Chapter 12: Adopting a Monster

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my original characters and works; all other characters and worlds belong to their respective owners. I'm just playing with them.

Betad by Priapus, Marethyu, Beans, Malcolm Tent

The Guild of Gamers: The Tamer

Chapter 12: Adopting a Monster

– Momo Yaoyorozu –

After dinner, she dragged a reluctant Kaito back to her villainous lair where she could torture him with maths and science. It was part of her plan, changing from her dress into her pyjamas while he was wrestling with Carol's Tauros (even if she enjoyed watching him try and wrestle a giant bull with metal horns).

Her top was a little tight, a couple more buttons undone than usual. She wasn't a shy girl; her Quirk made exposure a necessity, but she didn't normally show off for people. Kaito's eyes lingered on her cleavage, and for once, she didn't find someone staring at her body annoying. Kaito was attracted to her, which made her smile as she made him focus on his lessons.

Maybe it was unfair to provide such a distraction when he was trying hard to focus on his work, but he didn't seem to mind. That said, there was one thing she definitely minded.

"You're kinda dumb, Big-chan," Carol said, looking over his shoulder as she pushed her breasts against the back of his head, having changed into a revealing nightie. Why was she here? Wasn't she busy with her new monster?!

"It's Kaito, and I won't be called dumb by an airhead like you. I just wasn't taught this shit," Kaito grumbled, eyes flickering to the side as Carol leaned over his shoulder to look at the sheet, her breasts pushing against the side of her head. Carol was very obviously not wearing a bra, nipples clearly visible, and Kaito's attention had been taken from her to her bimbo cousin. "Momo says I'm learning this bullshit quickly."

"You are; you pick up on things very fast," Momo praised, trying not to glare at Carol and only mostly succeeding. "For someone who had to start with the absolute basics a couple of weeks ago, you're making some fantastic progress."

It was genuinely impressive; he still had to catch up on years of schooling, but he was doing very well. He was still behind the rest of their upcoming class, but she'd be there to help him throughout the year.

"Ooh, I know how to do this one," Carol cheered, sitting in Kaito's lap. "Want me to do it for you?"

"Nah, gotta learn to do this crap myself," Kaito sighed, a look on his face as Carol wiggled a bit to get comfortable. Momo's smile twitched, staring at her cousin with a look that would have told anyone to go away. Anyone but Carol, apparently, who ignored the look with practised ease.

She knew full well that Carol was not as oblivious as she liked to pretend she was. Momo stared at Carol with annoyance, and Carol tilted her head innocently.

Kaito had zero tolerance for Carol's nonsense, picking her cousin up and casually tossing her to the other side of the large bed, making Carol pout. She didn't miss that Carol landed in a way that meant Kaito had a clear view up her nightie, Momo glaring at her cousin warningly. Why was Carol like this? She couldn't even begin to guess what Carol was scheming.

The session continued, with Carol generally making a menace of herself, but her plans were thoroughly thwarted by Carol's mere existence. It's not like she was planning to do much, despite how attractive Kaito was once he decided he had worn his top for long enough and removed it, but seeing Carol hanging off him just irritated her.

It wasn't the fact that Kaito was with another woman; she knew he had several lovers at the very least and it made sense with his wild upbringing. He'd told her stories about his life, and he just wasn't a man who could be tied down by anyone or anything. She'd accepted that if she wanted to pursue a relationship with Kaito, she would be sharing him with other women, but why did Carol have to be here?

Honestly, she wanted to make sure people didn't take advantage of Kaito. He was a blunt man and cared little for politics or guile, so she could imagine some femme fatale sinking her claws into him to try and use him for her own ends. Kaito deserved better, and the world was relying on him. The least she could do was support him wherever possible, helping him with the things he struggled with and protecting him in any way she could. 

She wished she could say that Carol was one of those seductresses aiming to take advantage of Kaito through his libido, but she hadn't got a clue what was going on in that empty blonde head of hers. Carol was hanging off Kaito, but what was she thinking? What was she up to?

– Carol Olston –

Kaito's hair was way softer than it looked. She ran her hand through it as he swatted it away with a frown. His reactions were funny when she poked him; people were probably too scared of the big, muscular man to bother him like this.

