Another day in life.

I woke up to a long forgotten sound. The sound of the alarm clock. It caught me off guard, and I spent a long moment trying to understand what was going on. The feeling of the movement in my arms brought me back to the reality of the situation.

Ah, right, Olivia had school today as well. I heard a quiet yawn and opened my eyes to see a very sleepy-looking beauty futilely trying to blink the sleep away. The sight was equal parts funny and cute.

"Good morning," I said with a smile.

"Uuu… morning, honey," Olivia voiced, fighting back another yawn. "Ugh, I want to sleep more."

Reluctantly, she left my embrace and turned off the alarm. After a moment of staring at the time, she did some lazy stretches. Hm, she was pretty flexible overall, but maybe I should get her into a proper exercising habit as well? A matter for future consideration.

I also stood up, doing my own little warm up. My run and other routines can wait for now. I better give my attention to Olivia.

"Want me to make you breakfast?" I asked my mistress.

"Mmm?" Seems like she was out of it still. "Oh, yeah, if you don't mind, sure."

"What would you like? Albeit, the choice is still limited. Bread, milk, eggs, cheese. Or cereal," I listed the menu. "But I finally got my hands on the proper coffee beans!"

"Cereal it is, then." Olivia voiced her choice and went to take a shower. Fighting back an idea to join her, I went to the kitchen instead.

The morning was slow, but it felt really nice for no apparent reason.


I was currently on my run. Since there was no established route yet, I found myself in a familiar park again. It was quite empty and tree-filled scenery beat the urban concrete streets hands down.

Out of the side alley, right ahead of me, emerged a familiar figure. What I meant by that is that one glance at the shapely glutes of said figure was enough for me to recognize Claire. Ugh.

Changing my pace a bit, I caught up to the figure and fell into step with her. A surprised glance later, she smiled and nodded as a greeting. I nodded back, and we just kept running in silence.


Stretches and calisthenics. Contrast shower. Boring but important routine.


As I was slowly enjoying my coffee, Bella sent another selfie. I guess she wanted to establish the habit as well?

The angle this temptress chose for this picture showed that she was fully naked, lying on her stomach, propping herself on the elbow just enough to show off her impressive cleavage and kicking her feet in the air. Her smooth back, without a single blemish in sight, was fully visible all the way down, where she arched it just enough to show off her pear-shaped posterior. The last detail that caught my attention was a small black piece of lace that was hanging from one of her feet. Clearly an underwear, either what she was planning to wear today… or freshly taken off.

The familiar smirk was there on her pretty face. Damn tease. I sighed and took a response picture. The toast with my coffee cup and a bulge in my boxers.


Looks like lectures bored Claire once more, judging by the fact she messaged me again around the same time as yesterday. Today was her turn to entertain me, though, and she was currently complaining about Dalton being his usual dense motherfucker self. And it was grinding on my nerves for some strange reason.

After she finished her tirade, I wrote to her about Olivia's harem initiative and Bella's strange response. A bit complaining about Helen still ignoring my message as well. Eh, kind of petty move on my part to be honest, but she started it first, and she asked for updates on my soap opera.


Today, Olivia came more than an hour earlier. I guess the difference in schedule as well as her coming here straight without going home. Was that okay? Don't know and don't really care. I was happy to see her. And I wasn't about to start asking questions. If she wanted me to know, she would tell me.

After she freshened herself up and got changed into more comfortable clothes, I offered to go shopping. I still wanted a second blanket. As well as some other necessities that were currently lacking.

I felt a bit of dread after seeing Olivia's eyes lit up. But her smile was brilliant enough for this feeling to be worth it.


In the end, my apartment got a little less barren. TV, a few random paintings, a colorful carpet, two beanbags. As well as a bigger table and two new chairs for the kitchen. I don't even count various small doodads and a few personal items like a matching pair of cups.

I felt a bit exhausted mentally from all the choosing, but Olivia was clearly pleased, so all was good. For whatever reason, I really liked seeing her happy. Truly weird thing for me.


Feeling tired from all the shopping, we decided on ordering a take-out for our dinner. The Chinese food from that place she told me about on Saturday.

"Honey, um, it's about my request from way back, if you don't mind…" I still couldn't understand why this nine-out-of-ten girl had these moments of crippling insecurity. "Can you pick me up tomorrow after school?"

"Sure," I instantly agreed. "How much do you want to show off?"

"Eh? There are different levels?" Olivia sounded a bit surprised.

"Well, I can drop by in my usual 'lazy bum' getup if you don't care." I joked, and got a bit of amusement out of her paled face. "Or I can clean up to a degree of your choice."

"Um, what about going all out?" I heard a bit of curiosity in her tone.

"Hm, not sure if I can pull off the Three Families young master impression on such a short notice, but your average rich second generation is well within my abilities," I tilted my head. "Branded casual clothes, a show-off timepiece and a decently priced car."

"Huh, you have a car?" Olivia asked.

"Actually, no, but I know quite a few people who would gladly let me borrow theirs." I left unsaid that most of them would let me do so indefinitely, albeit asking for at least a night of my time in exchange. "Speaking of such people. I kind of forgot to tell you, but Bella asked me to introduce the two of you."

"Ugh. Do you think it's a good idea?" Judging by her tone, she was pretty unsure.

"Hm, personally, I trust Bella. She won't harm you, if that's what you are worried about." I shrugged. "And, well, if I ever would think about building a harem, for whatever reason, Bella is the one you really can't avoid."

Olivia fell into a deep thought, yet it took only a moment before she came to a decision.

"When?" her words were full of resolve.

"This Friday evening at her club," I told her.

She nodded, acknowledging the information.

"You know, no matter how your actual meeting will end up, I'm really looking forward to another night of dancing with you," I added with a smile.

She sighed and made a gesture for me to lean closer, and I obliged. This kiss tasted like coffee.