Cultivating the steps of the Heavenly Roc.

A natural divine best usually had the inheritance of blood and memories. In the past few months, a strange memory had appeared in his mind, carrying some ancient divine arts and kind of rare footwork.

He was still unable to practice those divine powers, but that footwork had aroused his interest.

This footwork was called the Roc Chuan. It was known as the fastest speed between heaven and earth. After mastering it, one could go to the end of the sky with one step.

The kind of speed was incomparable.

Even though he was a natural born divine bird, the current Lu Xuan was still extremely weak. There were many powerful vicious beasts in the depths of the great wasteland.

Once he left the nest, he would become their prey.

A peerless footwork was a life saving skill.

" Well, is there a lot of similarities between this skill and the wind Chasing Steps?" After Lu Xuan began to practice the skill, he found this problem.

" In fact, the wind Chasing Steps were improved by imitating Tianpeng. Between heaven and earth, in terms of speed, no one can be compared with the Peng Clan.

Tianpeng is indeed the first method in the world."

Because he had practiced Wind Chasing Steps, it was much easier for him to practice Tianpeng. It took only half a month for Lu Xuan to master most of it. His speed was like that of a ghost, coming and going like lightning.

" It's time to leave the nest and catch prey!"

Lu Xuan glanced at the Demon Snake with only a skeleton left and looked up into the distance. It was hazy and there were only many towering mountains with blurry outline. Occasionally, he could see giant beasts and vicious birds that were even bigger than mountains flying across the sky.

It was a primitive would full of unknown and dangers. He was going to explore it alone!

Perhaps it was the aura of this

giant nest that made many vicious beasts fell restraining fear, not daring to approach it.

However, once he left the nest, it meant that he lost all protection.

The powerful creatures outside no longer felt any restraining fear. If they encountered him, they could tear him into pieces at any any time and use him as food.

During these four months, he had been staying in the giant nest. He had eaten all of the demon snakes corpse and spirit fruit. At the same time, he had finally broken through to the ninth level of the treasured body.

This kind of strengt could be considered a super expert in Hidden Dragon City. but it was far from enough to be seen in the dangerous Great Wastelands Secret Realm.

Now that he had Tianpeng, the fastest person in the world , he could at least save his life.

On this day. he really couldn't resist the heart wrenching hunger in his stomach. He planned to leave the nest of the first time and catch his prey by himself.

The giant nest was not only extremely large, it was also built on the crown of an extremely tall Divine Ginseng Tree, it was several thousand zhang above the ground.

In recent days, Lu Xuan had been bitterly cultivating the steps of the Heavenly Roc. He had only been in the nest and had never really left it.

At this moment, he planned to formally leave the nest and eat for the first time, patting his feathered wings gently, he was both nervous and afraid.

When he was still human, he was very envious of those cultivators who rose and fell in the sky

Unfortunately, due to his aptitude, he was destined to not go far on the road of cultivation. He could not become a real cultivator, let alone ride on a sword to fry in the air.

The wish of traveling all over the three mountains and five peaks in a short period of time was destined to be a regret that could not be realised.

However, now that he turned into a peng, this wish could be released in an instant. Hoe could he not be excited, feeling as if he was dreaming?

At the same time. he was extremely nervous. He was still young and forced by hunger to hunt for food. Even though he had cultivated for a period of time, he was still a little timid when he was really about to take off.

This nest was built tens of thousands of feet above the ground. If he was not careful, he might be smashed into pieces.

" Forget it. At most, I will die. If I'm afraid of nothing, i will starve to death sooner or later if I stay here. I, Lu Xuan, have also died once. I'm not afraid of death again. Besides, on the part of cultivation, my will is very important. I can't even overcome this psychological barrier. I might as well not cultivate anymore.

Thinking of this, Lu Xuan became bold. He took a deep breath, flapped hid wings hard, and gradually glided with the help of the wind.

He didn't dare to rush out of the nest directly from beginning. He first circled a few times above the huge nest, and then flew out cautiously.

As soon as he left the nest. he was in a high altitude of tens of thousands of feet looking down, even some huge beast looked like ants. Moreover, the clouds were covered. If he had not been a natural divine bird with amazing eyesight, he would not have been able to see clearly in the thick clouds.

"I'm really flying!"

Lu Xuan finally realised his dream of flying through the air. He was so excited that he almost cried.

Moreover, he relied on his own strength. Unlike many practitioners with insufficient cultivation, he had to rely on his flying sword to fry through the air.

However, looking down from such a high altitude, he was a little afraid of heights. Hid heart was trembling, his wings slightly weak, and his body fell down.

" Not good!"

Lu Xuan hurriedly withdrew his mind and flapped hid wings hard to stablize his body. Then he looked into the distance and rushed out of the immortal light shield of the nest.

High in the sky tens of thousands of metres above, the strong wind was extremely strong. As soon as he got out of the protection range of the immortal light, the strong wind blew in his face, making him fall to the ground. Facing such a strong and terrible wind, he couldn't even breathe, let alone fly.

In the strong wind, the tender wings seemed to be more feeble. Unable to control them, his body swayed and fell, which scared him out of his wits. If he fell from such a high place, even if he was a natural born divine bird, he would be smashed into pieces.

After all, he was still in the young bird stage, so his physical body was not strong.

"Phew, it's so dangerous!"

Fortunately, after falling down from the Astral Wind, he patted his wings in time in the low altitude, held his body firmly, and stopped falling.

Without the influence of the Astral Wind, he flew very smoothly in the low altitude, like a fish in water.

When he first tasted the wonders of flying, he was so exited that he completely forgot about food. He screamed, sometimes rushing up, sometimes swooping down, sometimes circling, and sometimes falling straight down. He was very satisfied.

His feathers were not full yet, and his wings were weak. He couldn't fly for long. When he was tired, he landed on an ancient pine branch that was more than 100 feet long, cleaning up the slightly messy feathers.

At this time, the sense of hunger that had just disappeared rushed up to him. He just thought that this trip was for food.

" How can there be prey that are easy to kill? Lu Xuan stood on the top of the tree and looked around, looking for his target.

Suddenly, a fierce beasts roar came from the distance. He looked up and saw a huge lake in the distance. The trees on the shore were blown up, dust was rolling, and two giant beasts were fighting fiercely.

" Oh no, hurry up and hide. Those two fierce beasts are super giant demons in the Divine Sense Realm.

Their magic power is extremely terrible. Even a little bit of remnant power from the fight can destroy you." Seeing this, the ancient demonic soul shouted anxiously and asked Lu Xuan to find a place to hide quickly.

" Divine Arts Realm?" Lu Xuan was shocked. It was hard to find to find even a few Divine Arts Realm experts in the entire Fresh Breeze Empire. Lu Xuan had never seen such experts in his entire life. With a wave of his hand, this kind of expert could turn Hidden Dragon City into dust.

As soon as he left the nest, he encountered a fierce fight between such powerful people. He said excitedly, "its not easy to encounter such a battle. Won't it be a pity if I miss it? Don't worry, senior. I'll watch from a distance. Besides, with Tianpeng, I will leave immediately if something goes wrong. "

The Ancient Demonic Soul said angrily, " Kid, you are so curious. Sooner or later, you will lose your life." .