Still, Big-chan might be a little scary when he was angry, but she was pretty sure he was a softie underneath all that muscle and hair. He'd saved her from the big robot even when he wanted to fight it, and he even gave her Horny to look after her when he wasn't there. He was a big sweetie which was why his growl didn't bother her as she played with his hair. 

Still, Big-chan was a naughty one, staring at her and Momo like that~ 

Huh, why was Momo glaring at her? 

– Momo Yaoyorozu –

Carol was a mystery to everyone, even her family. 

With her plans for maybe making a small move on Kaito ruined, she'd settled for helping him with his studies, occasionally giving him a glimpse of what was beneath her pyjamas.

The sun set, giving him a break from the hell that was mathematics, and she put on a movie she'd picked for him. He was an easy to please man, so she just picked one that had lots of fighting to keep his attention. Maybe she cuddled with him a little, but nothing untoward happened. Kaito was wild, but beyond admiring what she had admittedly put on display for him, he didn't make any moves. She was happy about that, because she really wasn't ready for anything to happen (and also Carol was sitting on the other side of her, watching the movie as she munched on popcorn).

Yes, she'd made sure to put herself between Carol and Kaito, if only for Kaito's own safety and sanity. Of all the things she thought she'd be helping him with, protecting him from Carol wasn't one of them. Leaning against him, she took a chance and slipped her hand into his under the blanket. Kaito looked at her for a moment but quickly went back to the movie, his hand wrapping around hers.

– Kaito –

Following Momo's directions, I wander the massive house. Momo's family are apparently loaded, but Momo is training to be a hero, so she isn't one of the pathetically weak rich idiots who think money can cover for weakness.

It turns out Momo likes movies, given that we're on our third. The second one was more sappy, but I figure it's only fair she gets to watch one she likes after we watched something with lots of explosions and violence.

Entering the bathroom, I look around the stupidly large room for a moment. It takes me a little time to work out how the bath works, but I'm starting to smell, and wild doesn't mean dirty. I have standards and this hair is hard to keep in good condition.

This isn't a jungle waterfall, but I'm sure this fancy bath will work out well enough. It looks more like a pool; they must be stupidly loaded. It may have taken me some time to remember what Momo said about how to start it (I think I set it to the hottest temperature, but I'm no pussy, and the heat just means it's cleaning better).

Stripping down, I have to go through the different shampoos to find which one smells the least flowery for a while, distracted by my hunt for a manly scent.

"Oh," someone says, making me spin around, ready to pounce on the fool who snuck up on me. 

I was distracted, sure, but I'm not that easy to sneak up on, so I immediately assumed this was an attack. As I spun around, I realised two things.

This probably isn't an attack, and Carol got her massive breasts from her mother.

Standing at the edge of the bath, Ferris tilts her head curiously, holding a towel in front of her. It's only held in front of her waist, barely covering anything since she's already stripped down. She makes no effort to cover her large breasts, hanging free and proud.

"Why are you here?" Ferris asks, still not really trying to hide anything and blatantly looking at my body. 

"I'm getting clean, obviously. Momo said to use this room," I reply, making no effort to hide my own nudity. If she didn't want to see my dick, she should have fucked off already. "Why are you here?"

"...I don't think Momo-chan sent you here, Symbol-chan," Ferris scolds, making me blink. Eh, maybe I got lost, but this room looks like a bathroom, so I'm probably right. "Did you get lost? Carol is right; you're not very smart, Big-chan."

"I asked her for directions to a bathroom. This is a bathroom, and I was here first," I reply, glaring at her as she tilts her head again. She has that same empty-headed look her daughter always has on her face. "And I'm smart enough."

"That's not shampoo you're putting in your hair," Ferris points out, pointing to a different collection of mysterious bottles. "Those are the shampoos."

The hand she pointed with happened to be holding her towel, exposing her naked slit in the process. Her pussy is topped with a light blonde bush, and she pauses and looks down at herself.

"Ah, Symbol-Chan is a pervert," Ferris says, smiling weirdly. "That's not good, you know?"

Fucking what? First, I have to deal with Carol sitting in my lap, pushing her tits against me and generally being a tease, and now this? The only reason Carol didn't get pushed down and bred is because she's Momo's cousin and probably not all there in the head but now the older model walks in on me bathing, flashes me and calls me the pervert?

Getting out of the shower, I give the older woman a dangerous look, making her blink.

