
Disclaimer: I own nothing but my original characters and works; all other characters and worlds belong to their respective owners. I'm just playing with them.

Betad by Malcolm Tent, Priapus, Beans, Marethyu

The Guild of Gamers: The Tamer

Chapter 10: Relaxation

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♦ Topic: Kaiju Transformation Caught on Camera, Dungeon Closed?

In: Boards ► Dungeons

Bagrat (Original Poster) (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)

Posted On Jul 24th 2048:

For the first time in history, we have actual proof of exactly how Kaiju are created, and personally, I find it terrifying.

Allow me to start from the beginning with everyone's favourite wild man, Kaito. Kaito, along with Mt. Lady and a Monster Researcher called Melissa Shield (daughter of David Shield, the famous scientist who made much of All Might's gear), were sent to a dungeon near the edge of Tokyo so Kaito could tame more monsters. The dungeon itself had been allegedly cleared by the Hero Team 'Red Hot', and it should have been fairly low danger.

Shortly after arriving, they ended up fighting an entire herd of Tauros [WikiLink], which they managed to beat with Kaito taming them all, but that was the first sign that something was wrong because there shouldn't have been that many monsters in a recently cleared dungeon. The horde was triggered by a monster called an Eevee, which seemed to be very intelligent, given their actions during this dungeon exploration.

[TaurosFight .mp4]

Unfortunately, this would only be the start as they found a sleeping monster named 'Snorlax', which Kaito immediately claimed two things about. One, it was the Dungeon Boss, and two... it was about to become a Kaiju.

They attempted to fall back to get reinforcements, but a second Eevee woke up Snorlax, who immediately attacked. I'll post the entire video below, but the key part is this.

After becoming enraged, the Snorlax forced an unstable Kaiju transformation, which Kaito claimed was because it didn't have enough energy to fully transform.

[SnorlaxFight .mp4] (warning, do not watch if you are faint-hearted)

Kaito and Mt. Lady, along with Kaito's entire monster collection, managed to delay the fight long enough for Snorlax to lose its energy and devolve down to a weaker monster called a 'Munchlax', however this came at great cost.

Both Mt Lady and Kaito were gravely wounded or even killed during the fight, however Shaymin was able to heal the damage at the cost of using all the energy she was saving up. Mt. Lady was killed a second time during the final fight, but Kaito was able to replicate Shaymin's healing wish on a much smaller scale to restore her.

Kaito collapsed, but not before taming Munchlax, and was carried out of the dungeon. Afterwards, the dungeon entrance sealed behind them.

This has been officially declared a Kaiju attack despite the strangeness of the unstable Kaijuification due to the fact that Kaito claims they had weeks at best until Snorlax would have woken up and gone into its true Kaiju form, no doubt immediately attacking Tokyo.

Mt. Lady has been moved up to the Number Five hero, overtaking Mirko and Best Jeanist. Red Hot are currently in prison awaiting their trials, as it has come out that they were defeated by the Tauros herd but lied to get the clearing bounty. Kaito has been unavailable for comment since, but we have word from UA that he has made a full recovery. This has been confirmed by a photo of him with Mt. Lady [link]

Mt. Lady was given both Munchlax and another monster called Slakoth, which had previously managed to wound her and was seen with them both after the attack. [link]

Needless to say, this is massive, because while Kaito had a theory that the dungeon bosses were linked to the Kaiju, now we have actual proof. If a Dungeon Boss isn't culled, it will grow in energy until it is strong enough to become a Kaiju and break out of the Dungeon. We do not know why the Dungeon has sealed, but the best theory is that it sealed due to the taming of the Dungeon Boss (logically speaking, other clearing squads have definitely killed Dungeon Bosses before)

There has been a considerable international response due to the near-death of Kaito, who is quickly becoming seen as humanity's best defence against the dungeons, with the USA and the European Union both pushing for Kaito to be removed from Japan (naturally, with both wanting him to go to their countries)

Kaito has so far shown no desire to leave and is still slated to start at U.A. next month.

Endeavor has made a statement since the leader of Red Hot is one of his former sidekicks, Pyrodancer. He decried Pyrodancer's cowardice and recommended that all members of Red Hot have their hero licences stripped away.

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►HereandGone (Resident Monster Expert)

Replied On Jul 24th 2048:

Holy shit, Snorlax was absolutely massive, and that was only a partial, unstable transformation. If it had reached Kaijuification without being interrupted I don't want to even consider how much damage it would do.

