Chapter 3

After a little while, they arrived at a clearing where the monsters were gathered. The demigods approached carefully, ready to strike the moment they saw an opening. A couple of monsters tried to attack them, but they easily evaded their attacks. The demigods managed to find the rest of the monsters and subdued them.

"Now let us see if I got that right," Lord Poseidon muttered as he studied the scene before him.

There were eight monsters, all of them carrying spears, bows and arrows, standing proudly among the heroes. One of them noticed Lord Poseidon standing beside his fellow gods and started yelling.


"Piper!" Lord Poseidon exclaimed. "You're safe now, so we can talk about this."

"Well, I suppose it would be better than staying here. Do you have any ideas as to how we should handle these monsters?"

"We could kill them all if you want to save the people of Troia from getting hurt or killed. We also could release some poison on them to weaken them and make them easier to defeat. Or maybe we should just throw them into Tartarus?" Lord Daedalus suggested.

"Yeah, that sounds pretty fun. Who wants to help me destroy them?" Lord Poseidon asked.

Everyone looked at each other before nodding their heads.

"Great. Let's go!"

Once everyone had agreed to help Lord Poseidon destroy the monsters, the demigods headed towards the woods near the forest where they were hiding earlier. It wasn't long before they found the monsters and began battling them. Lord Poseidon summoned some fire and started to roast them alive. Before long, the entire area was filled with delicious scents, which made the whole demigods' stomachs rumble. Lord Poseidon's flames created such a wonderful aroma that almost everyone couldn't control themselves from inhaling it. All of the demigods, except for Lady Aphrodite and Lord Daedalus, ate ravenously.

"Are we finished yet?" Lord Daedalus asked after several minutes of eating.


"Why not? We have already destroyed most of them. There isn't much left to do."

"Because we haven't found a way to destroy their souls yet. If we manage to capture them, then we can leave without needing to destroy them."

"But we already defeated six of them!"

"Exactly, and we're almost certain that the seventh is hiding somewhere nearby. That means that we won't be able to escape without destroying them. Therefore, we're still going to have to wait until we finish killing them."

The conversation between Lord Poseidon and Lord Daedalus went on for several more minutes until all of the monsters were dead. Lord Poseidon ordered his children to clean up the battlefield. Then the demigods went home.

"Well, that was certainly a strange afternoon," Lord Dionysus commented as he watched Lady Aphrodite return to her house.

"Indeed, and I never imagined that my daughter could become involved in something like this."

"Do you really believe that?"

"I have no choice, do I?"

Lord Dionysus sighed and shook his head.

"No, I guess not. So, what happens now? Will you tell her?"

Lady Aphrodite hesitated for a few seconds.

"I have no idea. I think that it would be best if we waited until she decides to talk to me and tell me whether she wants to be my daughter or not."

Dionysus frowned slightly.

"She didn't say yes, did she?"

"Of course not, she hasn't even mentioned it to me."

"Maybe she'll change her mind. Maybe she thinks that you aren't fit to raise her anymore."

"That's highly unlikely, Dionysus."

"Well, I'm sure that whatever decision she makes, I will support it. But if that doesn't happen, then I hope that you have someone else to look after her when you die."

"I don't think I will die any time soon."

"Well, if you feel that way then you won't die, which I guess makes sense since you're immortal."

A few days later, Lord Dionysus decided to visit Lady Aphrodite in her house as usual. When he arrived, he saw Lady Aphrodite in her bedroom, lying on her bed reading a book. She put it down when she heard the door being opened.

"Hello, my lady," Lord Dionysus greeted. "How are you doing today?"

"I'm doing fine, but I think you should leave now."

"Is something wrong?"

"I don't want to talk about it."

Lord Dionysus sighed and then turned around to leave the room.

"Wait, Dionysus."

"Yes, my lady?"

"Did you really mean it when you said you would look after me?"

"Of course."

A few moments of silence passed.

"I am very grateful for that. You are a great friend and I hope that you will always consider me family."

"Of course."

"Thank you."

They smiled at each other and then parted ways.

"So…" Lord Zeus said after they had finished cleaning the battlefield. "What did he say?"

"He's happy that I'm his child, but I'm sure he's thinking the same thing that you are."

Lord Poseidon walked up to Lady Hera and whispered something to her.

"Don't worry, honey," she said with a smile on her face. "I know exactly what you're thinking. He told me that he's been waiting for this day for quite some time, and he's just worried that the situation may not turn out well."

"What do you mean? Do you know him or something? Did he tell you something?"

"Not exactly. He didn't say why he wanted to have my baby, but I'm assuming he meant well and that it was just some silly misunderstanding."

"If you say so..."

"Anyway, there's nothing to worry about."

Lord Poseidon continued talking to Lady Hera until another visitor showed up. A young man appeared in front of Lady Hera, bowed and said:

"My name is Hermes. I'm here to deliver your invitation."

Lord Poseidon's eyes widened when he saw Hermes approaching.

"An invitation? What invitation?" he asked.

"You've already received one."

As Hermes was saying those words, a silver envelope containing a golden letter, landed on the floor in front of Lord Poseidon.

"Who sent the invitation?" Lord Poseidon asked.

"I don't know," Hermes replied. "Someone must have thought you deserved it."

"Why would someone think I deserve an invitation from the queen of Olympus herself?"

"I have no idea."

Lord Poseidon picked up the letter and stared at it curiously. His heart sank when he recognized the seal. It was an official looking wax seal, but instead of the Greek symbol of Zeus, the letters of the word 'Queen' were imprinted onto it. Lord Poseidon opened the letter and read the contents. Once he finished reading what was written in the letter, tears ran down his cheeks.

"Oh Lord Zeus… please... No, please! This is impossible! How?! My son is dead, I have lost both my sons already, and now I lose both of them! NO!!"