"Oh?" Ferris asks, still not bothering to cover up as I walk up to her, hard cock swinging between my legs.

"You're the one who walked in on me, flashing this slutty body, and I'm the pervert?" I growl, one hand coming up and mauling one of her fat tits. She gasps slightly, but still, she doesn't do anything to stop me as she tilts her head again.

She's probably responsible for how weird Carol is, but surely an adult with a kid can't be so naive?

"If you're not a pervert, why are you playing with my boobies?" Ferris asks, making me glare at her.

"Because you came in here, showing them off. If you didn't want this, you shouldn't have teased and flashed me," I say. Carol pushed me to my limit with all her teasing, and her mother can take responsibility. 

"Teas- Oh!" Ferris gasps as I grab her by the hips, spinning her around. Pushing her forwards, I push her against the fancy stone wall as I pin her to it. She looks back over her shoulder at me with that same airheaded smile even as I part her legs. "Symbol-chan is a naughty boy. Did you do this to Carol and Momo as well?" 

Even as I slide my cock between her thighs, she still remains blasé about the situation, making mescoff.

"No, but that daughter of yours is a fucking tease as well; I should have bent her over the first time she pushed her tits into my face," I growl, lining myself up.

As she goes to reply, I thrust forward, and she gasps, showing the first real emotion as her eyes widen. I don't play around despite her impressive tightness, immediately going to town on her tight milf cunt as I pound her against the wall.

My thrusts push her up onto her tiptoes as her breasts are squished into the wall, spanking her ass as I work off the stress these two airheaded idiots caused.

"Symbol-chan is a brute," Ferris gasps out, but even now, she sounds very casual about the whole thing. "It's not good to have so little self-control, you know? You might get in trouble."


– Momo Yaoyorozu –

As the minutes passed by, she wondered if Kaito had gotten lost. It was a rather large house, but she'd been too busy dealing with Carol to guide him (especially since the idiot seemed determined to follow Kaito to the bathroom), but as time went by, she decided to go looking for him.

The guest bathroom she'd directed him to was empty, but Carol gestured for her to follow.

"Big-chan found a different bathroom," Carol said helpfully, pointing to a slightly open door.

The sound of flesh clapping together made her eyes widen, a blush growing on her cheeks at the clear sound of entanglement coming from the room.

Carol, shameless and uncaring, walked up to the door and knelt down, peeking through the gap at the source of the sound. Curiosity filled her, wondering who was in there with him. Maybe one of the help had offered him some help?

That was her mother's private bathroom, but surely not-

"Ooh, Big-chan is big," Carol said, making her blush deepen. Unable to stop herself, she walked up to the door and peeked through herself.

Pinned against the floor, Aunt Ferris gasped and moaned as Kaito thrust down into her over and over again, the sound of their bodies meeting making a plapping sound as Kaito ruthlessly dominated her Aunt's body.

Aunt Ferris didn't seem to mind; eyes had rolled back in her head, and her legs were pushed up against her shoulders. Kaito's naked body was dripping with water, clearly fresh out of the shower and a towel was abandoned next to them.

How on earth had this happened? Watching carefully, she could barely see the large manhood vanishing into her Aunt's vagina, every inch of the impressive phallus being swallowed by her Aunt's body with only the slightest hint as her stomach bulged a tiny amount.

With a primal sound, Kaito slammed his hips forwards and threw his head back as he unleashed his semen into Aunt Ferris, making her gasp again as she shuddered. Kaito pulled back, watching Ferris slump into a boneless heap, semen leaking from a gaping vagina.

"Tch, passing out? It was only three rounds; you have no stamina," Kaito scolded, getting some of the bath water in his hands and splashing it on her face as she blinked.

"Symbol-chan is a brute~" Ferris said in an almost sing-song voice, making Kaito scoff. "Have you calmed down now, naughty boy?" 

Kaito scoffed again, grabbing her and lifting her onto her knees. The way he grasped his cock and slapped it against her face told them all that, no, he hadn't. Ferris just tilted her head in amusement, going to speak before her mouth was filled with something else, gagging as Kaito gripped her hair like the wildman he was and started to just use her face.

Coming to her senses, she grabbed Carol and pulled her away with a burning face, her mind on the scene of the strong barbarian having his way with the weak, defenceless woman. 