►Mane Magenta

Replied On Jul 24th 2048:

Why am I not surprised they immediately tried to make it political? USA has been pushing for Kaito to be sent over to them since the Teostra fight.

The odd part is how the political climate is shaping because Russia, Korea and Japan don't have the best history, but they've been supporting Japan's pushback against the EU and America.

The SEA Alliance is helping as well, probably because they know they won't get Kaito themselves, and if he's in Japan, he's at least close to their countries.

At the end of the day, it doesn't actually matter since the final decision lies with Kaito and he doesn't seem in a rush to move anywhere.

Glad to hear that Mt. Lady and Kaito survived this colossal fuck up, and I really wouldn't want to be Red Hot rn.

►PinkandProud (Hero In Training)

Replied On Jul 24th 2048:

Holy shit, I live near that dungeon!

►Burnin (Pro Sidekick)

Replied On Jul 24th 2048:

Pyrodancer was always an arrogant prat, but this is absurd. You don't lie about shit like this, was it really so hard to admit you got driven away?

Fucking moron.


Replied On Jul 24th 2048:

UA needs to take better care of the world's silver bullet; this is ridiculous. I know it was supposed to be clear, but surely they could spare a couple more heroes to watch Kaito's back?

►StarSpangledSpanner (Pro Sidekick)

Replied On Jul 24th 2048:

Seriously, this is why Congress is pushing for access to Kaito. America wouldn't risk him so recklessly.

But no, Japan is hoarding the best chance we have despite the fact that America has more Dungeons than any other country. If Kaito can close the dungeons, Japan needs to share him with the rest of the world.

►RedIvan (Pro Hero)

Replied On Jul 24th 2048:

America cannot be trusted with the Symbol of Victory; he would never be allowed to leave the country again.

Russia has almost as many dungeons, and we have had more Dungeon Breaks than America. I trust that Japan will remember our support when the time comes.

►GreatGrapes (Banned) (Hero In Training)

Replied On Jul 24th 2048:

He has his hand on Mt. Lady's ass in that picture! They're fucking!

Down with the handsome bastards! Kaito doesn't deserve her!


Replied On Jul 24th 2048:

Bro, he's the Symbol of Victory.

He's probably banging a different sexy heroine/villainess every night, because who is going to tell him he can't? He's definitely banging Midnight.

Arbok isn't the only snake he's given her lol

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►Kaito (Hero In Training) (Kaiju Slayer) (Symbol of Victory)

Replied On Jul 24th 2048:

Yeah, I'm fucking them.

Also, people can fuck off. I'm sticking with U.A. and you're just wasting your energy trying to get me to leave. I like it here.

►Midnight (Pro Hero) (U.A Staff)

Replied On Jul 24th 2048:

I just made sure Kaito was well rewarded for his hard work~

►GreatGrapes (Banned) (Hero In Training)

Replied On Jul 24th 2048:

[Content Deleted by Moderator]

Moderator Notes: Take another week ban

►Kaito (Hero In Training) (Kaiju Slayer) (Symbol of Victory)

Replied On Jul 24th 2048:

But yeah, I'm fine. Got my ass kicked, but whatever, I walked it off.

Biggest issue is that Shaymin used all her energy to save our asses


Replied On Jul 24th 2048:

So, those Eevees were sneaky as fuck, right?

Don't monsters normally just attack straight up instead of stuff like that?

►HereandGone (Resident Monster Expert)

Replied On Jul 24th 2048:

Not always, monsters can be worryingly smart. We've seen monsters build primitive traps and use tactics like this before. I definitely think it's worth noting that this species seems to enjoy making other monsters do the fighting for them; this entire fight could have gone much easier if that Eevee hadn't woken up the Snorlax.

It seems like they possess very little combat power, instead tricking people into chasing them into danger. Something for other heroes to take note of.

@Kaito, did you tame the Eevees? It would be interesting to see how intelligent they truly are

►Kaito (Hero In Training) (Kaiju Slayer) (Symbol of Victory)

Replied On Jul 24th 2048:

Yeah, I grabbed them both.

They're sneaky little fuckers, that much is true. They knew they couldn't beat us in a straight fight, so they played things smart. I'm gonna give them to Melissa; she seems to like the little bastards, and their smug faces annoy me too much for me to want to add them to my team.

Plus, my power says they're the 'evolution' Pokemon, and Mel is studying Evolution so she can have fun working out what the fuck they do.

