Chapter 19- Verbergen.

Two vehicles moved speedily through the great canyon leaving a trail of dust cloud and monster blood. These were the Magic Powered 2 wheeled Drive and the Lightcycle with each person on the vehicle wearing helmet with valves. Masks with valves is what Ken frequently prefers. The valve opens only on exhalation, which allows more exhaled heat and moisture to escape the mask while filtering all of the air that the wearer inhales.

Ken noticed Nagumo Infatuation with military looking gear so he him a tactical airsoft skull mask which paired great with his cycle. The trio could have jumped over the canyon but decided to look for the Labyrinth which is most likely the reason for the anomaly here. A few minutes into search, they hear a roar that echoes powerfully and was a clear indication of a powerful beast in the canyon.

Driving the Magic Powered vehicles around the protruding rocks on the cliff face, a large monster appeared. It was a tyrannical monster with two heads: a "Two-Headed Tyrannosaurus"-like monster.

But the one they paid attention to wasn't the "terrifying" monster, but a girl with rabbit ears running away from it with a half-crying face.

Hajime and Ken stopped their Magic Powered vehicles to get a good look at the suspicious-looking, "about to get eaten" rabbit-eared girl.

" *crying* Heeelpp meeee!! pleasee~!"

She ran desperately while floods of tears flowed down her face. Right behind her was the approaching Two-Headed Tyrant that wanted to eat the rabbit-eared girl. At the current rate, the rabbit-eared girl would be eaten even before she could reach Ken's group.

"… What is that?" (Nagumo)

"… a member of the Rabbitman Tribe?" (Yue)

"Why is she in this place? Does the Rabbitman Tribe inhabit this place?" (Nagumo)

"No, that's our guide through the Sea of Trees" says Ken as he pulls Helsing from the left holster in his coat and penetrates the monster with two headshots.

The falling of the huge monster creates a powerful wind force that hits the rabbit-eared girl towards Ken. While falling toward Ken who was before her, the rabbit-eared girl's hands were stretched out towards him. Her clothes were in tatters, leaving her body very exposed. With her awful crying face, it was like a film scene where the man would catch her without fail and Ken was no exception but still activated [Repulse] which sends her face flat on the ground.

The rabbit-eared girl's shocked shriek could be heard until she fell before trio's eyes. She twitched while lying face down with both arms and legs extended out. She didn't pass out, but it seemed like she couldn't move while enduring the pain.

"…Amusing. Is she one of them?" (Yue)

"Not yet and even so you have to evaluate her before..." (Ken)


The rabbit-eared girl crawls with great effort and tries to hold what's in front for support but Nagumo holds her ears and smiles which causes her to also smile for a second before...

"Ababababa....huff huff.... w-why are guys so mean to me?" (???)

"Isn't it natural?" (Yue)

"How is this natural?!!" (???)

"...You are dirty and your face is filthy" (Ken)

"Isn't that natural to draw space with an unfamiliar annoying rabbit?" (Hajime)

"Fi-filthy!? You say I'm filthy! That's too much! I firmly oppose that! How can you say that to helpless and beautiful girl" (???)

""...."" (The trio)

"Wait, eeh...It's dead… that Daihedoa, with two hits…" (???)

The rabbit-eared girl opened her eyes wide with surprise. It seemed like that Two-Headed Tyrant was called a "Daihedoa". She was in daze for a while till Ken intentionally coughed to get her attention and she shamelessly requests.

"Thank you so much for helping me! I am from the Haulia Rabbitman Tribe. My name is Shia! Please save my tribe!" (Shia)

"No... it's bothersome" (Nagumo)

"Thank yo... eh wait... that wasn't in my vision of the future"

"...Seeing into the future, interesting" (Yue)

"Whatever. We need a guide into the Sea of Trees, so if you can do that, we promise to help you out. Deal?..." (Ken)

"Sea of trees... ...yes I can do that"

"Good, Nagumo can she ride yours?. Ours is full..."

" Not happening... never!"

With no one wanting to ride with her, Ken had an idea and made an impromptu skateboard and rope towed her through the canyon. Shia held on like her last life line which was literally it does. They soon come across various monsters hunting Shia's tribesmen with blood filled eyes and in less than a minute were saved by the strongest trio.

The chieftain of the Haulia tribe, Kam Haulia, thanks them and explained their situation to the trio which Ken allows as this would allow Yue to be open minded about Shia becoming one of her sisters. Kam Haulia agrees to the deal Shia made and proceeds to lead them out of the canyon on foot but Shia warns that there might be imperial soldiers waiting for them but the trio didn't pay any heed to it.

Immediately they existed the great canyon they saw about ten people camping and diligently waiting. From the looks of their attire, four of them were magicians and the rest were warriors with their leader being a thick and veteran looking man.

"Oi, oi, seriously? There are survivors! Even though I was reluctant to stay here on the commander's orders, it turns out I can bring back a good souvenir~." laughs the leader and continued "Hm?, is that a human with them"

"Maybe he's a slave trader but they're ours captain" (???)

