C 27- Reunion At The Inn

The inn that the expected reunion happened was the number one inn in Ur. Its name was "Water Fairy Inn". A long time ago, a pair of husband and wife fairies stayed in Uldeia Lake, and that was the origin of its name. Uldeia Lake was the lake boasted as the largest in the continent, and located on the outskirts of Ur town. Its size was about four times that of Lake Biwa in Japan.

The first floor of "Water Fairy Inn" was a restaurant. It served dishes that were also Ur's specialty products. The interior was calming, there were tables and bar counter that gave out a dignified atmosphere. Their ornaments were made with detail in mind, but did not stand out. Moreover, there was a modest chandelier on the ceiling, and flowers were arranged to add onto the calm atmosphere. It made one remembered the words "well-established", an inn where one could feel its history.

In a room larger than most sat the strongest party along with Aiko, her bodyguard students and her knight escorts. This is one of the few large VIP chambers in the inn and it was given to them by the owner, a splendidly mustachioed male of around 60 years of age called Foss Selo, because everyone in the inn was distracted by the "Goddess of Good Harvest" lecturing a handsome young man with three girls.

Aiko was more agitated than normal with Ken's casual response added to the sight of three beautiful girls which she attributed for his lack of contact when he survived. Ken seeing this decided to go with Hagime's anime and manga mannerism response from now which might prove effective.

"I'm sorry for my unsightly behavior but... I am glad, truly glad you're alive" (Aiko)

"I'm glad as well and it was nice hearing you lecture again, Aiko-sensei"

"Hmph... ... what happened to–"

"Excuse me..."

Foss Selo along with his workers brings in Ken and Co's order which brings a smile to his face, as for Aiko and the rest their dishes are already Infront of them as they were moved from their previous room.

The girls ordered what Ken wanted to eat as to get a taste of his countries dishes. The atmosphere would have been enjoyable if Aiko and the other students weren't showing uneasy expressions and the Knights being knights. Foss feeling the a cold air blowing bows silently before excusing himself, Ken digs in first and almost moans at the nostalgia of the dish which signals the girls to also start eating.

"How can the taste be soo similar... ... oh and Hagime also survived so..."

This brings relief and joy to Aiko's face but wry smile to the students as they figured he would hold a grudge against them for the 'friendly fire' that caused his fall. But at least he was alive giving them a calm mind to ask what's on their minds. Miyasaki Nana, one of the students who volunteered to be Aiko's bodyguards posed the question that was on most of their minds.

"So umm... where's Nagumo?. Wasn't he with you?" (Nana)

"He was but he left for some personal stuff "

"What's more personal than contact u–"

Aikawa Noboru, another bodyguard student tried to give his opinion on the matter but was cut off by Ken who gazed with cold eyes.

"Look we weren't friends before and I didn't come here to be friends or follow you on your "heroes journey", we came here to to do our job so keep your personal opinions to yourself especially if you manage to meet Hagime anywhere"

This shut them up immediately as silence prevailed but the tension kept rising until what looked like the knights leader they call Commander David got angry at Ken's appearance and blunts replies. And he couldn't endure the woman he fell for being ignored at the table. That's why he threw his fist onto the table and a loud sound rang out.

"Oi, you! That's not how you speak to the ' Apostles of god' in the presence of our goddess of the harvest even if you were one of them..."

"... ..."

Ken just looks at him for a second before ignoring him like a fly and continues eating as Yue and Shea give their comments on the dish.

"Ken, the food in this place is amazing" (Yue)

"I'm glad you like it but this place dish is great too. In my world there's a similar dish called curry" (Ken)

"Mmm... delicious " (Yue)

"Mmm, yum" (Riveria)

"Ken~ I also want some!" (Shea)

David's protest was completely ignored. However, David has great pride because, as a Temple Knight, he was entrusted as the commander of an important person's bodyguard, so he couldn't endure it and his face turned red. Following that, because Ken gave his attention to his girls than Aiko, he changed his target as he turned to look at Shia and Riveria.

"Hmm, to completely ignore a Temple knight, it seems you lack manners and it's more apparent with your company. To have dirty animals share the same table as humans, you are beyond saving. Won't you at least chop off those ugly ears? Then they'll will look more human like than this."

Shea and Riveria's bodies trembled when David completed his sentence with disdain in his eyes. They look at Ken as if asking whether he will do it or they should make him more dead than he is right now, because how dare he insult their ears when Ken loves them, even the kuudere Riveria notices the way he prevents himself from touching hers or outright devour her.

'I guess it's the same this time too but this gives me the chance to incapacitate them with a few benefits'

Ken thought as he pulls out Vahn from his coat and takes aim.

'Switch to third circle... Setting oscillation frequency... Activate!'

A magic circle appears in front of the Vahn and moves as if scanning the barrel and then...


The expected cocking of the gun or the loud and thunderous gunshot which in anticipation made the girls cover their ears didn't happen but there was noise.

"Ugh... arggghhh!!"

David's scream and actions was a clear indication of the pain he was going through which did not last before he fell and collapsed with the whites of his eyes showing. From the time the gun was drawn to the clicking sound took a second and in another second the knights reacted.

""Commander "

"What in the hell did you do to him..."

Knight Chase, a sort of a right hand man to David, reacted earlier than the others and asked what the strange object did to their commander within seconds.

On the other side, Aiko and the others were finally able to regain their senses when the knights shouted. Their gazes which were then directed toward David, were naturally drawn to the source of the clicking sound.

In that place was something Aiko and her students had knowledge of, but had never actually seen. It was something from the other world, something completely unknown to the Knights. There was the figure of Ken holding a "gun" while seated.

Although they didn't know the details, the Knights had guessed it was Ken's attack, so they simultaneously put their hands on their swords while letting out killing intent. However, what immediately followed, was by a violent killing intent incomparable to the Knights' which froze them before...


"Kenshiro-kun! what did you do?"

"it's fine, they just unconscious. They will be up in a day or two"

'It worked amazingly. By creating three consecutive Psion Waves of varying oscillation frequencies in one trigger to disrupt their brain waves, I've caused a traumatic injury which forced their brains to shut down which might cause headache, nausea and memory loss when they wake up, so we're safe since they can't report to the church now '

"I could guess why you're here sensei, with your class it's easy to know it's for the paddy fields here which will be a great help during the war but your eyes tells me something happened and I will love to help but am busy at the moment so... excuse me"

Unknowingly Ken and his party have finished their meal as they stood up and left to the second floor to rest for an early busy day tomorrow. And so the reunion at the town of Ur was as eventful as it could be.