It wasn't jealousy that burnt in her chest as she retreated, but arousal. That was the hottest thing she'd ever seen, and in a moment of insanity, she imagined that she was there too, her hand on her Aunt's head as she pushed her to take more of Kaito's manhood.

Going to sleep, her dreams were filled with lewd scenes of Kaito dominating other women while she helped keep them in line, a fetish she'd never even considered before today awakened.

– Ferris Olston –

Waking up with a very used body, she blinked to herself as she sat up.

All her life, she'd just learnt to go with the flow. Her Quirk simply made things go well for her; it was how she'd ended up dating an extremely rich man who didn't realise she was underage until he'd already impregnated her, and it was probably how that same rich man had died, leaving her a millionaire.

So when something happened, her usual response was to shrug her shoulders and go along with it since it normally meant things would go well for her. She liked using Kyouko's bathroom because she had the good shampoo, so when she went in and found a naked Kaito, she never really considered running away. 

Looking down at her stained thighs, she wondered if Kaito had knocked her up and given Carol a sibling. He had certainly been energetic in his attempts, at the very least. Maybe the good thing was her next baby? Or maybe she had protected her daughter from being violated by a barbarian she'd teased too much since Kaito was clearly already on a short fuse when she'd stumbled across him.

If nothing else, maybe her Quirk felt she needed a good fucking since it had been over a decade since she last got that need seen to, and Kaito had wasted no time in reminding her about the pleasures of sex.

Kaito came in from the en suite, still naked, and looked her over. He had no shame, walking out with a small towel hanging off his shoulders but nothing covering the large cock that had spent all night stirring up her insides.

"You got a man?" Kaito asked, making her giggle. Wasn't it a little late for that?

"Nope," Ferris admitted easily.

"Good, I'd have had to kick his ass and take you for myself; you're mine now. You got a problem with that?" Kaito asked, making her blink.

"Ah, Symbol-chan is a possessive brute," Ferris said, amused at his twitching eyebrow. He was easy to tease. "You're taking responsibility, then?"

"I always do; I ain't the kind of trash to abandon my kids," Kaito scoffed. "...maybe this one will be less weird."

Well, that wasn't nice.

"So, you want a Tauros or do you wanna wait until I've got something different for you?" Kaito asked, making her blink and scratch her chin. Maybe two bulls in one household would be a little too much.

"Oh, I'll wait. I don't fight anyway," Ferris explained easily, giving him an amused look as he stalked towards her. As always, she just went with the flow as Kaito climbed onto the bed. "Do take care of Carol at U.A., won't you? She's a little naive, so you have to be a good stepfather for her."

Kaito paused, blinking before he shrugged.

"Yeah, I'll keep an eye out for her. Nothing will happen to her on my watch," Kaito said, steel in his voice. See, things went well for her when she just went with the flow.

Kaito didn't say anything else as he mounted her, sheathing his cock inside her, but she just spread her legs and gave him a pleasant smile as he started to thrust. Kaito might be a bit of a brute, but he was a good boy under all that muscle and lust.

Carol was now safe at U.A., nobody would mess with her when the Symbol of Victory was protecting her. For that, she'd happily let the naughty boy have his fun with her as many times as he wanted. 

– Momo Yaoyorozu –

It was odd to spend the day with Kaito knowing what he'd spent his night doing, but she didn't confront him on his actions with Aunt Ferris. Fortunately, her Aunt had gone home and taken Carol (and 'Horny') with her. Something about bull-proofing their home.

Instead, since it was such a nice day, she'd decided to take Kaito into the town for the day. It had been interesting to see just how popular he truly was first-hand, and with the Blizzard Group following them for protection, there was no real risk of any trouble.

Funnily enough, the one minor villain they ran into surrendered immediately. Apparently, they'd realised that they could try and fight the Symbol of Victory and either get beaten by an angry monkey, gored by bulls, or melted by slime and even if they'd managed to hurt him, the heroes would come down on him in force for hurting Humanity's weapon against the monsters. Kaito's first arrest, and he hadn't lifted a finger before the Blizzard group took away the villain.

Kaito was a carefree person, often simply wandering in whatever direction he felt like going, and she was happy to wander with him. She knew the streets well enough to know where they were and could guide him back to more interesting places when he inevitably got lost.

Kaito had no end of fangirls, signing more autographs in a day than some pro heroes would in a month, but he didn't seem to mind the attention, and Shaymin seemed to like it. Shaymin attracted even more attention than Kaito himself, but she was too cute to not be a superstar.