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Ignoring my DMs for now, I make my way to the Monster Researcher's Association building, the pair of Eevees following behind me. They're utterly unrepentant for almost getting me killed, but I don't hold that much of a grudge despite their stupid, smug faces.

Entering, I pause, seeing Melissa talking to Mei about something. I don't know when those two met each other, but they seem to be fairly animated about whatever they're discussing.

"Kaito! They've let you out of the hospital?" Melissa asks, giving me a smile as she sees me approaching, the pair of Eevees looking around the room in curiosity.

"Eh, kinda? I just walked out and nobody stopped me," I say with a shrug, making her sigh with a fond smile. "Anyway, catch."

Grabbing an Eevee by the scruff of its neck, I toss the little bastard at her lightly, making it yelp in surprise as Melissa catches it gently.

"I told you these fuckers were your problem now," I say, her eyes widening as I mentally order them both to obey Melissa. "They're called the Evolution Pokémon, whatever the fuck that means, so have fun working out what makes their evolution so special."

The other Eevee scurries up to her leg, rubbing against it for a moment as it looks up at her with big, cute eyes. I'm not dumb enough to fall for their bullshit, but it seems super effective on girls as Melissa coos slightly as she strokes the admittedly very soft fur of the one in her hands.

"Are you sure?" Melissa asks.

"Yeah? They're too soft and fluffy for my squad," I say with a nod. "Oh, they're a breeding pair, so watch for that unless you wanna deal with your pack growing."

"...monsters breed?" Melissa asks, making me pause.

"Yeah?" I ask, watching her quickly make some notes. Where did they think new monsters came from? "Anyway, what were you two talking about? Thought you'd headed home, Mei."

"I did, then I came back. Oh, my mom wants to talk to you about the whole knocking me up thing," Mei adds. "Anyway, I'm staying on the campus until classes start; Nezu said it was fine."

Melissa blushes at Mei's casual mention of her probable pregnancy, but she moves on quickly.

"We were actually discussing the possibility of making support gear for monsters now that we have monsters on our side," Melissa explains, making me scratch my chin. "We wanted to know if you had any suggestions for which monster we should try and make something for first?"

"Oh, that's easy. My boy Primeape," I say, summoning the little bundle of rage. "He saved our asses hard cause if he hadn't stopped Shaymin from getting eaten, we'd have been completely fucked."

Primeape looks around angrily, wondering if there is something to punch (making both the Eevees take cover behind Melissa's legs), but my head patting makes him chill slightly.

"Very true, he certainly saved us all," Melissa agrees, kneeling down to rub his head. Primeape grumbles angrily, but he can't hide his enjoyment of the soft head pats. "Hm, I have a few ideas of what we could do for him. Do you mind if I borrow him for a short while? I want to get some scans of his biology."

"Heh, sure. I'll need him back later; me and Yu are going to have a monster vs monster battle. Gotta train up her lazy ass Slakoth and Munchlax," I explain, making her nod easily.

"Oh, it won't take that long. The equipment I've requested has started to arrive. Don't worry, Primeape, it will be quick and painless," Melissa promises, making Primeape grumble again at the implication that he was worried.

Moving over to the side, she opens a large box and pulls out a bundle of bananas, giving them to Primeape, who hollers excitedly. He eats both fruit and meat, but he definitely prefers fruit. Melissa has been trying a lot of different foods to work out the diets of my monsters.

"No, Primeape. Don't throw the peels at the wall," Melissa scolds, making Primeape pause, arm pulled back to launch the now empty peel. He hesitates for a moment, grumbling as he jumps over to the bin and puts the peel away neatly. "Good boy, you're such a well-behaved boy, aren't you?"

Primeape glares at me as I snort at his preening, but as I turn to talk to Mei, a second banana peel slaps against my face, Primeape hollering challengingly as I turn back to him.

"You wanna go, midget?" I ask, glaring at him as he glares back, quickly devouring the entire banana bunch before he squares up.

"Boys, behave. This is a lab; you can play fight later," Melissa scolds, getting between us as I scoff.

"Tch, fine. You got off lucky this time," I warn, Primeape making some mocking noises as we stare at each other. After a moment, I snort, and Primeape makes a vaguely amused sound. Me and Primeape understand each other; out of all my monsters, I vibe with him the best.

"Anyway, I got you girls a bunch of stuff. Where do you want it?" I ask, making them blink.

