The contest between Gods Chapter 1

The City of cecrops got the attention of two Gods. Athena and Poseidon, both of whom want to bring the city under their protection. Zeus proposed a contest between Anthena and Poseidon with cecrops and the judge and the city as the prize. Both Athena and Poseidon need to show the crops what they can do and the blessing they can bring to the city to win his support.

Cecrops is one of the four great gods of the underworld; however, unlike the other four, he had fallen from grace in the past. The God of Death had been banished from heaven and was now stuck in Tartarus, waiting for his time to come. He did not know how long it would take for him to be able to get back into Heaven. All he could think about was getting revenge on the Gods who banished him and all the people that died in the fall. He hated everyone he saw and all the souls that went to Hades. His hatred for them only grew with each passing day.

After hearing about the contest, he decided to participate. He knew that if he won this thing, nothing was stopping him from coming back to earth. He had no idea when the contest was going to take place, so he didn't have anyone to go to during his wait.


After being banished from heaven, Hades spent over a year trying to get himself out. It wasn't easy at first since it took him months before he figured out where he was. It also took even longer because of how hard it was for him to open the gates of hell to escape. Eventually though, after much trial and error, he found a way. Hades opened the gates of hell and the souls were sucked in by some strange force that drew them down to hell. That same force was also responsible for keeping any soul from reaching the realm above the Underworld.

Once Hades was sure that he was free of the gate of death, he tried to figure out why he was sent here in the first place. He had assumed that he would just stay on Earth forever but apparently, fate had different plans for him. One of Hades's many questions answered itself when he heard the news of the contest.


Anthena was a very powerful god in the underworld, and she had been for years. She never thought that he would ever find herself in an actual contest with two gods. However, when she first found out about the contest, she immediately volunteered to enter it. There was only one catch though; she had to prove that she could bring something good to the world, which meant that he had to give up a part of himself in exchange.

It seemed like a fair enough deal.

In less than twenty-four hours, Anthena managed to win several prizes including two pieces of jewelry. They were simple gold rings that she couldn't remember exactly what they did. Either way, she made sure to leave them behind before leaving the stage. As soon as she was done winning, she returned home to prepare for the competition.

She had gone shopping earlier so she was wearing the most expensive outfit he owned. When the sun began to set, Anthena walked outside and stood on the edge of town. She looked around and noticed someone standing near a tree. She approached the person and realized that it was a man. The man noticed him approaching but didn't say anything. Finally, Antheon spoke.

I've heard about you. You were once a very powerful god. I hope you can make me proud."

"What makes you think I'm capable of bringing good to the world?" The man replied.

"You don't look like you're afraid of dying. In fact, you seem quite confident in yourself. I think you would be perfect for this challenge."

The man sighed. "Fine. If you think so. What am I supposed to bring?"


Nebulas was a young god in the underworld who lost his wife to an accident shortly after he was born. His father, Zeus, decided to banish him here. This punishment was terrible, and no one wanted to stand up to Zeus so they gave in. They were happy to see the last of him. Unfortunately, this left Nebulas alone. He spent most of his days walking aimlessly through the streets of the city and trying to survive without a wife or children. The only bright spot came when he started dating a certain someone named Eurydice. At least she was nice to him and helped him get away from zeus.

Nebulas has always enjoyed dancing, and he loved performing, but he really needed more time away from Zeus and his rule. So, he left Eurydice. She seemed hurt and upset at first but soon understood that she couldn't stop him. She told Nebulas to stay safe while he traveled the world, but he wouldn't listen.

Years passed and he had met many amazing people, some of whom were dead already and others still alive. They all helped him to learn about love and life beyond the borders of the afterlife. They taught Nebulas things he should never forget, whether it be his past, present, or future. They gave him the ability to live freely in the mortal realm and he learned from them that sometimes the best way to protect a friend is to run and hide.

Zeus regained his balance and looked around to see where it came from. Then, he felt another presence behind him. Slowly turning around, he saw someone that was eerily familiar. The man was clad in all black and had long brown hair. His face was covered in tattoos, showing off all his features. Zeus looked straight into the man's eyes and noticed that he wasn't human. He was a monster, a demon. And he was definitely angry.

Who are you? Where am I? Why am I here?" Zeus asked?

We are in the Underworld, my Lord. You have been banished from Heaven and sent here in punishment for your sins.

Now answer my question: where am I?" he asked coldly.We are in the Underworld, my Lord. You have been banished from Heaven and sent here in punishment for your sins.

This is the city of cecrops. Your name is…"

Before he could finish talking, Zeus was hit with a blast of energy and was flung towards the center of the city, crashing through countless houses, temples, and buildings. Soon, the force stopped and Zeus fell to the ground with a sickening crack. He then slowly lifted his head and looked at the man who had saved him.

Apollo. My name is Apollo. Are you alright?" He asked in a calm voice.

"I think so. Is it you? Did you save me from that demon?"

"It was not me. That demon attacked you, and I caught you before you fell on to any of the mortals. I guess we have our work cut out for us, huh?

What are you going to do to me? Will I be sent back to Heaven?" Zeus asked hesitantly.

No, you won't be going anywhere. But we need to keep moving so that we don't attract any unwanted attention. We should get going before they come back to investigate what happened to you."

Apollo led Zeus through the streets, avoiding any demons and making sure that they weren't followed. Once Zeus was able to walk again, Apollo handed him a bag full of food and told him to eat.

So how do we know that you'll help us?" Zeus questioned.

Because you will have to follow me or die. Besides, you have a lot of people depending on you to bring them luck. And if you're really a god, you won't let them down." Apollo finished with a smirk before leading him to the next house and asking him to take a seat.


Eurydice sat on her balcony with her legs crossed and a book in hand, waiting for the man to arrive. Her father had given her everything she needed, so now she was preparing for the contest that was to start in two weeks.