A Future Untold

Had I known what the future held, would it have changed anything? Does knowing what I should have done and what I did make a difference if I already made my choice? 

When I heard the words fall from Merkikh's lips, "I want to spend forever with you as well." I nearly jumped for joy right then. 

*This is the moment.* I thought to myself *The one I've thought about for so long*

Then, I said them—lines I memorized and practiced in dreams. "I would give you the world if you could shed your light on mine. Would you make me the happiest person in the world and be mine?"

*This is it. If he says yes, this will be my happy ending.*

And when he nodded, I wanted nothing more than to close the fairytale book. But the look in his eyes crept into my mind, and doubts filled my mind.