Chapter 6

Then he turned towards Athena and bowed.

"My lady, thank you for keeping watch over Lord Apollo. His safety and wellbeing are entirely your responsibility. We cannot lose another hero like Lord Apollo. I trust that you will take care of him as he needs."

Athena bowed respectfully in return. Lord Hermes then left the dungeon without another word. She slowly turned her attention towards Lord Apollo as she watched him sitting in the corner of the cell, staring blankly into space. She walked quietly towards Apollo and knelt beside his feet. Apollo still didn't notice her arrival.

"Apollo?" She said timidly, trying to get him to look at her.

Apollo continued staring ahead. Her voice seemed to snap him out of his trance. He looked down at her in confusion.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Of course. Why wouldn't I be?"

"Your face looks kind of pale. Are you feeling alright?"

Athena felt extremely awkward.

" see...." Athena started awkwardly. "Apollo...I know what happened today wasn't right. I shouldn't have let you go. And if I could change it, I would, but you know I can't do that! I was wrong. You did nothing wrong. It was me! But I understand why you did it, I really do. That's why I'm not mad! I'm upset because you got hurt protecting me and I can't help you heal. I wish there was something I could do to-"

Apollo placed his finger onto Athena's mouth softly silencing her. His golden eyes gazed deep into hers.

"It's okay. Really, I am. I understand why you didn't tell me and I forgive you for doing exactly what you did. And besides, it's not like you're not still responsible for me getting stabbed in the first place...I still owe you a life debt. So you don't have anything to worry about. Please stop being sad. And stop apologizing. Okay?"

With that, he removed his finger from her lips, grabbed a sword from the wall and headed towards the door, opening it before turning around to face her again.

"I've got to go now, but...good luck with whatever it is you need to do," Apollo spoke with a gentle smile, gesturing towards the sword hanging from her waist. "And thanks for taking care of me, Athena. See ya!" He added happily before walking through the door. Athena smiled widely as he disappeared around the corner.

She stood up and walked over to the table by the window, grabbing the sword as she sat down. Suddenly her heart sank at the thought of having to fulfill her duty.

" can't be true...there must be something wrong with me! There's nothing I can do...I mean, if it's my fault, there has to be more than just one reason..." She muttered softly under her breath as she gazed down at her sword sadly.

"Hey, Athena."

"Ah! Uh, Lord Hermes, hi!"

"So...what's this job of yours?"

"Uhm...well...the thing is...uhm..." Athena trailed off, glancing uneasily at the wall behind Lord Hermes.

"...Hades wants me to guard him when he visits Lord Apollo, but...he's not any state to travel around the city and I'd hate for him to hurt himself by flying too far! Oh, I know! Couldn't Lord Hades just come here and teleport to Lord Apollo's side and stay there until Lord Apollo wakes up?"

Lord Hermes raised his eyebrow suspiciously. He knew she was lying through her teeth. Lord Hades had never traveled anywhere outside the gates, let alone the capital city.

"Uh you want me to lie to Hades...for you?"

Athena shrugged lightly. "Yes! It's easy enough. All I need to do is say he' s ill, but I'll give him a potion for it to wear off."

"Yeah sure, sure. Fine, I'll go talk to him, but just remember the rules. One little slip and we both go to prison!"

"Okay fine, I guess that works. What time will he be coming?"

"He'll arrive sometime tomorrow night and you should try and avoid him. Don't let him near Lord Apollo at all. He'll probably try to force him to drink something he made himself, then maybe he'll attack or something," Lord Hermes suggested.

"All right, I'll remember that. And uh...thanks, Lord Hermes. You're the best."

Athena bowed and Lord Hermes nodded his head.

"Sure thing."

The next evening Lord Hades arrived in the throne room looking very much recovered from Apollo's assault. He walked over to Lord Aphrodite and kissed her hand gently.

"Apollo is awake again. The poison seems to have worn off quite quickly."

Lady Aphrodite beamed up at him. "Oh thank God! Thank you Lord Hades!"

"Of course my dear, it was my pleasure."

As Aphrodite embraced Lord Hades in a passionate kiss, Apollo glared angrily. He had been standing silently near the wall watching the entire interaction between Lord Aphrodite and Lord Hades closely. Lord Apollo hated to admit it, but Lady Aphrodite seemed to be more attractive to Lord Hades compared to Lord Ares ever since they had gotten together. Lord Aphrodite was obviously more sophisticated and charismatic and Lord Hades was apparently attracted to the beauty he saw reflected in her golden hair and blue eyes. It certainly explains why Lord Aphrodite always insisted on dressing beautifully and wearing her most expensive jewelry and perfumes. Lord Hades' attentions clearly were focused solely on Aphrodite. Apollo knew what they had done to Lord Ares...and he was furious. He had been planning on making them pay dearly for their crimes against him, yet they had escaped without paying any ransom at all, not even a single piece of gold. He wished he had never let Lord Ares convince him to rescue Lord Artemis. Lord Apollo was ashamed of himself for thinking that rescuing her had somehow been worth losing Lord Ares and Lord Aphrodite forever.

"Well, that's great news, my love. Now that everyone's happy, we can resume our business as usual! How about we go shopping for a gift for our lovely daughter? She hasn't visited in such a long time, so I would love for her to get herself a new dress or some pretty accessories. Do you know which boutique will suit her?"