C 24- To Be An Adventurer

Using carriages, the distance between Brook Town and the Neutral Commercial City; Fuhuren, was six days of travel.

They moved before sunrise and prepared to camp before sunset. This has already repeated for three days. Ken and his party were three days away from Fuhuren. Only half the travel distance remained. So far no incidents had occurred during their journey. Even though Ken and his party were in charge of the rear, it was truly peaceful.

As stated, it's already been three days when Shea officially became Yue's sister... ish. Nothing much has changed as Shea keeps being clumsy and free spirited but frequently exudes a wisp of confidence aura and Yue being more clingy than usual.

Ken having such experience already could guess what's flowing through her mind; (which is she might lose control of Ken's love if things keep going on as it is) and is more than happy to let it persist and for her to figure it out inorder to have control in the future

After that night, Ken wanting to experience adventuring and to let events flow for now, followed Nagumo's route in the anime and accepted Catherine's letter and mission of escorting a merchant to Fuhuren with other adventurers.

This being the third night, nothing special happens as they prepared to camp. Regarding meals, the adventurers were eating by themselves. They had to eat while minding their surroundings, that's why, as escorts they couldn't settle down when eating together. It also seemed to be the rule to eat on their own. Additionally, when on a mission, the adventurers only eat crude, simple meals. In a way, preparing tasty meals would only increase their luggage, and would disturb them in emergency situations. Because of that, it became a practice that after they've arrived at a town they would eat tasty meals until their stomachs were full, as their reward.

That story was something Ken heard from the adventurers when they ate meals on the second day. Ken and his party had prepared warm bread soaked in luxurious mock stew to eat.

"Gah—, good! It is truly delicious~, just as expected of Shea-chan! Mou, I don't care if you're a demi-human anymore, so will you be my wife?"

"Gluck gluck, gulp, puhah, bastard, don't just run your mouth! Shea-chan is my wife!"

These noisy statements can be heard among the escorts after they ate a mock stew with meat and soft bread prepared by Shea, with ingredients taken from the treasure trove. Shea laughs them off as she shows an easygoing attitude as they'd be traveling for the next three days with them.

Even though Ken knew how to cook, Yue didn't being a former noble and all. Shia proposed to cook so that the rest could be on lookout. Riveria being the quiet and cold type watches the events with her crimson eyes.

Seeing that they're going overboard again, Ken releases his aura which calms them down immediately as they bow apologetically. These strong veteran adventurers know more than to get on Ken's bad side after what happened during the first day.

They don't talk about it to save face, but the strongest amongst them (a black rank) backed by his comrades wasn't having it when he found out that two demihumans were among the escorts and tried to assert dominance on Ken to take "his cute slaves" as he puts it.

The following events felt like a dream, when Ken Infront of everyone released his aura and gravity magic simultaneously making it appear like his mere presence broke the dudes legs and injured his internals.

"Presence of the king"

And they started calling him "The king" because supposedly Ken thought aloud before the guy was injured.

When everything went normal the merchant by the name More Nos, for the fourth time in three days frustrates Ken about the price of the treasure trove and either of his slaves. Ken thinking he's made everything clear stands up with his party and leaves without answering the merchant.


It's afternoon of the next day with Ken and Yue resting in the carriage as Shea and Riveria keep watch above the carriage. Shea peeks from above and addresses Ken.

"Ken~, can I switch with Yue now?"

"No. I can't allow Yue to watch in such a hot afternoon..."

"Not fair. You're not being fair"

"I thought you'd have gotten it by now, Yue shall always be first" Yue smiles widely at Ken and reciprocates with a smile and continues "Riveria isn't complaining or...do you have regrets now?"

"Never!. As if hm?... enemies?"

"What's wrong Shea?"

"There are about hundred monsters rushing out of the forests..."

"A hundred!!, how can there be so many... we have to retreat!" shouts Merchant Nos as he stops the carriage and tries to pull the reins but Ken halts him and assures they could handle it.

"Ken dearie, let me do it" (Shea)

"You can't possibly hold hundr..." (Ken)

"I want to go as well..." says Riveria with her usual expressionless face but with a strong light in her crimson eyes.

Ken notices and approves with an order.

"Shea, flank from the left while Riveria takes the left with me and Yue supporting from here"

"Okay~" (Shea)

"Nn..." (Riveria)

They respond in their own ways as they dash with vigor into the battlefield. The beginning of the battle goes well with explosions mainly caused by Shea and monster cries caused by Riveria.

The battle outfit consisting of a slim-fitting sleeveless blue leotard with sky blue trimmings around the shoulders and waist, a pair of thick metal plates on her midriff, along with a pair of thick white gloves on her hands with long cuffs which sported small triangular protrusions around their edges and an overall trenchcoat to cover her exposure fitted Shea so much that Ken and Yue nodding in approval everytime she battled with it.

Ken made it in the same way he made and imbued Yue's clothes except most of the materials came from the market.

{A/N: Riveria's battle outfit description is in the auxiliary chapters.}


Ken pulls out Jack as Yue releases Scarlet spear spell and provide support for the frontier. In a few minutes the battle was done and the carriages were ready to go but didn't move as the merchants and other escorts stood frozen in utter amazement.

Two nights later, the city of Fuhuren was in view and everyone released a relief sigh as their journey came to an end without any major emergencies. The merchants thanked Ken and his party without ever mentioning the cost of the demi humans for he can't control them even if Ken sold them.

With everything said and done, the group entered the city after a brief inspection and registered their mission completion at the guild. Ken deliberately brings the girls to lunch in one of the busiest part of the city to let events play out, which it does with Riveria injuring a black rank dude and he's soon brought Infront of the guild master of the Fuhuren branch after showing them Catherine's letter.