Chapter 3321 Whale Absorption

Mo Yan's Ten Thousand Devil Diagram on his wings ignited. His aura grew explosively. His spear stabbed through the air with a sonic boom. He seemed to have gone insane. Killing intent exploded out of his eyes, and his hair flew wildly in the wind.

Black qi poured out of the spatial gate. It was like a sea was being poured out. The pressure of an entire world followed him.

"Golden Dragon Battle Armor!"

The roar of a dragon resounded throughout the nine heavens. Golden dragon scales covered Long Chen from head to toe. The holy aura of a true dragon radiated out.


Long Chen slashed his saber down in the face of Mo Yan's attack. This time, everyone felt like they witnessed a sun exploding.

The blinding light stabbed into their eyes. They instantly lost their sight, and following that, they felt like a hammer struck them. They flew back, blood spraying out of their mouths.

A terrible qi wave spread. Countless people were unable to resist it and directly blown out of the barrier. Even those standing far away were horrified by the shockwaves of this battle.

"What kind of power is this?!"

Countless experts were knocked out of the barrier. At this time, it was possible to see who was a true expert. There were dozens of figures that appeared within the core region after the ripples passed.

Even after that terrifying shockwave, they were like boulders. Other than them, there were millions of experts still bitterly enduring around the middle, and quite a few people at the edges still trying just to stay within the barrier, trying to grab as many rainbow hydrangeas as they could.

As for the weakest batch, which was also the largest batch, they were directly blown out of the barrier. Outside of the barrier, they couldn't even absorb a single rainbow hydrangea.

"How can the difference be so great?!"

People cried out unwillingly. There were still many people who hadn't managed to absorb a single rainbow hydrangea.

Absorbing even one would be good. As for the Heavenly Rainbow Flame, fine, they didn't want it. But if they didn't even get a single rainbow hydrangea, how could they even have the face to return to their sects? Did they come from so far just to be an extra?

These Four Peak experts were all prideful. Now that they were forcibly pushed out, they clenched their teeth furiously. They charged back into the barrier. To them, just absorbing a single rainbow hydrangea would be enough.

Just then, three more huge explosions erupted. Long Chen and Mo Yan exchanged three blows. A brilliant dragon cry mixed with a devil's roar. Astral winds buffeted the inside of the barrier.

Countless disciples that had just charged back into the barrier were directly blown out again. They tumbled into the distance, coughing up blood.

"Fuck! I'm not playing with this bullshit anymore, alright?! Fuck!!!" A Four Peak Primal directly broke out into curses, feeling like he had gone crazy. The difference was too great. Countless people cursed resentfully.

All they wanted was a single rainbow hydrangea to give an explanation to their sects. But now, they were unable to obtain even a single one. Just grabbing one was as difficult as ascending the heavens. This drove them crazy.

Seeing this, quite a few of the elder Immortal Kings from their sects called their disciples back, afraid that they might force things and charge back in, only to die for nothing.

With the call of their elders, it could be said that they had gained a way out. Many people gave up and returned to the side of their elders, becoming nothing more than spectators.

However, the majority of them still refused to give up. As Primals, they were arrogant, and refused to accept this. No matter what, they had to obtain one rainbow hydrangea. Otherwise, it would be an absolute disgrace. They could not accept such a thing.

Countless disciples continued to pour back in. It was like they were watching the tide. When the tide was weak, they charged in and tried to grab a rainbow hydrangea. Then they were blown back out.

Ninety percent of the competitors had been forced to the edge of the barrier, and were either bitterly enduring, or being blown out repeatedly. But people's attention was focused on the core.

"Heavens, there are twenty-three figures still in the core! They can resist these qi waves. They are probably all existences on that level."

As Long Chen and Mo Yan fought, not that far from them, there were twenty-three figures watching. The terrifying qi waves shattered mountains, but were unable to shake them.

Within that region, they saw the Nine Underworld Hall's Tian Mo, as well as two other human experts. But those two were not recognized by the spectators. They were very likely from beyond this heaven.

There were only three humans amongst that group. The rest all possessed particular auras. Even just from their appearance, it was possible to tell that they weren't from the human race.

Adding in Long Chen and Mo Yan, there were only twenty-five people remaining in the core, and only four humans. That made the human race's experts worry.

Other than Mo Yan and that expert from the Netherworld, there were quite a few lifeforms that possessed a dark qi. They were originally hiding in the void, but with Long Chen and Mo Yan's intense fight, space was not stable enough for them to remain concealed.


The world shook. Mo Yan coughed up a mouthful of blood. On the eighteenth exchange, without any flashy moves, he was finally defeated.

All eighteen exchanges were competitions of pure power, but ultimately, it was Mo Yan who couldn't endure. The eighteen attacks were launched all in a row with no chance to breathe.

This was a competition of power and endurance. Normally, unleashing such a terrifying attack or receiving such an attack would require recovering from it afterwards. It was difficult to unleash such an attack twice in a row.

For them to unleash exchanges like that eighteen times in a row shook people. This power had already surpassed the scope of their understanding.

"This is your so-called power? The superiority you are so proud of? You dare to come out with just this little bit of ability? I'm curious, how did you manage to live for so long?" asked Long Chen. Even after forcing Mo Yan back, Long Chen didn't press his advantage. He continued to rest his saber on his shoulder, staring down his nose at Mo Yan, shaking his head. His disdain was overflowing.

"Heavens, when did our human race produce such a monster?" Seeing Long Chen reign supreme, people were shocked and delighted.

The fight between Long Chen and Mo Yan was not as simple as a fight between the two of them. It was a fight between the human race and the devil race. It related to the human race's glory.

Long Chen's divine ring continued to absorb the rainbow hydrangeas. There was a veritable sea of flowers within his divine ring, and yet he didn't seem to be planning on stopping.

Right now, the person to absorb the second most rainbow hydrangeas was the Feather race's Kun Wu. However, he had only just gotten over ten thousand.

As for Long Chen, he was like a whale sucking in water. He already had hundreds of thousands of rainbow hydrangeas, practically equal to the sum of all the rainbow hydrangeas that everyone else had gathered. At this time, those experts watching the fight started to grow antsy.