Chapter 3358 Enpuda’s Arrangement

Long Chen was holding the sect maintaining divine stone. This was a miniature version of the foundation stone. It contained endless power.

This stone came from the foundation stone. It had a divine diagram on top of it which appeared to be the entire seventh branch academy.

This divine stone's energy was such that let alone an Earth tier Immortal King, even a Heaven tier Immortal King would be wiped out. This was Long Chen's true trump card.

However, activating it required some time. It just so happened that Bai Shishi forcing the four of them back gave him the time to activate it.

Even Bai Shishi didn't know what that stone was. It was the special divine item of the dean. It was something that related to the karmic luck of the academy, so it was naturally a secret on the highest level.

If this stone was damaged or lost, it would cause the foundation stone to grow unstable. It could even cause it to crack. The consequences were extremely grave.

The foundation stone could not be moved or damaged. Otherwise, Lord Brahma's subordinates would have long since smashed it.

However, if this sect maintaining divine stone was damaged, then there would be danger to the academy. It could be considered to possess half the power of the seventh branch academy's foundation's core. Now that Long Chen had activated it, the four Earth tier Immortal Kings were instantly frozen.


Long Chen snorted. The stone in his hand glowed. Space rumbled. Cracks covered the bodies of those four Earth tier Immortal Kings.


The four of them struggled with all their power, but were directly crushed by a supreme power. They appeared so weak in front of this stone.

The four Earth tier Immortal Kings were slain. Bai Shishi and the others sighed in relief. So Long Chen had actually had such a terrifying trump card.

Suddenly, the blood mist of the four slain Earth tier Immortal Kings twisted and roiled as if alive.


Qin Feng and the others were shocked. Just what was going on? Long Chen was also surprised. He started to have a bad feeling.

The four clumps of blood mist suddenly exploded. The divine light coming from the heavens transformed into a huge passageway. Following that, the world became dark. Death qi filled this world. At the end of the passageway was a grave.

It was unknown where this passageway went. But there was no leaving. Mist surged out as if the gates of hell were opening.

"Long Chen, we meet again."

A voice rang out from the mist. Long Chen's heart leapt.


As expected, a black-robed fatty appeared within the mist. A pair of triangular eyes with fat squeezing them from all sides appeared, glinting with cold light. He was smiling like a viper sticking its tongue out. He was the master of the Bloodkill Hall, Enpuda.

"It goes without saying that you've very smart. By walking a completely unnatural path, you actually managed to reclaim the seventh branch academy. I admit that I lost that time. But it's fine. In games, it's very normal to lose some and win some. It seems that I won this one." Enpuda smiled at Long Chen through the passageway.

His voice was pleasant. If it wasn't for his face, someone would assume that it was the voice of a kindly elder.

Long Chen nodded. "Not bad. As expected of a wily old fox. I was careless. I thought that this plan was made by the Nine Underworld Hall, but it was all a facade made by you."

After killing Tian Mo, although he didn't have time to do a soulsearch, he had managed to tell through the fragments of his soul that the Nine Underworld Hall was hostile with the Bloodkill Hall.

According to his calculations, Enpuda had probably temporarily given up and left it up to the Nine Underworld Hall to target him. But unexpectedly, this was all arranged by Enpuda. Everything was under his control. Even the Nine Underworld Hall's people were used by him.

"How else could I make you fall for it? The four of them were wearing Underworld Soul Passage Spirit Tablets. At the end of the passageway is the tomb of a World King. You and I are not in the same heaven. I've never seen you with my true body, which is rude of me. Fortunately, we are connected by destiny, and I will quickly see you with my true body. Are you happy?" Enpuda smiled.

This smile caused his face to scrunch up. It made his face look like a pile of dung.

However, Bai Shishi and the others didn't have any time to be disgusted. They were now in Enpuda's trap, and Enpuda had already seen Long Chen's sect maintaining divine stone. Despite that, he still appeared to have everything under control. Clearly, even this trump card was not enough. Now it was troublesome. Enpuda was truly worthy of being an old monster that had lived for countless years. They really were too immature compared to him.

"Truly amazing. This move of yours is well done. If I didn't appear, you would continue to kill all those who opposed your rumors, and then blame me for their deaths. Whether or not I am wrongly accused, the people trying to protect me would die because of me while I didn't stand up for them. Even false can be made true like that. If those four Immortal Kings didn't die, I would die. If they did die, this spatial channel would activate. Simply perfect," said Long Chen. Although he was mortal enemies with him, he had to admit that old monsters truly were old monsters. He really had fallen for it.

"You're not bad either. The number of times that I've lost in my life can be counted with my fingers, but you've actually occupied one of those losses. That's enough for you to be proud of," said Enpuda indifferently. "Alright, the tomb's death spiritual energy has been prepared. Long Chen, are you ready? I'm going to activate the formation now!"

Although he asked, he immediately activated it before waiting for a reply. Death qi poured out of the spatial channel. An intense attractive force drew them closer and closer to it. None of them were able to stop themselves from involuntarily being drawn in.

"Long Chen, think of something!" shouted Bai Shishi. She was already powerless.

Long Chen shook his head. "There's nothing to think about. This wily old fox has prepared everything. If I activate the sect maintaining divine stone, then I'd only be falling for his trap. It would be infected by this death spiritual qi, corroding the karmic luck of the seventh branch academy. If my guess is right, the seventh branch academy is already surrounded by experts. The sect maintaining divine stone is connected to the foundation stone. If the foundation stone is shaken, the grand formation's power will be weakened, and they'll attack. Then the academy's people will be slain, and even the foundation stone that they couldn't break before will be destroyed. Then the seventh branch academy will be lost for good. It might even implicate the main academy's karmic luck."

"It's that bad? Then what can we do?!" Bai Shishi and the others were stunned. Enpuda's scheming was truly terrifying.

Long Chen smiled. The sect maintaining divine stone suddenly lit up, its light wrapping around Bai Shishi and the others.

"Long Chen, what are you doing?!" Bai Shishi cried out. A bad feeling rose in her heart.