Have you ever felt like this?

""lie to my face, hurt me, make me feel useless,

make me hate myself,

make me feel like I am a nobody,

I don't matter, it's always my fault,

tho nice words come their ways,

the negative ones always impact harder, I feel as if when I am talking to them... my do's and dont's don't matter? what I say probably is never right,

I am never gonna be right,

I am annoying, I should shut up and never talk,

I say things without considering even when I am truly correct but they dont wanna hear more I have to be told to shut up.

Say I never tried on this relationship. I never understood I never will understand you. I always ruin the mood. I always don't care either way,

Maybe I don't? but when I do you don't notice. All along when I am compromising you don't notice. Everything good I do it seems that you don't notice.""

I might act as if I am not fazed, but it's just I am too used to it to react to it.

And you were someone I trusted so much to fool my own self knowing all the truths of your actions. Am I still the worst one?

Acting like their words never hurt me don't do anything to me at all. I didn't realize how much I made others around me suffer in the way of stopping their sufferings.. kiddish i know but I can't help express in words that are of my heart.

letting people decide for you even though your gut choice was best will leave you with three feelings.

regret, guilt, over thinking.

- Relations are a strong source of impact so be wise.
