Importance of free will.

"You really wrote something like that first thing after regressing?" The husband of Kouzuki twins asked, not even trying to hold back the amusement in his tone.

I kept retelling one story from my first life after another. Sometimes going into details if Long Hào had something to ask. Grandfather was a great listener, and, I guess, a huge part of me really wanted to complain about everything to someone.

To someone who wasn't Bella, since a lot of my complaints were about various women in my life, and her in particular. Which led to the current situation, in which an old geezer was laughing his ass off.

I mean, the esteemed Family Head of the Long clan was having a moment of levity in front of me.

"I will tell grandma and grandmother that you bullied me." I used the secret, forbidden technique.

"Oi, you wouldn't dare, brat." My technique was very effective in stopping his laughter.

"Ha, there aren't many things I won't dare, old codger." There really weren't.

After a bit of discussion, we decided on this course of action. Kouzuki twins would be happier if we, at least outwardly, would get along, which was enough to convince the both of us.

I wondered if the degree of this sudden closeness would be suspicious from an outside perspective. Though both Long Hào and I came to this manner of speech naturally over the course of our conversation, I guess being polite all the time was much too exhausting for him as well.

"Yeah, yeah. So, you and Frank's granddaughter?" He didn't sound surprised at all.

"As if you didn't know already," I repeated my thoughts aloud.

"I actually did not." Grandfather shook his head. "I ordered my people to hide everything regarding a certain Roah father-son duo, but I rarely checked the details."

That explained a lot. No wonder, neither of the monochrome duo of Kouzuki ladies could find the sticking out tail of Leon Roah.

"Oh?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Miya asked me if I found anything about Chen every time I paid her a visit." A long and heavy sigh followed. "As to not lie to her, I just ignored the reports. Until, one day, I heard that my son is no more…"

The Family Head of the Long clan paused, focusing on the fireplace. Another heavy sigh followed.

"Imagine my surprise, when Frank Smith, my old friend, came to me and asked to find, and I quote, 'a weird rascal who beguiled my little princess'." He changed the topic back. "And then returned, asking to find information about 'that damned ruffian, Michael Roah, who deceived and defiled his precious granddaughter'."

For some reason, my… grandfather looked oddly proud while saying this.

"Well, things happened, and we ended up dating for a bit over a year. Then we broke up, or, well, I ghosted her for a bit over a year." It was my turn to sigh deeply. "And now, for the past two weeks, she ignores my messages."

I really didn't like the shit-eating grin that formed on his mug after he heard my words.

"For the two weeks you say…" Long Hào drawled, twirling his mustache.

As I was about to say what I was thinking about his mysterious behavior, someone knocked on the study's door.

Grandfather and I exchanged a look.

In theory, the family head and heir apparent are having a one-on-one talk in this room currently. Which meant that it was either an emergency or the Kouzuki twins finally had enough.

A moment later, the door opened, letting my grandma and grandmother inside. Both Kouzuki ladies had a worried expression on their faces.

"Tian are you alright? Did this old oaf do something to you?" One question from the Lady in Black followed another.

"Hào, if you did something to Shinji, I swear…" The words of the Lady in White, even if she was currently wearing a different color, had the sharpness I heard in my first life a few times.

Grandfather and I exchanged another look.

"I told you, brat. Those two won't let me live it down…" The husband of Kouzuki Twins could only sigh in defeat, poor soul.

"Good to know, grandfather." I nodded sagely, pouring more salt onto his proverbial wound.

Now it was the ladies' turn to exchange looks.

"You two were here for a few hours already. We were starting to get worried." Miya.

"So, what were the two of you talking about without even inviting us?" Maya.

"We had a lot to discuss." I tried to deflect the question.

"My grandson and I were discussing his plans for Frank's granddaughter." This damned geezer threw me under the bus.

Judging by how the eyes of both women lit up after hearing those words, I needed to cook an actual plan asap.

Long Hào smiled slyly. I sighed.


The personal chef of the Family Head of the Long Clan was excellent. What a not-so-surprising thing.

The four of us were having a late-lunch together. Or maybe it could be counted as an early dinner already? The talk between that damned geezer and me was actually that long.

The meal itself went by in relative silence, the elder trio had their own conversation, hardly requiring any input from my side.

And I used this opportunity to weigh the pros and cons of my next set of actions.

Grandpa Smith was adamant in leaving the ultimate choice to his precious granddaughter. Even if he wasn't happy about the choice being Michael Roah, the person who managed to somehow con his little princess…

Still, Helen has complained to me many times before. If she could take every guy whose family proposed the arranged marriage to the sole heiress of the illustrious Smith clan, the resulting line would be enough to circle around the whole city. Maybe a few times even.

I couldn't help but wonder: if heirs of the Kouzuki and Long clans would've made their interest in such a marriage known, how many people would be left?

Aside from various non-factor opportunists, of course. Like the aforementioned Michael Roah…

Well, in the end, the choice would be left to Helen… I just needed to make sure she would end up choosing one of the three: me, myself, or I…

"Tian?" I heard my grandmother calling my name.

Seems like my evil smile caught her attention.

"Simply thinking about the importance of free will." I felt my lips stretch a bit more. "And the importance of always stacking the deck in my favor."

Then I proceeded into a lengthy explanation of what, whom, and why. Judging by the newfound amusement hidden in Kouzuki twins' eyes, they found my idea entertaining enough.

As for Long Hào? He was laughing outright.