"What do you mean?" Melissa asks, watching as I summon a bunch of shit I left in one of the biospheres.

"I was bored in the hospital, so I tried out my Material Extraction and got a bunch of stuff out of it. Got a load of Tauros Hide and Fur, along with some Horns, and Butterfree gave me a bunch of powders. Primeape gave me the weird shackle things he wears and some fur. Blue gave a load of slime, and I didn't use it on Shaymin since it uses some of their energy, and Shaymin is already running low," I explain.

Tauros also gave me some meat, but I kinda ate that. Good meat; it made some great steaks.

"It doesn't hurt them, does it?" Mel asks, making me shake my head.

"Nah, it just converts excess energy into materials. Doesn't hurt at all, aside from taking some of their energy," I reply. "I figure you girls can use them because you're smarter than me, and I ain't got no use for them."

"Thank you, Kaito; I'm sure we'll find a use for them. It's a fascinating opportunity to actually have access to monster materials," Mel says, touching my arm as she smiles up at me.

"No worries, now I gotta go talk to the principal; you girls have fun. Primeape, behave and listen to Melissa," I say, making Primeape retort with some mocking noises, tossing another banana peel at me, which I catch.

"We certainly will. Take care, Kaito," Melissa says, placing a light kiss on my cheek before quickly rushing away with a blush. Heh, she's a cute one.

"Oh, one last thing, Kaito," Mei says, getting my attention as I turn to her.

"What's up? Do you want a monster? I got some rats and bulls to spare, but I was looking for something better for you," I say, making her blink.

"I, there's no rush. I'm sure you'll find something good," Mei says, going to speak before I pause.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to upgrade your Quirk as well. My bad," I say, cutting her off as I place a hand on her chin and examine her Quirk. Seeing things from a distance, huh? "You want your Quirk to help you become super accurate, or the ability to see what things are made of at a look, first?"

"Wha- er, the second?" Mei half-asks as I change her powers. That should help; I figure Structural Analysis should be useful for someone who makes shit. "Oh, wow," Mei whispers, looking around the room as her eyes glow slightly. "Wait, no, that's not it."

"Oh, what do you want then?" I ask, tilting my head.

"I've thought hard about how this relationship should go, and I've come to a conclusion," Mei says, making me raise an eyebrow. "I am a busy woman; between classes and making my ba- gadgets, I don't really have time for dates or stuff like that. That said, I don't intend to ignore my responsibilities as one of your women, so I've come to a decision. You can just have free use of me as long as I'm not making something that requires me to be careful. You don't need to worry about silly things like asking, just yank my trousers down and have your fun whenever you want to fuck. I can keep doing my thing while taking care of your needs; it's a win-win!"

"Shit, that is smart," I agree, giving her a nod which makes her grin.

"Don't worry, babe. I might be focused on my gadgets, but I think this is going to be the start of a beautiful relationship," Mei says, giving my biceps a pat. "Even if my mom passed out when I told her she's gonna be a grandma, don't know why she's worrying so much. She was always telling me to spend less time with my toys and more time with other people."

"Eh, moms are weird," I add sagely, making her nod seriously.

"Now, come to Mama, precious monster parts. I wanna see what they can do," Mei says excitedly, going through the stuff I brought as her eyes glow.

Taking Primeape's shackles over to a bench, her eyes start to glow as she examines them, and as her ass waves in my direction, I pause. Nezu can wait.

Moving over, she doesn't even respond as I take her advice and undo her trousers, shooting a glance towards the open doorway that Primeape and Mel went through before I shrug and pull her panties to the side.

– Nezu –

He didn't bother asking why Kaito was late, already knowing the answer from the smell of sex he carried with him. Humans.

"You wanted to talk, lil dude?" Kaito asked, sitting down with a laid-back grin. Honestly, Kaito was more relaxed after sex, so it might not be a bad idea to arrange for him to mate with one of the many willing participants before meetings.

"That I did, Kaito. As you have been told, the dungeon you and Mt. Lady cleared has closed itself, and now that Recovery Girl isn't trying to hit me for bothering her patient, I would like to ask what you know of this," Nezu explained, making Kaito snort.

"Honestly, not much. Something happened when I tamed the dungeon boss; I can feel a connection to the dungeon even now. I'm pretty sure I can open it again or even move the entrance somewhere else, but I'd need to go there to make sure," Kaito said, shrugging. "Still, I've had some time to think while I was imprisoned in that bland hell, and I have a theory."