"Right.... Oi kid, thank you for bringing them out but we will take it from here" (leader)

"We Refuse..." (Nagumo)

"Hm?... there are three of you?... whatever, leave!!" (leader)

"It's useless to take to them Nagumo cause they can't see, they won't get it..." (Ken)

"You dare....!!!"

The leader attempts to shout but is interrupted when he sees a still beating heart in Ken's right hand. He then slowly looks down to find a hole in his cheat and with great fear and hate in his eyes looks at Ken as darkness embraces him.

"""Hmm?... CAPTAIN AMERICA!!'""

Taken briefly by surprise, the soldiers draw their blades and rush forward in formation whiles the magicians chant the spells as expected from imperial soldiers but even their momentum, training and skills didn't prepare them for this.

Nagumo, taking 2 seconds aims and kills all the magicians with normal bullets leaving their bodies intact but dead. Ken not willing to draw either of his blades, uses ghost steps to escape their encirclement and in a second rips their hearts from behind killing them in the most efficient way for a hybrid without a single blood on his clothes.

Yue comes from amidst the Haulia tribe who were puking without restraint and uses a water spell to wash the blood off Ken's gothic gauntlets. Not minding their reactions, the trio leads the way by instructing the Haulia tribe to take the soldier's carriage but Shia asks where their captured people are and Ken answers as it was in the anime.

The group rode to the forest after a few checks and logistics. On their way, Shia learns of their strength, abilities and situations they had to endure inorder to get in the canyon which causes her to tear up and proclaims to join them since they're basically the same but is immediately rejected as she is weak.

They soon enter the forest are allowed to meet Ulfric Heipyst after some coercion. Ulfric is an elder of the forest country of demi humans, Verbergen, and is one of the few to know of the Liberators and their goals. Ken shows him Oscar's ring as proof and asks a way to the 'Great Tree' which the trio believes might be the labyrinth.

"The Great tree?. I'm sorry but that's impossible. A massive fog blocks the route making any possible journey zero... I thought they told you" explains Ulfric as everyone present looks at Kam Haulia.

'Ahh, the fog that leaves after ten days... am starting to forget certain details to the story'

Ulfric invites them into their country after Kam and the Haulia tribesmen were reprimanded for the lack of information but Ken not wanting any drama rejects any offers of help.

"But we can provide you with adequate assistance and amenities" (Ulfric)

"I know... but can you tell for certain that there won't be any demi humans antagonizing us?... I don't like talking much you see" (Ken)

"Um *sigh*... you're right but the Haulia tribe can't keep staying in the forest for they have broken the rules and some tribes might want their heads...!!!"

"WHO DARES?!!!..." Ken releases dense killing intent –that surprises Nagumo because he can't release his on command yet– which made the people around difficult to stand and he says "We've made a deal with them so they're under our protection and I'm going to make sure of it"

"T t-then l-let's make them into your slaves, so that they're dead to this Country's laws and you can protect them outside our country's walls"

Ken agrees and move deeper into the forest away from Verbergen and it's indigenous beauty but reminds Ulfric to keep hostiles away to prevent any deaths.


For the next ten days, Yue trained Shia in magic at her request whiles Ken and Nagumo decided to train the Haulia tribe in the basis of what they thought assassin combat would look like –since the tribesmen are good at stealth and running– and planned it systematically from; body exercises, breathing techniques for various needs, beating them to a pulp whiles demonstrating CQC's and trap setting as well as forcing them to kill small things like insects to big magical beasts and monsters. Ken thought them control and restraint to manage their excessive energy and new found strength.

A few demi humans like the tiger man and bear man tribes attacked them in these few days but left with more broken bones than the number in the human skeleton to prove a point to these weaklings.

The fog dies down for Nagumo and Yue to find out what Ken already knows –which is the proof of other Labyrinths and a vague statement – meaning they had to leave. Yue being hesitant suggests Shia as the third member of the team and approves of her talent in body strengthen magic, Nagumo knowing she would be with Ken didn't say anything as they left the Haulia tribe and Kam offers to send them off.

""Hm?""(Ken and Nagumo)

"Demon?" asks Ken who spots someone carrying a huge load into Verbergen.

"Mm? That's not a demon but an elf from--" (Kam Haulia)

"No way, an elf?!... then that's a dark elf, right?..." exclaims Ken as he points to a dark brown skinned elf with amazing proportions which brings shock to Nagumo's face.

"D-dark elf?... I don't know what that is but she was born that way and kept alive for labor work as her parents and tribe were powerful "

'Why is she not in the original timeline... what change was so drastic for her to be born in this time?'

Ken then arranges his thoughts and meets Ulfric immediately which brings a frown on Yue's face. He suggests to take the dark elf off their hands with three vials of ambrosia (which is sacred water but lied since it's been known to have similar properties.) which they couldn't refuse.

And on this day the world's strongest team had two additional members.