*Make Me Forget


I held the empty book to my chest and sighed. "There's nothing we can do anymore. It's a lost story now." 

"I don't understand. How did the words just vanish?" Maven asked. "We were just reading it." 

I looked at Eden, who was equally confused, and Lacht, who had gone back to gazing at the floor. 

I shrugged and turned over to sleep. 

"Let's try to get some rest for now," Alastair said, "We still have a journey tomorrow." 

The room went silent as the day darkened, only somewhat lit by the silver moon shining through the windows. The next day, we woke to find that Eden and Lacht had quietly left before the sun had risen. 

As we prepared the horses to leave, I caught Alastair by his shirt. 

"Do you still have the dagger?" I asked. 

He shook his head, "It was gone when I woke this morning." 

I grimly nodded, and we headed back home. 

Leo took in our exhausted state and asked, "How was the journey?"