"Oh? Care to share it?" Nezu asked, seeing Kaito obviously gathering his thoughts for a moment.

"When I tamed the Munchlax, something felt different than every other taming. Not just the dungeon connection, but it felt like there was a third party involved. I think the Munchlax was connected to something else; it didn't feel human, but I think I basically stole Munchlax from whatever it was," Kaito explained, obviously struggling to properly explain what he felt as Nezu listened intently. "So I reckon whatever is behind these dungeons needs the dungeon bosses to handle things, so when I took Munchlax from it, I took the dungeon as well. Plus, I've noticed that even without me needing to order them, my monsters become less aggressive the moment they're tamed. So, I think that whatever is behind the dungeons and monsters makes them aggressive towards people. Once I broke the connection to the dungeon, my monsters become tame, and I hope that I'll be able to remove the aggression from all the monsters in that dungeon now that I've broken the link to whatever the fuck is responsible."

"You think all the monsters can be made passive?" Nezu asked, making some notes as Kaito snorted.

"Not passive, the aggression is unnatural, but some monsters are prone to violence anyway. Slakoth wouldn't have tried to attack us, but the Taurus herd might have charged us if we came too close. Some monsters are territorial, some are just jackasses, and some are naturally passive," Kaito explained. "A Mankey would still try to kick your ass, but a Caterpie probably wouldn't even react to humans if it wasn't for that forced aggression."

"Ah, so you think they'd act more like normal animals? I understand," Nezu nodded. "Which leaves me with one main question: what was different about Shaymin?"

"I'm not entirely sure, but the main difference is that Shaymin is very powerful, and her kind seems to be almost pacifistic in nature. So, I reckon she was actually strong enough to fight off the aggression because it was so different from her true nature, while other peaceful monsters lack the mental fortitude to do the same," Kaito reasoned, making him nod. As good of an explanation as they had at the moment. Shaymin seemed to be a peaceful healer, having chosen to flee when Midnight considered attacking the seemingly baby legendary monster.

"I see; that is both good information and also worrying, but we have long since believed that someone or something is directing the Kaiju; their attacks are too targeted for it to be random," Nezu admitted. "Now, I plan to have you taken to the dungeon to investigate further, but I'm afraid that won't be for a short while. This new discovery, alongside your near-death at Snorlax's hands, has stirred up quite the storm, and I have agreed to keep you away from the dungeons for a short time."

"Tch, politics," Kaito snorted, making him nod.

"Indeed, I would rather we go today and gain another piece to this puzzle, but it is better to work with the government than have them get in our way," Nezu agreed with an annoyed tut. "Which leads me nicely to something they have decided. You are too important to risk, but you also cannot be kept locked away when you have such potential to close the Dungeons and finally help us put a stop to the ever-growing danger."

"I'd just fuck off if they tried to have me kept locked up for my own safety," Kaito said bluntly.

"A fact of which I am very aware, don't worry. This is why I suggested we form a team of pro heroes who can join you on dungeon missions, so you will always have more support than just one person. Due to the international interest in your deeds, it is likely the team will be formed of heroes from around the globe," Nezu explained.

It would give the other nations some limited access to Kaito in a controlled environment, which would help take some international pressure off Japan to hand him over.

"The other countries want power upgrades and monsters as well, huh?" Kaito asked, making him nod. There was no reason to deny it.

"Indeed they do; some are more desperate than others. Not many want to admit it, but we are losing the war against the monsters, and entire countries have been wiped out since the emergence of the first dungeons. People are placing their hopes upon you, and everyone wants a piece of the Symbol of Victory," Nezu explained easily. "I know you are not willing to give out monsters or upgrades to those you do not know or trust, and as such, this gives a select few heroes from overseas an opportunity to prove themselves worthy."

"Works for me; as long as I can still go into the dungeons, I don't mind having some babysitters," Kaito said with a lazy shrug. Kaito was definitely more relaxed after sex. Indeed, this was something worth considering.

"Thank you. I will speak to the ambassadors of the various countries who are pushing to get someone on this team. Unfortunately, there have been some threats regarding you, and there is a genuine fear that some countries might be desperate enough to try and either kidnap you or your monsters. It's also possible people will attempt to steal the monster materials you have supplied," Nezu continued, seeing Kaito's surprise at him already knowing about that. "As such, I've decided to increase our already remarkable security by using our increased budget to hire one of the larger hero teams. Have you heard of the Blizzard group?" Nezu asked as he pressed a button on his desk.

