C 34- Safest Hands.

Ken stands there for ten minutes looking at the now empty battlefield. The monstrous expansion of heat and radiation has now died down after it had accomplish it's duty leaving dust, intense heat and a new landform. Ken pulls down his hood and removes his Outlaw helmet with a satisfied smile after gently placing Dominator in it's case and into the ring.

'With the leftover heat and radiation, I can't see anything even with Elemental Sight but I'm sure that Demon spy who supervised Shimizu has been wiped out along with the monster army. The Material Burst spell worked as calculated but it can't be used in a standard battle–'

"Ken-san~ what was that!?" (Shia)

"...Ken. Was that the energy mass conversion spell you theorized?" (Yue)

"Yep, amazing right?"

"... It's powerful. When I helped engrave the magic circuit with your idea... ...I didn't expect it to be like this?"

"Mortal hands... this power shouldn't be–"

"T-THAT'S RIGHT!!! This kind of power shouldn't be possible!!. Y-you... ...even the Hero– urgh!"

Shimizu Yukitoshi, awoke when Material Burst was fired, but all he know is that Ken invoked Light of Apocalypse that shouldn't be. He like all the others watched the destruction in silence and jaw dropping awe and was only awoken from his inner conflict and thoughts when Ken's party broke the silence.

In a moment of confusion and anger he, without noticing the red collar on his neck as well as the inhibition of his abilities, called Ken out like he was a heretic but was karate chopped in the side of the neck. With Shimizu's status back to unconsciousness, Ken voiced his doubts.

"Mortal hands? I didn't take you for a believer, Riveria"

Hearing him Riveria smiles wryly and takes a second to decide whether to answer.

"... you may not know this but the elf race of Faea Belgaen are the leading believers in the Spirit of the Great Tree. My father being a family head mildly instilled that notion of a Supreme being in me"

"Well... thank goodness it's mildly. I won't downplay your beliefs or teachings you had when growing up but I want you to be open minded to certain notions as you travel and battle with us.

There are no Supreme beings, there's only superior wisdom and knowledge.

As you know, the path we've chosen will lead us to face "the gods", I hope you choose wisely "

"There's no Supreme being... ...then what do you believe in?" (Riveria)

"... ...My whole life is based on two primary beliefs.

One. There's always a sky above the sky meaning a hierarchy is a must and also there are no absolutes.

Two. What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun meaning life is monotonous and there are no impossibilities."

"This–" (Riveria)

" *clears throat* Mas-Kiyama-dono, after this battle end and thou sent Will back, art thou going to continue to travel?"

"Aa, that's so."

"Fumu, this one's request is that… this one want to accompany thou…"

"I already have an answer, Yue?."

"...Nn. She has broken my illusion-like expectations and respect of her through her grossy acts"

"… Haa haa. I-Immediate answer just as expected. How harsh... Of course it's not for free! I'll call Kiyama "Master" from now own, and dedicated all of this one to thee! Body and mind, all of them! How is it?"

"...Let's bury her along with the monsters'" said Yue with a noh mask-like expression.

"Mnnn~ haa haa, M-mercy. It's like this..."

Then Tio began to explain her thought process that reached extraordinary conception to declared herself as Ken's slave while excellently hiding her true thoughts.

"Even in the dragonman hometown, this one only have one, two fights, and this one's particular endurance surpassed them. That's why, to be held down by other and even to felt pain-like pain never happened until now and only until now.

That's why, when this one fought Master, it's the first time this one was knocked down, being held down, and tasted the pain and defeat for the first time. That's right, that palm which resonated with this body's core! The impacts that always aimed at unpleasant points! The pain that could felt throughout this one's body… haa haa.

This one had decided to only admit stronger man than this one as companion… but, there's no such person in the dragonman hometown… To be defeated, and to be held down like that… was the first time… to suddenly used this one's arse… Moreover, such intensity… that's why thou art this one's Master. This one want thou to take responsibility–"

"That's enough from you... she can join since she's strong" (Yue)

"Yue...?" a surprised Ken asked for a reply of what his possessive girlfriend just said. Yue knowing what he's thinking said.

"... ...I've now understood my role and duty"

"Understanding eh... ...well it's all good. Welcome to our party and here–"

Ken throws Tio a ring with a blue crystal on top. That's right, it's made with the Sacred crystal for an extra mana tank helpful during multiple situations. Tio starts babbling about it being wedding ring as she runs towards Ken promising him her everything but he just kicks her down into the trench below.


Ken and company hear a shout in the distance immediately they descend the bulwark with Shimizu in tow. In the direction of the watchtower, Aiko and her students could be seen running towards Ken's location.

"Oh Sensei, quest complete. The town is now safe–"

"That can wait!. That power... did you receive–" (Aiko)

'This again. We humans really fear the unknown'

"This "power" wasn't given and it didn't just happen, I created it with knowledge "

"You created this?... ...you should know this,

Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

That's reason sensei didn't want the students to actively fight or use the powers they received is because I am concerned if they would be able to return to their old lives when they returned to Japan. With powers like the Hero's, living among normal humans will give them a superiority complex. And killing is… , I don't want my students to become accustomed to that."

The students looked down as if they were scolded as they felt bad they got carried away by their power. At the same time, because Aiko was serious about bringing them back even now, and even thought about how they'd live afterwards. With newfound feelings, they could be seen smiling happily as if something tickled them.

"Calm down sensei. You're not seeing the whole picture with your fears that are clearly born of ignorance.

We may not be perfect, after all we're human but the safest hands are still are own"

What Ken said blew everyone away yet again. Even Tio and Riveria couldn't hold their facade when they heard what he said. Once again he's spoken with a wisdom that comes from interacting with and observing a myriad of people as well as the calmness not befitting most 18yr olds.

Aiko takes a deep breath to calm herself as she looks directly into Ken's eyes as if to ascertain something in his soul with her final question.

"To what end do you wield that power?"

"That's why I have a party. To keep myself bound... ...and also to be reminded, why I fight"

The staring contest goes on for few minutes until Ken breaks contact to tell her that Shimizu will be safe with them and that time's up, so she should take over.

"Time's up?... what do you mean–"

"All hail Aiko-sama! Our goddess of Victory "

Ken takes back the orb and raised words of praise for Aiko as her advent before leaving with his party. Then, in the next moment…

""""""All hail Aiko-sama! Long live Aiko-sama! Cheers for Aiko-sama! All hail Aiko-sama!"""""" """"""All hail goddess! Long live goddess! Cheers for goddess! All hail goddess!""""""

The people trapped in the illusionary world return to reality with a shout of victory and celebration. Apparently, all they saw was Ken declaring himself Aiko's first sword and that the monsters started to flee when Ken and his party killed alot in a hard battle. They were free when Ken gave a victory shout to the goddess responsible.

Inside Ul town, it was no longer just her nickname, a true goddess was bornt.