Chapter 3191 Destroying Heaven and Earth

The heavenly tribulation covered heaven and earth, trapping all lifeforms within its domain. Its destructive will filled this domain.

This was the rage of the Heavenly Daos. It could destroy the very world. Heavenly tribulation could only be endured, not fought. This was a principle that had never changed throughout all of time. But today, Long Chen had challenged the heavenly tribulation.

Originally, their first reaction when Long Chen and Qin Feng suddenly appeared was not how to handle them. They didn't believe that they would just send themselves to their death. They believed it to be a trap, so they had been paying more attention to the surroundings.

That one moment of doubt gave Long Chen his chance. Everything was within his calculations. These assassins were all crafty. They had habits ingrained into them to always figure out the situation first before moving. Their first reaction would be to figure out why he had appeared here.

It was that meticulous hesitation that resulted in their falling into his trap. Heavenly might locked onto every single person. They had all become targets of the heavenly tribulation.

The most appalling thing about this tribulation was that there were no heavenly tribulation law swords descending down to the existence of the Divine Lords.

Those so-called heavenly tribulation law swords were the judgment of the heavenly tribulation. Those swords would kill anyone disturbing the heavenly tribulation. They could ignore a person's cultivation base to wipe them out. After all, no matter how strong a person was, they couldn't contend against the heavens.

They weren't that afraid of Long Chen's tribulation, because as long as they killed him before the heavenly tribulation law swords descended, everything would be over.

However, they had been locked down without those law swords appearing. That meant that being here was not considered disturbing the heavenly tribulation.

In other words, the power of Long Chen's heavenly tribulation was naturally so high that their existence here didn't disturb it. Thus, the law swords didn't appear.

"Such a heavenly tribulation probably hasn't appeared more than a few times in all of the immortal world's history!" muttered Bai Xiaole's mother.

Just now, even she hadn't reacted. It had been the dean who had brought them away. Otherwise, they might have also been covered by the tribulation.

"Kill him quickly!"

The Bloodkill Hall's experts had a bad feeling. A sensation of death welled up inside their hearts.


However, before they could move, Long Chen once more attacked the tribulation. A giant saber-image left a crack in the clouds.

The tribulation clouds slowly swirled and descended. The pressure increased until it was like a river of stars was pressing down on them.

The earth crumbled and collapsed. The buildings of the Bloodkill Hall were destroyed. It was as if judgment day had come.

Some of the Four Peak experts were unable to endure that pressure and directly exploded.


Many of those Four Peak experts belonged to the Heavenly Swell Domain and had participated in the Nine Prefecture Convention, as well as the sneak attack on the High Firmament Academy. They paid the price now.

"Senior apprentice-brother Long Chen, let us off! We were forced!"

A Four Peak expert cried out, only for the distraction to cause him to be crushed by the pressure.

"Forced? Hahaha!" Long Chen laughed. "This isn't the first time that I told you not to provoke me. But you simply don't know what respect is, treating this warning as pleading. Let you off? Who will let off the innocent disciples of the High Firmament Academy who were killed? When you killed them, did you think about this day? All of you can die!"

Even the wild thunder booming in the air didn't cover up Long Chen's roar. His voice was filled with killing intent.


Long Chen once more slashed the tribulation clouds. The slowly descending clouds came to a brief stop. In that moment, the world fell deathly silent.

They could only hear their hearts beating. In that instant, terror filled all of their hearts, including the Divine Lords. They suddenly found that they couldn't move.

At this time, they couldn't charge at Long Chen even if they wanted to. Those Divine Lords finally understood just what kind of foolish mistake they had made by hesitating. Their one chance at survival had slipped out of reach.

The heavenly tribulation clouds began to swirl like a giant vortex. The center of it suddenly lit up, like a fiend's eye had suddenly opened.

That eye was thousands of miles long. The entire world grew blindingly bright. It was too bright for people to even open their eyes.

"Boss, I feel like I might die…"

Looking at this terrifying tribulation, Qin Feng turned green. At first, he had been very excited to undergo tribulation with his boss. That would definitely benefit him immensely.

However, sensing this power, he felt like he was an ant within a storm of steel. Just touching it would cause him to turn into dust.

Long Chen smiled. It really had been correct to bring Qin Feng here. Even in the face of death, he could still joke around.

"Aren't you satisfied to bring so many others down with you in death?" said Long Chen.


A bolt of lightning suddenly crashed down. From a distance, it looked like a silver flood. In front of that tribulation, humans seemed completely miniscule.

The pressure soared. This territory of the Bloodkill Hall was completely destroyed. All the buildings were gone. The earth sank. Anyone below the Divine Lord realm turned into splatters of blood.

Even the High Firmament Academy's higher-ups were stunned to see this. Even with all their experience, seeing millions of experts slain in an instant horrified them.

The Bloodkill Hall had gathered the experts of over a hundred sects as well as gathered the experts of multiple branch halls. Just like that, they were slain.

Whether it was Primals or ordinary disciples, as long as they were below the Divine Lord realm, they were wiped out. Witnessing so many deaths occur in an instant was such a shocking sight that it couldn't be described with words.

The lightning fell on Long Chen's body. The divine statue rumbled. Enpuda's statue was the only construction remaining in this area.

Long Chen allowed the torrent of lightning to fall on him. That flood was composed of countless lightning runes. They exploded like volcanoes when they struck his body.

Long Chen could ignore this level of lightning. But Qin Feng was unable to. He was instantly turned bloody.

However, he clenched his teeth and bitterly endured. This was a huge opportunity for him. It was the fastest way to increase the power of his physical body. It was the key to fully unlocking the power of his new dragon blood.

As more lightning poured down, even Divine Lords started to reach their limit. Although their realm was high, the power of their physical bodies couldn't compare to Qin Feng.

In front of this heavenly tribulation, their realm was meaningless. Divine Lords began to crushed within a mass of terror and regret.

There were only just over a hundred Primal Divine Lords who were still managing to hang out. They came from outside of this domain. They were true experts. But in front of this terrifying heavenly tribulation, they didn't dare to even move. They didn't dare to dodge. They didn't dare to resist.

As soon as they made any move, it would draw the attention of the heavenly tribulation. That was no different from courting death.

This was Long Chen's tribulation. The heavenly tribulation was targeting him. If they made any moves, the tribulation would turn its attention on them.

"The tribulation is so terrifying right at the start. Can Long Chen really survive it?" asked an institute head worriedly as he looked up at the heavenly tribulation. It was only going to grow even more powerful.