Kaito claimed all the adoration was helping rebuild her energy supplies, which was important for future Kaiju attacks, so she was happy to see Shaymin getting so much attention.

It was because of Shaymin that they were going the way they were, wandering through alleyways and back streets at random. Shaymin had started squeaking, getting their attention. She didn't know where the powerful monster wanted them to go, but Kaito seemed to have complete trust in Shaymin's senses and immediately followed her guidance. She figured Kaito knew better than her in this, joining him with a frown. Was this a monster issue? Was someone badly hurt?

She didn't know, but Shaymin directed them down a single alleyway, and Kaito held out a hand for her to wait, looking around with a serious frown on his face. Shaymin didn't share his caution, hopping off his shoulder and shuffling through the dirty alleyway.


Going to a dumpster, she squeaked at something hiding behind it, some movement making her stiffen as Kaito headed forwards.

Getting into position so he could see what had her attention, Kaito's serious look changed from his almost threatening battle-ready scowl to a softer but still serious frown.

"S-stay back," someone squeaked, making Momo move forwards as well. Getting next to him, Momo felt her heartache at the sight of a very dirty girl cowering behind the dumpster. She couldn't be more than seven, her best guess, filthy bluish-white hair hiding her eyes but failing to cover the horn coming out of her head.

Her clothes were little more than rags, and she was very clearly in terrible condition as Shaymin sniffed at her feet, making the girl cower further back. She looked way too skinny, making Momo wonder how she'd gotten here.

This wasn't a great part of town. Normally, she wouldn't have come here since a dungeon break a few weeks back had caused some massive damage, but surely the girl hadn't been on her own for that long.

"Hm, a horn?" Kaito asked, rubbing his chin as he stepped forward and crouched down. "You're a monster."

"Eh?" Momo asked, watching the little girl's eyes widen behind that filthy hair. 

"N-no," she said, making Kaito chuckle.

"Nah, you are. Don't worry, I love monsters, wanna join my team?" Kaito asked, making Momo stare at him in befuddlement. "Anyone going to come looking for you?"

"N-no, they're all-" the little girl started, trailing off. 

"Yeah, figured. Either they're gone, or they abandoned you," Kaito said bluntly, making the girl's eyes water up. "People who ditch their young are scum, but you're alright now; you're part of my tribe."

Kaito's declaration was filled with such steel that she couldn't argue with him, and the girl just seemed confused.

"T-tribe?" she asked, making him nod as he reached out. She flinched back, but he didn't stop as he patted her hair with a slight smile.

"Yeah, like Shaymin here. She's a healer, and you're in a shi- err, bad state, so she's gonna heal you up, yeah?" Kaito said, making the girl look at Shaymin, who had moved to her feet. Shaymin squeaked up, making the girl look between Shaymin and Kaito.

"O-okay?" the girl asked, making Shaymin squeak happily as she started to glow gold, enveloping the girl. She gasped, first in fright but quickly in surprise and delight as Shaymin healed her of something.

"See, not so bad? You got a name? Can't just be calling you 'girl' if you're gonna be part of my pack," Kaito said, making the girl stare for a moment.

"Kaito, you can't just take her," Momo started, making him chuckle. She wasn't saying to leave the poor girl on the street, but Kaito seemed determined to just keep her for himself.

"See the horn? She's a monster, so I can take her since I'm the monster tamer; it's fine," Kaito reasoned, making her stare at him. That wasn't how any of that worked; she was clearly a regular child.

"She isn't-"

"I'm Eri," Eri cut in, looking between them as Kaito helped her to her feet. "A-and I'm a monster!"

Eri looked at her with a serious look, making Momo mentally sigh. Damn it, Kaito.

"Damn right, you are. Come on, you need food and a wash," Kaito said, grabbing Eri, who squeaked as he lifted her and placed her on his shoulders. "Hold Shaymin for me; you're taking her usual spot."

Shaymin scurried up his side and managed to climb onto his head, where Eri grabbed her in a hug. Eri still seemed scared, but Shaymin seemed to be soothing her, and Kaito turned to her with a grin.

