Chapter 3257 Precious Sword Given to a Beauty

Chapter 3257 Precious Sword Given to a Beauty

Long Chen's wound was rotting the flesh around it. He sliced off those parts of his new body. New flesh quickly grew out, only to rot as well.

"Boss, what were you struck by?" asked Qin Feng in shock.

It had to be known that he was very familiar with how amazing Long Chen's self-recovery ability was. Any wound could almost be instantly healed. He had not seen such a thing occur to him.

"I misjudged. That fellow was an expert of the Sword Dao. This is the result of him raising a single finger and unleashing Sword Qi through it. Fortunately, I dodged quickly and used my lightning blade to block it. Most of it was blocked. Otherwise, half my body would be gone right now," said Long Chen.

The instant that lifeform's eyes opened, Long Chen had felt an intense sensation of danger well up within his heart. He instantly fled and condensed a lightning blade, slashing it down in advance.

This was one of the moves that Luo Zichuan had taught him. Through Heavenly Dao energy, he grasped and cut off the orbit of his opponent's attack.

However, that person was too powerful. A single flick of Sword Qi was enough to pierce his lightning blade and strike his shoulder.

The lightning blade had blocked most of it, but this Sword Qi still contained a powerful rotting effect. Long Chen's wound was enveloped by some strange law. That was why his new flesh was also rotting.

If he ignored it, his entire body would rot. This was a very terrifying ability.

Fortunately, the one to be struck was Long Chen. Anyone else would lose their life from the slightest prick.

Long Chen cut off his rotting flesh over ten times before the color of his new flesh gradually became normal. That strange law was exhausted. The wound finally recovered.

"What kind of existence was that?" asked Qi Yu, also quite frightened. This was all bizarre.

"They're not alive, nor are they lifeforms of the Netherworld. They are different from the death spirits we encountered on the Martial Heaven Continent. On the surface they appear to be the asme, but they actually are different. I can't really say for sure what they are. But in any case, we've all gained experience today. And it's not like we lost out." Long Chen smiled and showed off the sword in his hand with a pleased expression.

This sword's entire body was golden. There were ancient designs carved into it. They looked like written characters, but Long Chen didn't recognize a single one.

It was heavy in his hand. There was a halo of light flowing around it like it was alive. It was a divine weapon possessing immense spirituality.

"Pretty girl, your luck isn't bad. This is a weapon made for you." Long Chen smiled and handed the sword to Bai Shishi.

Bai Shishi was surprised. Her expression grew a bit unnatural. "This is something you risked your life for. What are you giving it to me for?"

"Because you're pretty!" declared Long Chen.

Bai Shishi glared at him, but the moment that she saw this sword, she had fallen for it. She even felt a kind of summons. Her metal energy grew exceptionally active just from looking at it.

However, this was something that Long Chen had obtained through risking immense danger to himself. She wanted it, but she also couldn't accept it.

"Just take it. There's no need to repay me with your heart. Just remember that you owe me a favor. If you obtain a treasure that I can use, you can simply give it to me," said Long Chen, forcing her to take it.

"Those are the words I expected from a scoundrel like you." Bai Shishi snorted, but received the golden sword.

When she touched it, the runes on the hilt and scabbard lit up. Golden runes flowed around Bai Shishi's entire body. A sharp aura forced back everyone else.

"A divine weapon accepting a master. This sword really is fated for fairy Shishi," said Qin Feng enviously.

Bai Shishi's entire body was surrounded by revolving runes. The runes in her body resonated with the runes of this sword. The golden light made her appear like a golden goddess, beautiful and sacred.

A golden mark gradually appeared in her eyes. This golden mark also appeared on the sword.

"It really accepted her as master?"

Long Chen was also envious. This sword's aura was concealed, making it impossible for him to judge what level of weapon it was. But based on how tightly that terrifying expert had been holding onto it, it was definitely a peerless treasure.

The quality of this divine weapon definitely wasn't inferior to his King item pill furnace. Furthermore, his pill furnace couldn't even be used yet. The Demon Moon Furnace's item-spirit had yet to awaken.

However, this sword that he had obtained had instantly accepted Bai Shishi as a master. This kind of luck was naturally something that he was envious of. Jealousy was a vicious thing. Could it be that divine weapons also chose masters based on looks?

Holding the sword, Bai Shishi couldn't help unsheathing it. With a light sound like a phoenix cry, despite only unsheathing a single inch of the blade, golden light erupted. Long Chen and the others were blinded. It was as if a sun had suddenly appeared.

Crackling sounds rang out, and then an explosion. Bai Shishi hastily sheathed the sword. The light faded. The flying boat that they were on had exploded. Qin Feng's belt buckle, Qi Yu's arm bracers, Xu Zixiong's metal wristbands, anything metallic had simply exploded.

"Sorry…" Bai Shishi hastily apologized.

She hadn't expected this sword to be so domineering. Just pulling out the slightest bit of it caused everything metallic to explode. That was absolutely terrifying.

It was as if it refused to coexist with ordinary metal. Its very presence caused them to explode.

"Good thing I put away my weapon first…"

Qin Feng and the others were shaken. At this close distance, perhaps even Treasure items would have been destroyed.

"Shishi, I feel like you're still too young, too impetuous. I apologize for this, but I feel like you should return this precious sword to me," said Long Chen with the expression of a mistaken elder.

"Nice try! Even if you give me your life, I won't give you this sword." Bai Shishi naturally knew that Long Chen was messing around. With his pride, how could he accept something that he had already given away. Bai Shishi smiled happily. Bai Xiaole had never seen her so happy.

"You don't have to give it, but my boss is lacking a bed warmer- aiya!" Bai Xiaole wasn't even done speaking before he was kicked by Bai Shishi.

Bai Shishi held the sword fondly. Seeing her so happy, Long Chen was in a good mood. Although he couldn't use it himself, equipping his allies was always good.

"Boss, while you were taking the sword, Qi Yu and I got some of the rust. Take a look. Is it useful?"

Qin Feng carefully took out a beast hide. Inside was a pile of rust.

Staring at this rust, Bai Shishi didn't know whether to cry or laugh. As expected of one of Long Chen's followers. It really was a case of bandits never returning empty-handed.

"Of course it's useful! Good job! You haven't disappointed me." Long Chen chuckled. "This rust has been infected by the power of time. It possesses a terrifying law involving decay. If you made arrows with them, Divine Lords would instantly lose their lives when shot. Even Immortal Kings would have trouble with them. I was planning on gathering some myself but I didn't expect that fellow to be so terrifying. Well done."

Bai Shishi took out a new flying boat, and they once more sped off with the Deep Sea Devil Shark.