Third Supreme (2)

He licked his lips as they both smiled, the gentle clingy Lyle affecting his mood. One of the reasons why, despite the fact that this was their first meeting, Davy was secure and at ease with Lyle as if he had known him for a long time. Davy had always wondered how this game managed to make it so realistic and even interfere with the players' emotions. The way they took role-playing games to the next level.

Unknowingly, his smile faded and he fell into a trance for a brief moment. What if... He'd get to the point where he couldn't tell the difference between his true and instilled emotions. Was he going to lose himself forever in the virtual world? Davy was terrified and perplexed at the same time. He realized how much he enjoyed being here... how much he enjoyed being with them.

A soft and warm hand gently caressed his cheeks, drawing him out of his thoughts. As he looked for the owner's eyes, the blank glow covering his pupils vanished in an instant. His gaze was searching for an answer to a seemingly complex question. Davy blinked as their gazes met, the enchanting emerald eyes looking at him with concern. Lyle's eyes appear to be searching for something wrong in his expression.

Wanting to figure out what was wrong.

"What's the matter?" Lyle inquired his tone a little too soft, and his voice indicating anxiety. His two hands cupped Davy's delicate face. Their faces were barely separated, and a slight lean over would bring their lips together. Their hot breaths touched, and Davy couldn't think of anything else. His gaze lowered and focused on those red lips, his mind whispering something to him that he couldn't fully comprehend but could feel in his heart.

Lyle's lips opened, and he seemed to say something to him, but his state didn't bother to understand it. His heart skipped a beat and began to beat faster. Actually, Davy had a question that he had yet to confirm. He wanted to know how far this game had influenced him, and he was about to find out.

That was exactly what he did. Davy was the one who initiated the kiss for the first time.

He leaned over on his tiptoes, closed the distance between them, and pressed their lips together. Davy's eyes weren't completely closed yet, he could still see how Lyle became wide-eyed and froze as if processing what Davy just did. Davy then immersed himself in the kiss and closed his eyes as Lyle slowly closed his eyes and responded with his kiss.

Their lips passionately give each other warmth. Lyle took his hand away from his face and snaked it into his waist as he drew them closer together, chests pressing against each other. Lyle pulled him up and supported his waist with his arm, while his other hand slid down and gently caressed his neck. Lyle opened his mouth as if giving Davy permission to control their kiss. His hand was on Davy's waist, gently stroking him as if encouraging him, letting him know he was there.

Davy exclaimed, the warmth in his heart growing stronger by the minute. Davy began to take control of the kiss with Lyle's assistance. His tongue explored his mouth, tasting and savoring to his heart's content. Lyle let him in as he sensed the man nibbling at his lips and welcoming his intrusion. In that unknown silent room, the sounds of smacking lips produced a different kind of melody.

The kiss wasn't as dominating or deeply arousing of desire as Fallan's, or as aggressive with a hunger to devour as Draven's was. Lyle's kiss was passionate and filled with emotion. It produced a new sensation, similar to a lover's assurance of his feelings.

The three of them were distinct from one another, had different effects on him, and had distinct personalities that made them stand out on their own. However... Davy parted his lips, relinquishing control of the kiss. Hold Lyle tight with a gasp, tongue inviting for the other. Lyle didn't make him wait, his tongue entwined with his passionate sucking.

Davy's mind is a mess, he had a sudden realization right then... The three of them gave him a familiar feeling, and his mind and heart didn't have much resistance, as if this kind of feeling was reasonable. He didn't know how to react to this response because his mood was extremely complicated.

Fallan, Draven, and Lyle appeared to be real people. The more he interacted with them, the more he became concerned, and his mind refused to treat them as NPCs. If Davy didn't know it was all a game, he'd think they were real people.

As their kiss ended, he let out a gasp, his cheeks a little hotter. Lyle reached out and wiped his wet lips. Davy's hand clung to Lyle as if desperately seeking support to keep his sanity intact. Lyle seemed to sense it as well, embracing him tightly but gently, not with the same intensity as his earlier embrace. His hand gently stroked his back and golden hair, as if to soothe him.

Davy pursed his lips, closed his eyes, and buried his face in Lyle's chest. Allowing Lyle's natural warmth to infiltrate and calm his emotions.

What exactly was the purpose of this game? He was beginning to suspect that the reason he was trapped here was not a simple malfunction. He used to always complain about how advanced their technology was, but the servers always failed due to a lack of funds. However, this was just a way for him to escape the reality of his situation and minimize the gravity of being trapped in the virtual world.

He had to do it without thinking about the real world or the state of his real body. He had been in the virtual world for about four days; had anyone visited him? Was anyone aware of his absence from work? These were all the questions he had been ignoring for the past few days.

He didn't want his situation to worsen any further. His being trapped in the virtual world is the present, and wallowing in grief would only make his mental state unstable, decreasing his chances of escaping with each outburst. Fortunately, Fallan and Draven kept him busy enough that he didn't have time to think about anything else.

Then Lyle appeared. It all happened with the three of them, with the same familiar feeling as if he had known them for a long time and Davy not resisting the idea of being with them at all. It would be a coincidence to feel it once, but to have that same emotion with all three of them? This was already out of the ordinary. How much did the system influence him? Were his emotions gradually being influenced? Or would his memories be affected in the long run? If that happened... Would he still be Davy or the Davy shaped by the game's creator?

What was his role? What with this mission and realistic NPCs messing with his mind and emotions? Davy had a terrifying thought. What if he was the test subject, and cognitive consciousness was being experimented on during this time?

His hand gripped Lyle's clothes a little tighter at this thought, unconsciously searching for support. His mind is trapped between two paths: self-blame on one side and regret on the other. The irrational him, on the other hand, couldn't make him fully regret this ordeal because... He bit his lower lip, his reasoning conflicting. Now, he was becoming more confused than ever, what was real emotion and what was not? Was he truly at ease with them, or were these emotions induced by the program in this character?

"Whatever you're feeling right now, it's okay," a paused, soft tone woke Davy up. Lyle drew back slightly from the embrace, just enough for them to look into each other's eyes.

Davy's dimmed and perplexed eyes met his soft and concerned gaze, "But, dear, always remember that you will always be you; nothing else would matter," Lyle spoke in his soft smile and calming tone, his hand clinging to him.

He pressed his lips together, his eyes unblinking, and locked his gaze on Lyle. His pretty features, the enchanting emerald eyes... Davy had him all memorized.

"Why aren't you real?" he blurted out without thinking.

The moment the words were spoken, silence fell around them. Davy quickly closed his mouth after realizing what he had just said. He tried to avert his gaze, but he couldn't. His reflexes appeared to be frozen, and all he could do was stare into Lyle's eyes. He watched as Lyle displayed a very familiar emotion in his soft emerald eyes, an emotion he frequently observes in Fallan and Draven.

He couldn't figure it out at first, but he had an idea now. They always had that expression whenever Davy said something that didn't make sense for his character; he could be wrong as well, but that was the reason that made the most sense at this time.

"I..." Davy opened his mouth to relieve the tension but was cut off by a finger pressed to his lips. He narrowed his eyes, puzzled by Lyle's actions.

Lyle smiled, and the mysterious look vanished in an instant. "We could be if you want," he said softly, as if what he said meant nothing.

That was not the case with Davy. His mind went blank as he stared at Lyle. What exactly did he mean? In the end, Davy didn't utter some words to ask. As though his thoughts were veiled by an invisible barrier, he himself wasn't aware of.