"So, where's the nearest place to get some food? Doesn't matter what, as long as there's lots of it," Kaito said with a grin, and she realised a lost cause when she saw one. Plus, the fact that Eri seemed to have been scrounging through a dumpster meant he was right about one thing: she definitely could use some real food.

– Nezu –

Kaito was rather skilled at causing issues. Sure, Kaito going on a date with his tutor may have ended in a child, but he'd figured it would take nine months, and the child would be slightly smaller.

Eri, as he'd learnt Kaito's latest find was called, hid behind Kaito's legs, and the signs of abuse were incredibly obvious. In a nice summer dress Momo had picked, and after a much-needed bath, her skin no longer had a layer of filth, which meant they could all see the signs of needles along Eri's arms. He, of all people, recognised the signs of experimentation.

"I'm not disagreeing that it was the right choice to bring Eri here, but you are a student. You're not fit to look after a six-year-old girl," Eraserhead sighed, rubbing his forehead as he tried to deal with the exceedingly stubborn Symbol of Victory. "Contacting child protective ser-

"Nah, she's part of my tribe now," Kaito cut in, making Eraserhead stare with an increasingly tired look.

Nezu understood Kaito's reasoning. Kaito had explained that their tribe often adopted people into it to increase their numbers, and Kaito wanted to have a tribe of his own; hence keeping the child he'd found as a member was just logical to him.

"Kaito, she isn't a monster. You can't just keep her," Eraserhead tried, but Eri froze at his words.

– Eri –

Eri's eyes widened, listening to them talk. They didn't believe she was a monster, and if she wasn't, they'd take her away from Kaito and send her back to the streets.

Kaito was the best thing that had happened to her since the orange one had k-killed Kai and accidentally freed her from that hell. They wanted to take him from her… because she wasn't really a monster.

What would Kaito do? She hadn't known him for long, but she had an idea. She nodded; monsters attacked people; she was a monster, so she should attack

"R-rawr," Eri 'roared', kicking the tired-looking man in the shins as hard as she could, making him yelp in surprise as Kaito snorted in amusement. He patted her head again, making her freeze and panic, worried her Quirk would make him disappear.

It didn't, and Kaito picked her up and placed her on his shoulders again, making her look down on the rest of the people. She looked at the one who wanted to send her away, growling at him like a true monster. She'd scare them, and then they'd realise they had to let her stay with Kaito since he could keep her tame.

– Nemuri Kayama (Midnight) –

Well, that was the most adorable thing she'd ever seen.

The sight of Kaito with Eri almost made her ovaries explode, realising just how good Kaito looked when he was being paternal. 

"As you can see, Eri is a monster," Nezu explained, humour clear in his tone. Eri let out a clear sigh of relief at her 'lie' being bought. "And as it happens, the building for Kaito and his 'tribe' is already being built. Admittedly, Eri is older than we expected at this stage, but it is hardly a problem for her to stay."

"Principal—" Eraserhead started before he cut himself off. There were some very mixed opinions about the construction of what was essentially a harem building on U.A. grounds, and she didn't really blame those who disapproved.

"That said, I do believe there are some questions that must be answered first," Nezu said, turning to Eri. "May I ask how you found yourself on the streets to begin with, Miss Eri?"

Eri hesitated, but Kaito gave her a reassuring look. He was surprisingly good with her, and it was an incredibly sexy sight, to be perfectly honest. Momo was watching him with a flushed face, clearly agreeing. 

Eri started to speak, and they all listened as she explained the horrendous life she'd lived, needing to stop or hug Shaymin several times during it. Eraserhead's complaints vanished as they listened, despite his deep frown.

Eri didn't know everything, but she was able to explain enough for Nezu to identify the people trying to experiment on her Quirk as the Shie Hassaikai. She almost wanted to hunt them down and feed them to Arbok, but she needn't bother. 

Eri had been 'freed' during the dungeon break that had happened four weeks ago, where a monster that she just called 'the orange one' had broken free and slaughtered the Shie Hassaikai in moments. 

It was the recollection of a traumatised six-year-old who had spent weeks wandering the streets, terrified to approach anyone, either because she was convinced they'd hurt her or that she'd erase them, so they needed to take it with a grain of salt.

But even still, her description of this 'Kai' made him sound very strong. Apparently, his Quirk had failed to do anything to the monster that massacred them. Worse, they had no report of this monster, and Eri claimed that after killing Kai, it had flown to the stars.

