Chapter 3- Training.

Morning came earlier than usual for the students as they're aroused from sleep to start their crash course of this new world and training lessons.

They're gathered at the training grounds for knights wearing a medieval styled training garments which they're still getting used to as they gathered in groups and started talking. Kenshiro approaches Nagumo who stood alone thinking.

'Now is the perfect opportunity to befriend the MC before we are shown our abilities and he's bullied. With my prepared knowledge he's my key to making advance weaponry as well as giant tower to shield my advance from prying eyes since I know Ehit is not a omnipresent god from what I've seen'

"Hello, Nagumo-kun"

''Eh? ah! Kiyama-kun right?. Do you need something?" said Nagumo with a confused face.

"oh nothing and please call me Kenshiro. I saw you standing alone and so was I, so I came to make small talk since we haven't interacted much before, or am I disturbing you somehow?"

"No it's fine, just thinking about this whole matter."

"Right?! so bizarre. Am still overlapping all this with [Hero and the Demon King] game. So much similarities it's overwhelming" sighed Ken.

"Yeah, I also played that game and you're on point"

"Really!?, but am sure I played it before everyone on the launch and got a lot of drops. I might be the Hero today'' exclaimed Ken with a proud expression on his face.

"Muhahaha~, well I played before you because my father was on the creative team and am on the last part of the challenge".

The conversation went well as they hit off immediately, from their hobbies to their families and even though they had different ideas everything went great and exceeded Ken's plans. Everyone was soon called out by a shout thus drawing their attention forward.

"Attention!! heroes!!. I am Knight Commander Meld Loggins but you can simply call me Meld".

"Yes sir!" shouted everyone in unison.

"Right, now my deputy here is giving you what we call a Status card, an artifact which methods date back to the 'Age of Gods' and now impossible to recreate. It helps display and keep track of your god given abilities and body stats. Just prick your finger with the given needle and smear the blood on it and mention your stats".

Everyone does what he said and was surprised at what they saw so much they start making noises of awe. But not all were surprised, as Ken and Nagumo were showing varying expressions.


Name: Kiyama Kenshiro

Age: 18 Years Old

Gender: Male

Level: 1

Class: Alchemist

Strength: 43

Vitality: 43

Dexterity: 42

Agility: 45

Magic: 70

Magic Resistance: 70


•Atomic structure comprehension

•Language Comprehension

•Potion making

•Matter manipulation magic


The other students were looking over their status seriously. The stats were than explained to them by Meld.

"Did everyone see? Let me explain. First, let go over "level". The level will increase if you get an increase in stats. The max level for an ordinary human is 100. In other words, the level shows the base and potential that a human can reach. When you reach level 100, then you have achieved the potential of humans.

It is very rare for someone to reach that though.

A derivative skill means something gained out of hard work and practice after reaching a block in your arts"

"Your stats can be raised by physical or magic training, rare magical consumables or magical tools. Also, someone with a high magic stat allows other stats to increase faster. This theory comes by studying monsters and their physiques"

He went on to explain the class and skills shown on the cards. During these explanations Ken kept staring at his card as he formulated the potential of his skills as well as the danger if revealed.

'Thank God stats on the card can't be revealed without permission unless caught of guard. whew'.

Meld continued, "So…let's see everyone's stats. For example, the average person has stats of around 10 at level 1. Well you guys should have several times higher than that. So enviable. Please give reports on what your status plate says. This is so we can develop a training regimen that fits each of you."

"Erm.... sir all my body stats are at 100 and my skills are many. My class says Hero but am at level one" enquired Kouki with his hands up.

" I told you to call me Meld. So you're the Hero and stats like that are crazy for a lvl 1 but expected from our Saviors. can I see?"

Everything goes smoothly or not as there were more cheat abilities than Meld expected until Nagumo reveals his stats and gets laughed and picked on but was saved by Ken, and both were then saved by Aiko-sensei after he revealed his Job but hid matter manipulation as it was a game changer.


Two weeks passed somewhat slowly as the students were being put through training and lessons by different people of different fields.

Ken and Nagumo spent their free time at the library more times than necessary, each with a different plan on how to best use their powers as they absorb all the knowledge they can. They continued to be scorned at as they walk and go about their plans for the aforementioned day.

"Tomorrow is the day we are doing battle practice at the Orcus labyrinth and my preparations are complete. I've absorbed most knowledge about the Great Labyrinths, rare magical materials, and ores and rocks that I deem useful. I even gain new skills during the days of secretly training my breathing and martial arts".

Ken looked at his stats as he murmured to himself with a smile whiles on the bed resting.


Name: Kiyama Kenshiro

Age: 18 Years Old

Gender: Male

Level: 2

Class: Alchemist

Strength: 64

Vitality: 64

Dexterity: 64

Agility: 60

Magic: 75

Magic Resistance: 75


•Atomic structure comprehension

•Language Comprehension

•Potion making

•Matter manipulation magic


•Breath sense


*Knock* *Knock*

Ken is brought out of reverie as he confusedly walked to the door and asked out of caution.

"Who is it?"

"It's me,Yaegashi Shizuku, may I come in?"

"Of course" replied Ken as he opened the door and is brought face to face with a beauty in her training gear and holding her practice sword as you'd expected from the famed Kendo Champion. She walked inside as she surveyed around for who-knows-what before she took a seat facing Kenshiro.

"Sorry for bothering you at the ungodly hour, I wanted to talk to you before tomorrow for I have this unnerving feeling"

"It's okay, so what do you want to say?". 'Unnerving feeling?' asked Ken as he looked at her with a thoughtful face but all he got was silence and a scrutinizing gaze from her


"So you really can't remember me at all. Everytime our eyes met you show this confused look and I always thought you're either pretending or avoiding me but it looks like I've been forgotten"

"Hm?.... what are talking about"

"Well... I was the girl you defeated during the elementary school Kendo championship finals, I thought I will find you in the next championship and prove to myself and everyone but you didn't show up. So, colour me surprised when I saw you at our school buy you've forgotten me" explained Shizuku with a sad look.

"I've been observing you since then and it seems you stop practicing but every night in this world you practice your sword and it still looks sharp"

" So you're the one who I've been sensing during practice. All I can say is sorry, the championship at that time was my grandfather's idea, which was to compete with people my age as a lesson. So do you want to spar some time and maybe catch-up?"

"Apology accepted and yes, we can catch up sometime. Okay I will be leaving. " said Shizuku with a slight flush of red as she walked to the door but stopping to ask.

"Where is the thick blanket they gave us?"

"It feels uncomfortable so I removed it. Oh and as Koari's friend can you tell her to be a little observant when she talks to Nagumo, am sure you at least know she's the reason the boys bully him, right?".

With a thoughtful expression she looked at Ken for some time before nodding and left. Ken then went to sleep with a smile.
