this forest aren't particularly dangerous compared to what I'm used to, and with some handiwork I turned my dagger into a makeshift spear using the materials I harvested from the forest.

My slime proved rather useful, spraying its acidic juices into the boar's eyes from its perch in a tree, and I know how to hunt dumb beasts who can only charge me.

"Eat up, little guy," I say, cooking the meat over an open flame as I watch my slime slowly eat the bones and organs, taking them into its body and dissolving them.

I've kept the hide of course, that could be useful, and you shouldn't waste any part of what you kill. That's just disrespectful.

I've found a place I can use as a base of sorts, where I can build a rudimentary shelter to work from as I explore this place and try and work out where I am.

The reason I picked this place is because it has a small pool with an equally small waterfall pouring into it. I can't be sure the water is safe to drink but it's still a good place to wash and I can boil the water myself once I've got something to hold it in.

Taking a bite of the boar meat, I nod to myself. It's not exactly fine dining, but there's something special about feasting on the meat of an animal you hunted and harvested with your own hands.

It could use some spices though.

Even with an appetite like mine, I can't eat an entire boar and I don't have any real way to store the spare meat yet so I guess my little guy is getting a feast today.

Grow strong, my little blue friend, I have high hopes for you.

— Nemuri Kayama (Midnight) — Three Weeks Later —

The emergence of the dungeons had changed their world a lot, as the endless game between heroes and villains didn't seem so important when monsters were showing up all over the world, pouring out of strange sub-dimensions that people eventually called ' the dungeons'.

They'd quickly learnt that dungeons came in different levels, some being far, far more dangerous than others, and that if a dungeon wasn't cleared regularly enough it would cause a dungeon break, where the eternally-spawning monsters would pour out into the real world to spread mayhem and destruction.

So pro heroes like her would have to enter the dungeons regularly to try and keep the monster population down.

In this case, she was heading into a dungeon that was admittedly one of the weakest ones in Japan, used by UA to train its students in how to fight the monsters that threatened their world.

Her reason was simple: the new school year would start soon, and this dungeon hadn't been cleared over the summer, so she needed to make sure nothing too dangerous had spawned before they sent the students into it.

Besides, some of the upper-year students had been in during the summer and they'd given some strange reports.

The monster levels were much lower than expected, and as bizarre as it sounded they'd reported that they'd found signs of someone living in the dungeon.

They'd even taken pictures to prove it, small camps scattered around the massive forest with makeshift shelters and hammocks.

They'd not found just who was responsible for the camps, doing the smart thing and leaving to report to the school, but still…

This dungeon was under the control of UA, they kept track of everyone who went in or out, and nobody was unaccounted for.

So they were damn curious how someone was inside the dungeon, because it could be the sign of a new type of smarter monster.

"They're definitely right, there should be more monsters than this," Miruko agreed, looking around as her nose twitched slightly. "Somethings been hunting them."

"Or someone. Though why someone would sneak into a dungeon and live in it I don't know," Midnight agreed.

This dungeon was important to UA because it was the only E-class dungeon near the school, making it the best place to train their students.

Worst case, a villain had snuck into the dungeon to ambush their students down the line. It wouldn't be the first time.

Heading towards where the students had claimed one of the camps was, fighting off the occasional monster, she watched as Miruko paused, her ears twitching.

"There's someone ahead, I can hear them talking," Miruko said quietly, making them both become more serious.

They'd been relaxed so far, as the monsters of this dungeon weren't really a threat to heroes with as much experience as them, but none of the monsters from this dungeon should be capable of speech.

Sneaking closer, she heard the sound of running water and knew they were close, and through the thick foliage, she caught a glimpse of the camp , and of a waterfall behind it.

It was embarrassing, but she was so focused on trying to look through the thick foliage to see who was talking she wasn't paying attention to the ground, too used to not taking this dungeon seriously.

"Midnight, don't-" Miruko started, spotting the danger at the last second, but it was too late as she stepped in the snare trap that had been covered up with sticks and foliage.

While she hadn't noticed the trap, she certainly noticed as her leg was suddenly pulled into the air, the rope tightening around her ankle as it pulled her into the air.

Some monsters, such as kobolds and goblins, enjoyed using traps to make up for their weak strength, so it was downright embarrassing to fall for such a simple trap, hanging upside down in the air. She should thank her lucky stars that it wasn't a pitfall, or this could have been her end.

