
Dungeon Dive

ANNOUCEMENT! Dungeon dive event is starting now.

1 day ago...

The news anchor was speaking about a event happening tomorrow. It was a dungeon dive, and it was suppose to be a group event.

Back to present...

I got teleported to a place with all stone ground and so were millions or maybe it's even a billion people got teleported, since its the number one most anticipated game in the whole world.

After 30 minutes, people stopped coming.

Then a small creature flew and talked in a loud voice that can be heard all the way to the back. Let me remind you it was 1 mile long and 1 mile wide. but the people who were near the creature did not cover their ears because it was not loud, it even sounded normal. We don't know how it does it but he just does.

The creature said.

The event is now starting and you will have to find a group, of course you can go alone but we don't recommend it since its very dangerous. Now we will give you 10 minutes to group up!

When those words were said 10 people came up to and asked.

Will you be my teammate?

I just rejected them all but 5 guys were so persistent but gradually they became more aggressive.

but 3 people a 6'9 tall man with red hair, a man with jet black hair who seemed to be 6'3 and had a rifle on hand, and one man behind him who was around 7'1 with chocolate skin and a large shield bigger than any of us. Came to help me, when they saw the 3 guys they went away since they don't want to fight people way bigger than them.

Thanks a lot Judas, AudioX and, Kaido?

Kaido just rubbed the back of his head and chuckled lightly.

Yes, its me and Matt, you play this game?

Yeah, as you can see.

Anyways what is your name in the game?

Oh uh its Joyboy.

You really just put your real name in huh? Whatever here click accept

Accept / Reject

Ok now we are together, you guys want to team?

Yeah sure, all of them said.

Let's take a walk to see the power of other teams.

Huh why do we have to do that.

Judas, just believe in- PFFT! SOULKING? Ehem as I said let's just believe in SoulKing, he is a man with 250 iq.

Joyboy why do you know that?

He is my classmate, the top of our school anyways.

What is your school? Judas and AudioX asked.

Its Yalevard university.


Yep that's the one.

10 Minutes is up! said the creature and it snapped its fingers and we were teleported in different locations for each team.

First challenge is...

In Mount Olympus...

Zeus, the demons, they are only 30 galaxies far. They are going to arrive here in less that 3 years. Said the angel.

Call Odin and Lord Shiva this is not good they are too close and the players, they are not ready.

Odin, Lord Shiva there is a big problem. The demons they are 30 galaxies away, This is the one of the 3 planets left. We have to rush, let Miya know about this and activate the dungeon dive!