C 54- Amalgamation Of Ancient Magics.

In the deepest parts of the Frost Caverns of Schnee was a mansion with two floors, in the couch of this mansion sat Ken, Riveria, Shia, Tio, Shizuku, Koari and the heroes except Kouki who was still unconscious from being utterly defeated by Hagime.

This abode was large with a cool temperature relative to the extreme cold outside; even a liberator can't live in the extreme environment of the south without some gimmick. It was a simple mansion made with pure ice that felt like cool crystals, with multiple rooms that had a warm temperature for comfortable living.

The first to speak was Ken with worry oozing out with every word he spoke. Hagime and Yue collapsed in pain after they gained their last Ancient magic; and Restoration and healing magic didn't yield any positive results.

"We've all searched throughout this mansion of Schnee's Abode but we're helpless..."

"It's seems your guess was right Ken. I found information about Concept Magic in the study but from the power the book described, there might be more going on "

Knowing the cause but not the solution wasn't enough and Tio knew that but there wasn't much they could do than wait and trust their companions. Shizuku, Suzu Taniguchi, Jugo Nagayama, and Ryutarou Sakagami had nothing to say except comforting words to Koari.

A few moments later, Ken suddenly stood up and with supersonic speed entered the room Yue and Hagime laid; soon the rest followed. It seemed Ken sensed a rhythm change in Yue's breathing and rushed fast to be the first person she sees.

After few minutes of subtle movements, Yue and Hagime finally woke up to see their beloved waiting with deep worries. They then moved to the living room after they found nothing wrong with their bodies or mentality.

Naturally they were asked alot of questions inorder to gain insight of what they went through.

"Just what happened to Nagumo and Yue?"

"Yeah, Both of you raised a really pained voice and fainted, that was a really shocking matter."

Jugo Nagayama and Ryutarou Sakagami were the first to voice their thoughts as everyone awaited their explanation.

"To say it simply, our head or mind got overheated, something like that."

"Overheated, is it?"

Hagime's beginning explanation made Shia tilted her head.

"Yeah. At that time, the last Ancient Magic―'Metamorphosis Magic' –was engraved in our brain, after that, the three of us who acquired all seven were forcefully made to understand something further. The burden of that was too big, and it made I and Yue unable to maintain our consciousness."

"If so then why was Ken fine? Does it have something to do with him being the strongest?" Suzu asked and everyone's attention went to Ken, who with a wry smile tried to explain something he didn't know but could guess.

"I don't think it's strength that made me stay conscious... since it's a mind strain due to an overload then maybe it's that, I'm not bragging, I might have a higher cognitive function than most"

Ken's women started to agree and add on to his explanation to make it more convincing since they could deduce it had something to do with his reincarnation. After knowing this fact about him, alot of things that he did which defied the common sense of Tortus has been making starting to make sense and a reason.

Even though they were acting weird, the rest of the party decided not to mind it since it didn't matter as much. Shizuku who could guess that her sisters/rivals knew something deep about Ken, decided to confront him some other time and not be left out knowing more about her man.

With that out of the way, the trio who got all Eight Ancient Magics asked the rest on their insights on the Ancient Magics they've acquired before giving a brief talk on their understanding of these Magics to the rest who paid attention as this might fill in some blanks of their knowledge of it.

They started with Creation Magic, which grants the user control over any object, structure (be it physical or magical) or mineral, allowing the user to shape or transform them in anyway they wish. It is the only form of Magic which allows for the creation of an "Artifact"; in the sense that unlike other equipments or weapons that have magic circles, circuits or formations drawn on the surface or magic core to grant them abilities, An artifact's abilities are imbued into the materials themselves. The true power of this magic is the ability to 'interfere with any inorganic material'.

Gravity Magic gives the user control over gravity. The true power of this magic is the ability to 'interfere with the energy of a star', and not just gravity since gravity is what keeps stellar bodies burning and semi-stable. Theoretically, it could also interfere with things like earth veins or terrestrial heat, bedrock or magma.

Spatial Magic allows the user to manipulate the space around themselves, allowing them to either bend or expand the space near them or move themselves to another space or location. The true power of this magic is the ability to 'interfere with and create boundaries'.

Restoration Magic allows the user to restore the state of anything to either its previous or original condition. The true power of this magic is the ability to 'interfere with time', meaning it has the ability to manipulate the time of anything, anyplace or anyone to a point the user desires to.

Spirit Magic allows the user to manipulate the soul of a living being directly. It's possible to revive a living being back from the dead (time restriction applicable), or transfer the soul of a living being from one body to another, or even into a non-physical body as well, practically granting a living being immortality. The true power of this magic is the ability to 'interfere with the negative material possessed by living things'. To be more specific, this magic could also interfere with things like energy inside the body such as mana, heat, electricity, then thought, consciousness, and memory.

Evolution Magic allows the user to enhance or evolve all other forms of power, be it strong or weak. It can even work on other "Ancient Magic" as well, boosting their power and scope. The true power of this magic is the ability to 'interfere with the information of existing things'.

Metamorphosis Magic allows the user to remake the form of a normal living being and reform them into a different form. Normally its used to remake a normal organism and turn it into a monster, or even manipulate the magic stone of a monster and remake them. But the true power of this magic is the ability to 'interfere with any organic material'.

Concept Magic is a form of "Ancient Magic Arts" which is a combination of many other ancient magics, the main ability of concept magic is that it allows one to interfere (not control) with the worldly principles and impress concepts upon it. By raising up a powerful wish or desire with Spirit Magic and Evolution Magic, it can be raised to a level of a concept before being forcefully materialized with magical power.

As OP and broken as these Magics seemed to be, there were some glaring limitations to them.

Firstly, they were only conceptual. Meaning they operated on suppositional and abstract ideas rather than established principles or rules. Like when Time magic is to be used, it will be "the concept of time" and not "Time principles" were it will affect the world itself.

Next is the issue with affinities in response to Jobs. Someone like Yue who is a magic genius could use all the Ancient Magics except Creation Magic because of Job restrictions.

And lastly as powerful as Concept Magic can be, its equally demanding when comes to mana consumption and mental capacity.

While Ken and co were exchanging their understanding on the Ancient Magics, they sensed that Kouki Amanogawa has risen from his unconsciousness and they expected him.
