Chapter 0- Prologue

Author: White bearded crocodile.(old name)

In the darkness, the only source of light was shrinking speedily. He willingly stretched a helping hand but wasn't able to get hold of him, well it's not like he wanted to. They both fell together, but only one felt real with death staring. The dreadful feeling of falling into an endless abyss caused His heart to beat excitedly even with His preparations.

Kiyama Kenshiro's smile deepened as he fell deeper. While exploring the Great Labyrinth, Kenshiro fell into a huge rift valley and was soon surrounded by darkness and sounds of the winds passing him by. And as He gazed long enough into an abyss, the abyss gazed back into Him.

Man looks in the abyss, there's nothing staring back at Him. As the person He was this experience was exactly what He hoped for.


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