"I think so; they were at the Teostra fight, right?" Kaito asked, looking towards the door as it opened and a tall woman with dark green hair walked in.

"We were. Your advice saved many of my people's lives, and Shaymin brought almost a dozen of my group back from the dead," Fubuki said, giving him a smile. "I'm Fubuki, or Hellish Blizzard, the leader of the Blizzard group. We'll be providing some additional security while you are at U.A."

"I remember you, the telekinetic esper, right?" Kaito asked, making her nod easily.

"Fubuki is a graduate of U.A herself and offered the services of her group at a considerable discount," Nezu explained, making Kaito pause.

"Because getting a chance to get close to me is worth more than money," Kaito said confidently, giving Fubuki a challenging look. "Your group is large but mostly made up of low to mid-tier heroes and sidekicks with powers that can't get them into the top tier. My ability to empower quirks and access to monsters could be a massive force multiplier for you."

"You're right, obviously. I won't deny that," Fubuki admitted easily, not trying to hide her intentions, which seemed to impress Kaito, who gave her a nod. "I saw an opportunity to increase the power of my group; I'm sure you can understand why I didn't hesitate to volunteer."

"Of course, jumping on opportunities like this is just being a good leader," Kaito praised, giving her a respectful nod and making her preen at his lack of offence. Being blunt was always best with Kaito; he seemed to hold very little respect for subterfuge.

Nezu briefly wondered if Kaito's response was altered by the tight dress Fubuki was wearing, putting her considerable curves on display, but mentally shrugged as he decided he didn't care. His goal was to have as many heroes empowered and granted monsters as possible to turn the tides on the impending apocalypse, who was fucking who couldn't be less important to him.

He wished Fubuki all the best in getting bred by Kaito, as that seemed to be the best way to ensure he would go out of his way to keep his girls happy, given his actions with Mei.

Speaking of girls that would likely be bred, he made a note to have the bodyguard he had planned for Kaito to tail him to the dinner he was attending tomorrow. Momo had done well as Kaito's tutor, and their growing closer would only help keep Kaito in U.A. The last thing he needed was some ambitious villain ruining things for him, but then that was why he had Lady Nagant sent to help keep their Symbol safe.

Kaito and Fubuki chatted as he made his plans. The world was changing once again, but for the better this time. Still, Kaito had felt the party behind the dungeons when he tamed Munchlax, something that sent a shiver of fear through him.

What was that presence? All they knew was that Kaito didn't believe they were human. How worrying.

— Bonus Scene — Momo Yaoyorozu

Looking over the several outfits she'd reduced her selection to once again, she switched to a red dress that left a considerable amount of her cleavage on display before shaking her head and moving to a different, more modest dress.

Kaito was coming tomorrow. Kaito who had, only a couple of days ago, had to fight a pseudo-Kaiju with only a single hero backing him up and almost died. She'd messaged him after the news had spread, but once again, he seemed confused about the idea that he'd need to skip their da- meeting over something like that.

He'd even tamed this Kaiju, preventing it from ever becoming a threat to the world. There was even word about putting him on the Top Ten hero list despite him not having his hero licence yet, and still, he was the same maths-hating wild man who needed her help.

Unfortunately, it was going to be more than just her and her mother at the dinner. Her father was away on business, but her cousin had successfully gotten into U.A. so her aunt was bringing her over to celebrate.

She loved Carol, truly she did, but she and Aunt Ferris were… different, and somehow she knew Carol being here was going to be problematic. She'd already heard about Kaito literally carrying her hopeless cousin through the entrance exam.

Again, she adored Carol, but the idea of Carol becoming a hero was questionable. Carol had no stamina, barely any self-preservation, and while she was admittedly surprisingly smart, she was so… Carol.

A part of her mind reminded her that Carol was one of the only girls she'd ever seen with breasts larger than her own, and the idea of Carol wearing something revealing (because she had no shame) made Momo pause and glance back at the low-cut red dress.

This dinner was going to be challenging, her mother and aunt were bound to be teasing, and Carol was completely unpredictable. She was having enough trouble dealing with her own feelings for the Symbol of Victory without them stirring the pot and making everything more difficult.

Still, it was humbling to know that while she hadn't even started classes yet, Kaito now had two Kaiju battles under his belt. He truly was just different, one of a kind. But she knew he wasn't perfect, and he needed support. She intended to be that support, helping him with the things he struggled with for as long as he needed her.