Lord Poseidon's voice cracked and broke into sobs. Everyone in the room was stunned by his sudden reaction. Apollo ran to his side and put his arms around him to try and comfort him. Hermes looked away, trying not to watch the scene.

After a minute had passed, Lord Poseidon finally recovered.

"Thank you for bringing me the invitation," he mumbled quietly to Hermes who nodded.

Poseidon took a deep breath and collected himself again. He then cleared his throat and spoke louder.

"Where is he? Can you take me there?" he asked the messenger boy.

"Yes, I'll take you right away. Please follow me."

After Lord Poseidon had followed the messenger boy outside, he looked over to Hermes.

"Can you take us back to Olympus now?" he asked.


They entered the sky in a flash of light. After they had left the earth, Lord Poseidon looked to Hermes to ask for directions, but the messenger boy had disappeared. Lord Poseidon looked around him, wondering where exactly he was supposed to start looking for Lord Hades. Just as he was starting to get frustrated that he hadn't found Lord Hades yet, he spotted a tall building surrounded by a huge amount of guards, which was probably where Lord Hades's palace is. Lord Poseidon sighed and approached one of the guards.

"Excuse me. Have you seen Lord Hades anywhere? We're his friends and we'd appreciate if you could direct us there."

The guard looked at Lord Poseidon questioningly for a few seconds before replying to his request.

"I haven't seen Lord Hades anywhere. Sorry sir."

The guard then moved aside for Lord Poseidon and escorted him to the entrance of Hades' palace. Lord Poseidon was surprised to see that Hades' palace was even more magnificent than Lord Hades himself had described it as. The palace was made of pure white marble and consisted of seven different buildings, all of which looked absolutely breathtaking in their glory. Lord Poseidon wondered if Lord Hades would ever live in such an impressive mansion and then he realized that that probably wasn't possible. Lord Hades was obviously one of the wealthiest people in the world, but still lived in poverty while Lord Poseidon lived in wealth. Lord Poseidon felt guilty for doubting Lord Hades' ability to achieve such a high position. Even though Lord Hades might be richer and have many servants and slaves than Lord Poseidon, he still didn't think of Lord Hades as someone worthy of respect.

Just before Lord Poseidon reached the entrance of the mansion, he noticed that Hermes appeared next to him and started to speak in his ear.

"Are you sure that it's okay for you to go inside like that?" he asked with a concerned look on his face.

"It shouldn't matter. Why wouldn't it?"

"Just keep in mind that Lord Hades has powerful enemies and if they see you enter his home uninvited like that, it would only make things worse for us. They will kill you without hesitation."

Lord Poseidon shrugged and then smiled.

"Come on, let's hurry up. I'm curious to see how Lord Hades looks like."

As Lord Poseidon and Hermes entered Hades' residence, they began to wonder what they would find inside. Lord Hades was known for wearing very simple clothes, so Lord Poseidon assumed that there couldn't possibly be much. As they entered the living room, they could hear angry voices shouting and cursing. Lord Hades was sitting in the middle of the sofa with a bunch of people surrounding him. All of them were yelling insults and curses at him, demanding him to answer for all the deaths that had happened recently. At the back of the room, a woman stood up, holding a dagger and pointed it towards Lord Hades. However, she was stopped by two men who quickly grabbed her from behind and pulled her down again. One of them was holding his hand tightly in her hair, preventing her from moving, the other was pointing the knife at her throat.

Lord Hades glared at the intruders and said:

"Let go of her. You won't hurt anyone in my territory. Now, give her back."

One of the intruders let go of the woman's hair and threw the dagger on the ground. She immediately tried to escape from her captor and jumped out of the room. Lord Hades looked at her angrily, then turned to face Lord Poseidon and his crew and asked:

"What brings you here?"

"Lady Demeter told me that I was supposed to come here to see Lord Hades," Poseidon answered.

Hades raised his eyebrow when he heard the name of the goddess and his face became visibly angry. He then got up from his seat and came closer to Lord Poseidon.

"And who might you be?" he growled.

"I'm Lord Poseidon, Lord Hades," he said, looking slightly intimidated by Hades' presence.

"Well?" Hades asked in an impatient tone.

"We came here because we need some help to defeat Ares."

"Help? How can you help me with that?"

"It's very simple actually. If Lord Ares does indeed return, he needs to be defeated by our army. And since we also need to destroy Mount Ida as soon as possible, you'll surely be able to defeat him."

Hades narrowed his eyes.

"What do you mean by destroying Mount Ida?" he asked.

Lord Poseidon sighed and explained everything to him about how they planned to attack Mount Ida tomorrow morning.

At first, Hades' anger had been boiling inside him, but when Lord Poseidon mentioned that they needed him to destroy Mount Ida, his anger slowly dissipated.

"Okay," Hades answered. "I'll do it."

As soon as Hades said this, several people rushed in and started asking questions.

"But lord Hades. Won't you reconsider?" one of the people shouted.

Lord Hades ignored the person. He sat back down and continued talking to Lord Poseidon:

"That's it. I'll give you the weapons and weapons that we plan to use for battle tomorrow night. That's it. So if you have any last requests, let me know. I need to go now. Good day to you."

Without waiting for Lord Poseidon to respond, Hades got up and left the room. While he was on his way to get some rest, his mind kept wandering back to what he had heard Lord Poseidon say earlier. Something about having 'two sons'. He frowned in confusion and pondered why he had just been informed of this information. Then it hit him, like a brick on top of his head.


When the realization struck Hades, he couldn't believe what he had just heard. Lord Poseidon was going to destroy the god's army against his own sons. He clenched his fists with fury and gritted his teeth in rage. He was about to leave to fight against Lord Poseidon