Chapter 44

Over the bridge and through the woods to Big Pebble Kingdom, we go.

We walked through the trees, which seemed to be getting taller by the minute. The scenery was becoming greener, and the flowers were blossoming, which was unusual because everything was dead just a few hours ago.

Putting the plants aside, "What happened to the birds?" I asked as I looked around for any movement.

The others looked around as if realizing just now how quiet it had become.

"Could it be that someone is following us?" Maven asked

"Perhaps. Stay on alert." Mansi instructed

We trudged on through the forest without any more incidents. The forest had gotten so thick that we contemplated leaving the horses because of how difficult it was to go through.

"I know there's a path here," Mansi said with a determined look.

"I'm telling you. There's nothing here." Karmon insisted.

Mansi didn't say anything and kept going forward.