Chapter 8

I lay on the ground and watched the clouds pass by for some time. 

Hmm…I feel as if I'm being watched.

A small fox a little ways from me started getting a bit too curious about me. The small lump of fur crept closer and closer to me until inches from my face. For some untold reason, I decided to wait and see what it would do. The fox simply sniffed at me and lay beside me. 

My heart! It melts! So cute! 

Not wanting to wake the little fella, I decided to rest alongside the fox and wait for it to leave. 

-The next day-

When will it leave?! 

I've been waiting half a day for it to move, but it has only shifted positions and fallen back asleep. 

Okay! I'm only going to push it away just a tiny bit—enough for me to sneak away. 

I gently set my hand against its side and slowly pushed it away. Once I knew it would stay asleep, I slowly lifted myself off the floor and stood halfway. I snuck back and turned to leave. 

As if it had a sixth sense, the fox woke and joined me on my leave. 

I looked down at its oval head as it sat in front of me. Her green eyes stared into mine, and its ears shifted in my direction, alert. 

I sighed and walked in a random direction, and the little fox followed me. I shrugged and decided to ignore it, hoping it would get bored and leave. 

We walked through the forest briefly until we came upon a small clearing where the trees seemed to avoid, and the grass grew around the small river that flowed nearby. The sun shone brightly, but my makeshift hat protected me from the harsh rays.

I sat in the middle of the meadow and watched the fox sniff around. Above me, I heard the chirping sounds of a couple of love birds flirting as they chased each other. 

The chirping sounds caught the attention of the fox, and she simply stared with fascinated eyes. 

She looked back at me, and her tail wagged a bit. I simply smiled and tilted my head in confusion until I heard another chirping from a nearby tree. The fox looked in its direction and started walking towards it. 

The bird started getting anxious and flew above us. The fox jumped and pawed at the bird in the air. 

At first glance, it would seem as if the fox were the hunter and the bird the prey. But I could see that the fox was simply playing with the bird. 

I took the chance while the fox was distracted by the bird and snuck away. 

I sighed a breath of relief when I saw that the fox hadn't followed me. 

It wasn't that I didn't want the fox as company. It's actually quite the opposite. But I wasn't sure how to care for another creature and didn't want the little fox to be hurt by my inexperience. 

Of course, I knew it was a wild animal, but I did not once see it leave for food or whine with thirst. 

It was best for it to be set free.

Although it may be lonely, I have myself to keep myself company, and what's more important than self-love? Right? 


I continued my journey to wherever I would end up.