No comparison.

I looked at my flustered darling, who was glaring at me with a mix of passion and blame in her eyes. A moment later, she hid her face in my neck as she leaned most of her weight into my side, while I supported her by hugging her slim waist

We finally reached our destination and were currently walking toward the foyer leading toward the elevator designated for the penthouse apartment from the personal underground section designated for the owner of the said apartment.

It was one of those ultra-luxurious apartment buildings where every apartment had its own entrance, so the residents could go about their lives unbothered in any circumstances.

I slid the hand holding Helen's waist under her hoodie and felt her briefly shudder under my touch. Her quickened breath tickled my neck.

Hm, I guess I overdid it with my massage. A bit.

To be honest, the fact that I still had at least some resemblance of control over my actions was a miracle in itself. I guess the lifetime of exposure to Bella's antics paid off.

I slid my hand down from her waist and into her pants. Providence blessed me with her choice to wear baggy sweatpants instead of tight jeans, I suppose.

With another motion, mostly instinctive by this point in my life, my hand found its way into her panties. A sky-blue tanga, I noted absentmindedly. To no one's surprise, a wet feeling was reported back to my brain as my fingertips navigated their way to her entrance.

An even stronger shudder went through Helen's body as her whisper reached my ear:

"Darling. Inside. Please."

For an instant, I actually contemplated the true meaning of her words. Whether it was a plea to wait until we get into the apartment or a complaint about my fingers staying at a teasing distance.

With a truly gargantuan effort on my part, I managed to return my hand to its place on her hip.

Eternity passed by the time we finally reached the elevator. All those doors, key cards, and passwords can go to hell for all I care.

Once we got inside the cabin, I released the beauty in my arms, much to her dismay if that cute disgruntled noise she let out in protest was anything to go by.

Only to silence her with a deep and greedy kiss. Met with equal passion from Helen. Our make-out session went for a lot longer than the short ride of a high-speed elevator, but neither of us cared.

Some time later, I broke the kiss to ask something incredibly important.

"Where?" I asked, fighting back the urge to continue.

The answer I got was a questioning gaze, so I had to explain.

"Bedroom? Guestroom? Shower?" I paused for a moment, remembering a particular set of memories regarding Helen. "Kitchen?"

A light of understanding appeared in her eyes, and, for a moment, my darling got a contemplative look on her gorgeous face.

"How about right here?" Huh, this was unexpected.

Helen turned her back to me, leaning her back into my chest and hugging my neck with her arms. Considering that she was almost as tall as me—just a few centimeters—it made me bury my face in her hair. The baseball cap she wore had long since been discarded onto the floor, as it was in the way of a kiss.

Only now had I noticed why my darling had this outlandish, well, not by my standards, idea. The back wall of the elevator's cabin was a full-height mirror.

The mirror image showed a truly mesmerizing picture.

Helen curled her back, grinding her bum against my hips, while she held her arms up, hugging my neck. Which, in turn, made her hoodie ride up, showing her slim waist and flat stomach.

Without wasting much time, my hands moved on their own, helping her get rid of the hoodie and leaving her upper body completely bare.

My mind froze for an instant, trying to comprehend how this already ten-out-of-ten girl somehow managed to grow even more beautiful in the year since we met last.

I shook my head, breaking off the trance I had gotten into here, and cupped her breasts, marveling at how they were both not too small and not too large, immaculately working in that ideal balance of her perfect proportions.

I kissed her shoulder, gradually, bit by bit, getting closer to her neck, feeling how the most beautiful woman I ever met in my life reacted to every one of my actions. Both in front of my eyes and in that reflection.

A quick motion of my hands, and her pants fell to the floor. Another one and her panties joined them as well, leaving Helen completely bare before my eyes.

Yeah, this time my brain completely short-circuited.

Which my no-longer-ex-girlfriend noticed, judging by that smug smile of hers.

"Do I look better than that girl in the video call?" What a petty question.

"No comparison." I let my honest opinion be known.

Her smile grew a notch more smug.

Deciding to ignore her, I kissed her neck, getting a round of goosebumps, a shiver, and a pleased moan out of the beauty in my arms.

I caught her eyes in the mirror and ran my fingers across her body, noting down all those minor reactions of hers.

I felt a bit regretful that I forgot most of her weak spots in those twenty-six years, but, eh, I suppose, it would be twice as fun to rediscover them all, ain't it?

"My darling Helen," I whispered into her ear as my fingers kept dancing all over her pristine form.

Whether it was my words or my actions, she leaned even more into me. Which, in turn, only added more fuel to the flame of my lust.

"Helen, my darling," I called once again, getting the same reaction out of her. Did she really like it that much?

Sadly, I've all but reached my limit already. Well, there was a long day ahead for me to enjoy playing with my beautiful darling.

It was time for the main course.

"My darling," I repeated for the third time. "I underestimated how beautiful you had become since I had seen you."

A pleased hum, mixed with yet another moan, was the only answer I got in response to my words.

"I think I'm going to be a bit rough. You don't mind, right?" I used the last ounce of my willpower to ask this.

"Do as you wish, darling." And got the answer.

So I did.