Chapter 3339 Unfathomable

Long Chen was startled. He hadn't expected Bai Shishi to suddenly say such a thing. Bai Xiaole and the others were also surprised. But Qin Feng quickly dragged Bai Xiaole and the others away, leaving only Long Chen and Bai Shishi in this room.

"What are you talking about? Why would I hate you?" asked Long Chen, puzzled.

"You told me to save my energy so that I could save you at a critical time, but I… I…" Here, Bai Shishi was too choked up to even continue speaking.

During the days that Long Chen was unconscious, Long Chen's eye would occasionally have more fresh blood flow out of it. No one was capable of stopping it. When the experts of the Heavenly Rainbow Domain declared that Long Chen would probably lose this eye, her heart fractured.

If she hadn't been so willful at the time and had conserved her power, then with the golden sword's sharpness, she would have been able to save Long Chen at that time.

However, due to her anger, she had ended up wasting her precious energy to hunt down her enemies, leaving her powerless to save Long Chen from those chains. If Long Chen's eye really was permanently damaged, she didn't know what she would do. She had never felt such regret in her life.

Long Chen was speechless. He had never seen her cry so much. He wiped away her tears. "Does that have anything to do with you? You already did great. When I asked for your help, you came right on time. As for the Bloodkill Hall's formation, it was outside of expectations. Neither of us can see the future. Don't cry. No one could do anything about this unexpected trap."

"You really don't blame me?" Bai Shishi looked at Long Chen curiously.

"Of course not. Why would I blame you?" asked Long Chen, feeling that it was funny.

"If it was me, I would blame you because you didn't listen," said Bai Shishi.


For a moment, Long Chen didn't know how to reply. He truly had never blamed her. At that time, even he had thought that the most critical moment had already passed. For Bai Shishi to go all-out was correct.

As for the Bloodkill Hall's attack, even he wasn't prepared for it. How could he blame others for it?

"You didn't speak to me this entire time. You just looked out the window. You say that you don't blame me but you definitely hate me inside," said Bai Shishi.

Long Chen didn't know whether to laugh or cry. With no one else around, he had her sit. Seeing her crying, he sighed.

"Why are you sighing?" Bai Shishi looked at Long Chen with red eyes.

"Because looking at you cry, I feel like I've committed a sin," said Long Chen.

"Why?" probed Bai Shishi.

"Just now, when I was looking out the window, I was thinking of her."

When she was mentioned, Bai Shishi lowered her head. After a moment, she said, "She really is beautiful."

Bai Shishi had always been confident in her looks. Although she didn't dare to say that she was unrivaled beneath the heavens, amongst all the women that she knew, she was unmatched. This wasn't something that she was arrogant about, but she was quite confident in her looks inside.

Yu Qingxuan was the first woman who could compare to her in looks that she encountered. Furthermore, she appeared warm and kind.

Compared to her cold, aloof, and somewhat domineering character, she was a completely different existence. Furthermore, she also knew that her character wasn't one that others liked. She had never cared before, but not that Long Chen brought her up, she felt inferior.

"When it just comes to look, she might be able to reach you. But you don't know the story between her and I. If you don't mind me being long-winded, I wish to share this story with you," said Long Chen softly.

Hearing that, Bai Shishi wiped away her tears and nodded. She truly did want to know. Qin Feng and Qi Yu also knew that woman, but when she privately asked them about her, the two refused to answer, telling her that she had to find their boss for answers.

Long Chen looked out at the scenery speeding by outside the window. He slowly told Bai Shishi how he had first met Yu Qingxuan. He told her about how he snuck his way into Pill Valley, how they had encountered Wan Qing, how when his identity was revealed, Yu Qingxuan had given him her own status plate to help him escape. He told her everything relating to Yu Qingxuan, other than his identity as a nine star heir.

"No wonder I had a strange feeling when I first saw you. I've already fallen in love with you for a thousand reincarnations. Every time, I will die like this in front of you. These thousand reincarnations are all to wake you up from the red dust. But this time, I know that I won't have to reincarnate again. I can feel that you've already awakened. With every reincarnation, I am unable to awaken my memories while alive. It is only before my death that I can remember. Long Chen, I've loved you for a thousand lifetimes. You must find me. In life and death, you must find me…"

When Long Chen told her about the final battle of the Martial Heaven Continent and how Yu Qingxuan had fallen in front of him, when he repeated her final words to him, Long Chen himself couldn't stop his tears. Bai Shishi was already weeping.

Only now did she learn that Yu Qingxuan and Long Chen had such a tragic history. It was no wonder that he would be so emotional to see her again.

"It's not just Qingxuan. There's also Meng Qi, Chu Yao, Wan-er, Zhiqiu, Xiaoqian, Mingyu, Yueyan, Cangyue… Every single one of them loves me deeply. Even if I were to tear my body apart, I could not repay their feelings for me. Even a thousand lifetimes wouldn't be enough to repay them. What woman is willing to share their lover with others? But for me, they are willing to make this sacrifice. So after entering the immortal world, I have no intention of sowing wild oats. I don't want to hurt any of them." Long Chen looked at Bai Shishi with a complicated expression.

Although he had been very careful, from Bai Shishi's attitude, he would be an idiot if he couldn't see certain things.

Furthermore, Bai shishi had also always kept a certain distance from him from the start, not wanting a romantic relationship to develop. But love was something that couldn't be decided logically.

It was like a seed filled with magical power. No matter how you monitored it, no matter how you controlled it, one slip up and it would sprout.

Today, Long Chen confessed to Bai Shishi, telling her that he had many lovers. What Bai Shishi wanted, he couldn't give her.

"What are you talking about? Are you trying to pull me into your group?" Bai Shishi bit her lip. She didn't even dare to look at Long Chen right now.

"Well… the main thing is whether or not you are willing to join. Whether or not you can be managed," said Long Chen awkwardly.

"Do you think that you're very rare? You think that I would fall for you?" Bai Shishi suddenly stood up, stepping on Long Chen's foot hard, and ran off.

Long Chen bitterly smiled. Bai Shishi didn't answer. She didn't agree or disagree. She was still unfathomable. But for a prideful woman like Bai Shishi to join him like that was probably very difficult.

Bai Shishi would perhaps be more suited to having a brotherly relationship. But was there really such a pure relationship between men and women in this world? Perhaps that was difficult to say!

"Boss, the Vile Dragon Domain is up ahead!" Qin Feng's voice rang out.

Long Chen was instantly invigorated. "Excellent. I can finally formally take up the position of dean of the High Firmament Academy's seventh branch academy."