Chapter 3243 Zheng Wenlong Arrives

The giant bone blade was snow white. It was perfectly straight other than a slight curve at the tip.

The Bone Blade Flame Devil had two important parts to its body. One was its devil core, while the other was its bone blade. Those were where its life's essence was gathered.

This bone blade was a natural divine weapon. The bone blade had blood-red marks flickering. Those marks activated its sharpness. Flame energy was required to activate them. Long Chen knew that the Bone Blade Flame Devils were terrifying, but he hadn't expected to personally encounter one.

"It seems that my old weapon didn't suit me, so they sent me another one. The Chu family really is nice."

Long Chen stroked the bone blade. Sensing its thrumming energy, Long Chen felt like the Chu family was truly wonderful.

However, just as he tried to lift the bone blade, he found that it merely quivered a few times, shocking him. It was actually so heavy? The corpse had been directly put away into the primal chaos space, and he hadn't taken note of its weight. It was only now that he tried to lift it that he found that it was shockingly heavy. It was many times heavier than the black saber.


Long Chen dragged the bone blade out of the primal chaos space. It landed on the ground, shaking the entire mountain.

"Damn, its dozens of times heavier than the black saber." Long Chen was excited, this bone blade was even more terrifying than he had expected. He had truly profited.

Long Chen bit his finger and drew a mark on the bone blade. His expression was solemn. This was an ancient offering ceremony he had seen in an old text. He didn't know if it would be useful or not.

He was using his own essence blood to form an agreement with the blade. The bone blade had no soul. Thus, his own essence blood would be what created the spirit.

In the immortal world, once an item's quality reached a certain tier, it was possible to inject spirituality into it. However, that was very cruel. It required the souls of other lifeforms. Once they were controlled, they were injected, turning them into puppets.

Only an item-spirit on the level of a King item had natural spirituality bestowed upon it by the Heavenly Daos. But there was also an ancient rite that used a person's essence blood to inject spirituality into a divine weapon.

However, this art had already been lost. Long Chen had no guarantee of success. However, without a spirit, would this giant blade have any use? It wasn't as if he could just smash it at people, no?

Long Chen's rune was absorbed by the blade. A pattern appeared on top of the blade. It appeared to be a vein of Blood Qi flowing within it.

"It succeeded? This luck…" Long Chen was delighted. He hadn't expected to succeed.

As the blood flowed, the bone blade quivered. Long Chen suddenly felt a sense of familiarity with it.

"Hahaha, success!"

Long Chen laughed and pressed his hand against the saber. This giant blade shrank until it was only seven feet long. Long Chen lifted it, his hand shuddering. He was almost unable to lift it.

It was seven feet long and two inches wide. The blade itself was very thin. After shrinking, its sharp aura was shocking. Holding it, he felt that it was cold to the skin.

Long Chen tested it on the ground and found that it was like piercing tofu. It easily cut through this tough rock.

"What a good blade. No wonder even though the Bone Blade Flame Devil was crushed, this blade remained perfectly intact. Its weight is refreshing." Long Chen stared at the bone blade excitedly. It was probably comparable to a King item.

After shrinking, it was like an elephant tusk. It was white as jade, and he was growing more and more fond of it. A hilt appeared and it could be considered a saber.

"It can grow and shrink at will. Hehe, nice. Once Huo Long is done absorbing the devil core, I'll insert flame energy into it and see what happens." Long Chen rubbed the bone blade delightedly.

He didn't even dare to touch the edge of the blade. Its sharpness was something that made his skin hurt before even touching it. He had never thought that a bone blade could be so sharp.

This blade could cut through Treasure items like tofu. Such a weapon was amazing.

He even had an urge to wear it on his back like saber masters. That would definitely be flashy. However, he only thought about it. Not showing off one's wealth was the correct path.

After two days, the Luo family's spies sent word back that according to what they knew, the entire Chu family had been wiped out. Even some families that had intermarried with the Chu family had been implicated. Anyone with the Chu family's bloodline had been wiped out.

It could be said that the Chu family's bloodline had been fully severed. The grievance between the Luo and Chu families that had endured for tens of thousands of years had finally come to an end with their generation.

Within the main palace, Long Chen, Luo Changwu, Luo Changwen, the Grand Elder, and the other core Elders who had participated in the sneak attack had all gathered.

The Chu family had been destroyed. They had to discuss how their Luo family should develop now. But for some reason, after learning about their destruction, after feeling like a great weight had been lifted from them, the Chu family's experts also felt a bit lost.

"The Chu family was actually just a minor blockade. Our Luo family is the descendant of the Violet Blood race. We cannot forget our mission. Our goal is where the family head went. After this battle, thanks to Long Chen, I have already taken that step…" said Luo Changwen.

Only then did Long Chen come to a realization. No wonder he felt that Luo Changwen's aura was a bit different. He had already become a half-step Immortal King.

The Elders were delighted. This was huge. Even without the family head present, Luo Changwen was still qualified to protect the Luo family.

Everyone looked at Long Chen gratefully. Long Chen's Explosive Blood Pill had allowed them to experience the power of a half-step Immortal King. It had pushed them forward a step. Several of them had now touched that barrier. It created a path for them to also become half-step Immortal Kings in the future.

"Everyone, don't get overconfident. Enpuda definitely won't leave things like this after suffering so many losses. Once everything is in order, I will return to the High Firmament Academy. The Luo family will be my second home. Whatever troubles you have, tell me. It would be best if the Luo family was more low-key during this time. I will do my best to attract Enpuda's attention," said Long Chen. He couldn't stay in the Luo family too long. Otherwise, Enpuda would very likely strike the Luo family.

"You are the one that needs to be careful. The Bloodkill Order is very terrifying," warned Luo Changwu.

"Hehe, don't worry, I'm not so negligent. Enpuda has been constantly sending me gifts. How could I reject him?" said Long Chen with a laugh.

Everyone else also laughed when he said this. Who would have thought that the Netherworld lifeforms that the Chu family was summoning would cause their own destruction?

Even a King item had been taken by Long Chen. That was an absolute treasure.

That very day, Long Chen brought Qin Feng, Luo Bing, and the others back to the High Firmament Academy. As soon as he returned, a few disciples ran over.

"Senior apprentice-brother, you're back! There have been countless experts from outside the domain who say that they want to challenge you."

"There's another expert from outside the domain who says that he's your friend. He said that he is surnamed Zheng. He's been waiting a day already."

"Zheng Wenlong had come?"

Long Chen was absolutely delighted. This fellow had finally come. Without another word, he rushed into the inner academy.