The last she'd seen of it, it had shot into the sky and vanished. They did have a report of a strange beam of light heading into the sky during the attack but found no trace of what had caused it. They also managed to find reports of Kai Chisaki in the fatalities.

He was a known Yakuza member and had been found dead along with many other members of his gang, so Eri's recollection was not entirely wrong, at the very least. Somewhere out there, there was a stupidly powerful monster, and nobody had seen it since the Break.

They'd even shown Eri pictures of every Kaiju since the dungeon break, and none of them were even close to the one she'd seen.

An orange humanoid body with tentacle-like arms, a blue face and a gem inside its chest. That was the best description they had of the monster, and it didn't fit anything they'd seen. All they knew was that it had gone 'up', which gave them very little to work with.

Still, one thing was certain. Eri needed help with her Quirk, given the suspicion that she'd rewound her father out of existence, and U.A. was the best place for that. Even Eraserhead didn't disagree with that, so Eri would be staying.

It was unconventional, but when did Kaito do anything the conventional way? 

Getting the news that she wasn't going to be sent away, Eri beamed at Kaito, who just gave her a slight grin and ruffled her hair.

He'd make a surprisingly good father, which was probably for the best given his proclivities. Here's hoping Arbok could handle the hero biz when she was too bloated to patrol herself. It was unbelievable how quickly she'd grown used to having Arbok by her side, but that was for the best, given that she'd become the poster hero for heroes fighting with monsters. Arbok was a massive boost to her capabilities, and it was generally just nice to have her around.

Watching Kaito describe his monsters to Eri who listened with rapt attention, she smiled slightly as she glanced at Nezu. Nezu was smiling, but she had known him long enough to see that he was displeased. Experimentation was always a sore spot for him, and Kai was probably lucky he was dead, given Nezu's dangerous smile.

Still, she suspected that Nezu was going to make sure Eri was just fine.

— Bonus Scene — Melissa Shield

Studying Primeape, she'd learnt a lot about him and his biology. She'd also learnt that he was dumb. She watched with amusement as Primeape charged at and punched the mirror as hard as he could, having seen himself and assumed it was a rival.

Earlier, he'd thrown a chair out of a window because the window had blown open by the wind, and he'd assumed something was trying to attack them, but despite his anger and admittedly questionable intelligence, there was something endearing about Primeape. 

He was highly protective of those he saw as part of his pack, which included her. He was actually very cute when he wasn't rampaging, and her studies of his biology had revealed why he was so angry all the time.

The unique adrenaline he'd developed as part of his flight or fight response had also affected his brain in a rather interesting way. It had made him physically stronger, and the effects on his body were fascinating, but it had also clouded his thought processes and made it so he would just get more and more furious the longer a fight dragged on.

His anger was directly proportional to his physical abilities, but inversely proportional to his problem-solving skills. Kaito's explanation of 'he gets dumber but stronger' was very accurate, but even at his angriest, he was capable of telling friend from foe. 

He was also very compliant with her tests. She did make the mistake of trying to explain that they wouldn't hurt, which seemed to make him think she was calling him weak, but after he'd stopped attacking the machine (and she got a replacement), things had gone very smoothly. 

Well, when she kicked the Eevees out so they'd stop trying to mess with Primeape, anyway. They were mischievous, and Primeape's response to such pranks tended to be extreme violence. He was nice enough not to kill them, but they quickly learnt not to annoy the very powerful monkey.

She already adored those two mischief makers, but by god, could they be troublesome at times. They'd already learnt that they could make her pay attention to them by pulling out plugs to stop her from working so she could play more. 

She'd gotten so much data. If they could harness the unique adrenaline Primeape produced, it could lead to some very interesting things… and this was just one monster.

That wasn't even mentioning the materials. The shackles Primeape wore that Kaito had extracted? They did produce that same adrenaline. When the wearer got into a fight, it made them, as Kaito said, 'dumber but stronger'.

She couldn't find any sign of biological agents in the plain metal shackles, but they produced it all the same. How many wonder materials did Kaito have access to? With these, they could produce some top-tier support gear and arm the heroes in the fight against their own extinction.

In this war, every little bit helped and it was her honour to help in any small way. Pushing her glasses up, she gave Primeape a smile as he sat on the top of a bookcase, eating the bananas she'd given him. He gave a hoot in response, tilting his head.