Getting loose was easy enough, and Miruko caught her before she landed on her head, giving her a slightly amused look.

"Don't say it, I know," Midnight sighed, blushing slightly at being caught out so easily.

"Looks like our mystery squatter doesn't want guests," Miruko said, thankfully not rubbing salt in the wound as they both moved closer to the camp, much more alert now.

As they arrived, they both froze as they spotted something that was definitely not capable of making traps, both taking combat stances as they found the largest slime she'd ever seen in the middle of the camp.

Blue slimes didn't tend to grow that large, often stopping growing around the size of a large dog at the very most, but this one looked like it could fit both her and Miruko inside its body with room to spare as it simply stood there, barely moving.

"What the hell is that? I've never seen a slime so big in this dungeon before," Miruko asked, getting ready to rush it even as she scowled.

Miruko was a very physical attacker, which made her a bad match-up for slimes who resisted most physical attacks, it wasn't a problem for the weaker slimes which she could kill in a single kick of her powerful legs, but for one this large?

It was bound to be very resistant to their attacks, and slimes didn't seem to be affected by her Quirk either. This wouldn't be a fun fight.

"I don't want to think about what would happen if the students stumbled across this thing," Midnight agreed, her face unusually serious.

If the slime cared about their hostile stances, it didn't show it as it just stood there passively. That didn't make sense, low intelligence creatures like slimes usually just rushed anyone foreign to the dungeon, but this one didn't seem to care about their presence at all.

"Agreed, we need to take this thing down-" Miruko started, before someone interrupted them.

"No, you fucking don't. Leave my boy alone," a male voice said, making them jump and turn towards the pool, seeing someone standing under the waterfall.

Despite his large size, she was pretty sure he was fairly young due to his features as he started walking towards them, messy black hair down past his shoulder and a scowl on his face as he stared at them.

He was also built like a tank, with a body most pro heroes would be proud of as he walked out of the water, her eyes briefly flickering downwards and widening as he came out of the water enough for his lower body to be revealed.

Utterly naked with no shame, he walked towards them with an annoyed frown, and she could see why he wasn't ashamed to be naked before them with the size of the cock hanging between his legs.

"Your boy?" Miruko asked, her eyes flickering between the massive slime and the mystery man. "It's a monster, and a powerful one at that."

"Powerful? Not yet, he's getting there. It took me weeks to get him this large, I'm not having you mess with his progress," the man said, walking up and patting the slime.

Slimes would secrete an acidic ooze when touched, that was more dangerous the more powerful the slime was, but the massive slime didn't attack the man and instead seemed to push its body against his hand, similar to a dog that wanted more pets.

"Why isn't it attacking you? Do you have a Quirk that allows you to control monsters?" Midnight asked, contemplating his words.

He claimed he was responsible for this slime's unnatural growth, and while she hadn't ever heard of someone being able to control monsters it was the only thing that made sense to her.

"It isn't attacking me because I tamed it, what the fuck is a Quirk?" he asked, tilting his head in confusion.

"What's a Quirk? How do you not know- a Quirk is a superhuman power, unique to the user. Mine gives me the abilities of a Rabbit. This is super common knowledge, how do you not know this?" Miruko asked, staring at him in shock. "Also put some damn clothes on."

"I will, once I'm done cleaning myself. You interrupted my bath, and I've never heard of a Quirk before, but taming monsters is my power so I guess it is. So don't attack my boy," he warned, giving them a warning glare.

"Who are you? And how did you even get in this dungeon?" Miruko asked, obviously trying not to look down. Heh, the bunny wasn't used to random nudity?

"I'm Kaito, and what's a dungeon?" Kaito asked, making them both stare at him.

He seemed to be serious, but who the hell didn't know what a dungeon was at this point?

"What's a- this is a dungeon! You know, a sub-dimension filled with monsters, that you're in despite there being only one entrance that we monitor and you don't seem to have used," Miruko said, obviously getting frustrated as Kaito stared at them. "And put some pants on already!"

"I just woke up here a few weeks ago. There's an exit?" Kaito asked, making her sigh. "And make me, bunny."

"Look, where are you from? Musutafu?" Midnight asked, making Kaito turn to her. His eyes drew her attention, a rather intense deep red colour.

Honestly despite his young age, he was definitely her type. Thick muscles covered his body with some small scars in various places, some seeming recent which didn't surprise her if he was living in a dungeon, and the time spent outdoors gave him a healthy tan.

"…good question, hell if I know," Kaito said after a moment, shrugging. "I just woke up here, I don't know where Musutafu is."

"It's where the entrance to this dungeon is located, you are from Japan aren't you?" Midnight asked, utterly unsurprised when he blinked again.

"What's Japan?"

"What's- oh god damn it, where did you grow up?" Miruko asked, her ears twitching in annoyance.

"In the jungle, with my tribe. I'm kinda on a training journey myself," Kaito admitted, making her pause.

"Kaito, did this jungle have monsters in it?" Midnight asked, watching him nod.

"Of course, they were way stronger than the weaklings in this forest," Kaito answered, making her and Miruko share a look.

Kaito didn't seem to be lying to them, was there a 'tribe' living in one of the dungeons? She couldn't say it was impossible. Plenty of dungeons were practically unexplored and she knew there were countless dungeons that hadn't even been discovered yet.

If one of their members had a Quirk that could teleport people into dungeons, had they sent Kaito here on this 'training journey'?

"Kaito, have you ever lived in a city?" Midnight asked, making him scoff.

"Of course not, civilisation makes you soft and weak," Kaito said, his nose scrunching up in disdain.

Again, that didn't seem to be him lying, was that what his tribe believed?

"Kaito, would you mind coming with us? Your… friend can come as well, but we'd like to ask you some more questions and you really shouldn't be in here," Midnight said, making him frown.

"Why not?" Kaito asked, and she briefly considered pointing out it was dangerous before she stopped herself. That wasn't the right way to approach this, he'd probably be insulted.

"This is the training grounds for UA, where we send our students to get stronger. Outsiders aren't supposed to be here. Don't worry you're not in any trouble, since you didn't seem to have any control of how you got here," Midnight said, making him pause as his frown faded.

"Ah, didn't know this was anyone's territory. My bad," Kaito said, making her smile. That's what she was hoping for, she just needed to speak his language. "Oi, Blue, shrink."

With the order given, the massive slime seemed to fold into itself as it got smaller and smaller, going even smaller than a regular slime as Kaito grabbed a pair of trousers and finally got dressed.

She was only slightly disappointed, promise.

Not bothering with a shirt, he grabbed 'Blue' and placed it on his shoulder.

Grabbing a bag that seemed to be made out of some kind of hide, he threw it over his other shoulder and turned back to them.

"Fine, lead the way."

— Bonus Scene — Toshinori Yagi (All Might)

The dungeons had made him hate his time limit, his weakness, more than ever before, because as he grew weaker and weaker the world needed him more and more.

Slamming his fist into the collosal turtle's face, he sent it flying back into the water, wincing as he felt his old injury flare up again.

They still didn't know what caused the creation of these 'Kaiju' class monsters, the turtle being almost skyscraper-sized, but they were a bigger threat than even the dungeon breaks.

The turtle glared at the assorted heroes and villains gathered before it, and the devastated port town behind them, before it seemed to almost scoff as it turned away and sank into the ocean.

It would be back, they knew the pattern well enough already, but none of them could fight it in its own turf, they just didn't have a way to battle it underwater.

Kaijus were the biggest threat to the world, massive monsters that would appear seemingly at random and attack a heavily populated area.

Once their target was destroyed, or they took enough damage, they'd retreat, and often easily escape no matter how many heroes and villains were rallied against them, and if they failed to slay it, the Kaiju would seemingly hibernate before it inevitably returned to attack again.

This was the fifth battle against Gameciel, as the turtle had been dubbed, and each time Gameciel killed thousands at the very least, unleashing a steam so hot it could melt buildings and the poor civilians inside them.

And once again, after watching it wreck a town, they were forced to watch it just wander off, unable to stop it.

Even if it wasn't underwater, he could feel his time limit rapidly approaching, having already pushed himself too far in this fight.

This was technically classed as a victory, driving the Kaiju away before it could completely destroy the towns, but with such high casualties it was hard to celebrate their 'victory'.

He needed a successor, and he knew it would be a long time before young Midoriya was ready to fight battles like this.